
Yes, villagers come and go. You can either let them leave or make them stay depending on what you want. Another villager can replace them once they leave. You can either hunt for a new one by going to mystery tours to invite the villagers you encounter there, or leave the empty plot be to be filled by a random villager that the game picks for you via RNG.
When a villager asks to leave or mentions wanting to leave, you can tell him or her you object and make them stay if you'd like to keep them around. Usually, they are pleased and flattered that you don't want them to leave.
Ok ty so much, I think I must have selected the wrong option then, although I’m excited to see the next villager is
I absolutely love getting new villagers, so I don't ask them to stay, except for two times. The first time was when Lobo asked, and it was only because he was still so new. He was the second to last move in at the time, and I absolutely had to have a wolf, so I said no. The second time was purely by accident. Nan was asking about leaving and I accidentally said she should stay, so she did. Oddly enough, when Celia was in the campsite a few weeks later and I got her to come to the island, Nan was the second one who she was going to replace and I figured that was fine, as both are Normal villagers. Figured I'd let her replace a Normal since I already had two. First she was going to take Ankha's place, and she was still newer and I didn't really want to have three Normal villagers all at once.
Does Tasha ever come to stay, I played the games and lost most of the time lol

If you keep going with a camper, they eventually move in without the game or you'll win. If you don't have a house ready to move in, they offer to kick a random villager out to take their place. If they say someone you want to keep, you can just close and reopen the game. It'll have everything saved you did before entering the tent and you can try again until they offer to kick someone you're willing to let go.