Ever got called into the principals office? Why?


Aug 16, 2018
Silver Mailbox
I’ll start.

It wasn’t anything bad but I was in third grade. A kid sat behind me in PE and pulled on my braids. My natural response? Turn around and bite his arm as hard as I possibly could. Did i draw blood? Maybe. Did he stop? Yes. I also called him the worst thing I could think of: a stupid loser with no friends whom everyone secretly hates
Yeah..I’ve gotten better at coming up with things since then.

Parents never found out though, hehe. Now y’all know my secret.
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I'll be the first to comment.

In 5th grade during PE, me and my class were jump roping, and this really annoying kid who seemed to always try to get on my nerves came up, and called me a fat cow (or something like that).
I did the first response that came to me and threw my jump rope at him, which didn't even leave a bruise, since it landed at around his feet (i'm not a good thrower) but then he started "crying" and reported to the gym teacher, and I got sent to the principals office, with my mom yelling at me over the phone for being a bad kid.

Hes still in my school to this day, and never forgave me for being such a bad thrower.
@Cool Dude

Haha, that's really funny! I have a few tales of false crying as well.

How is it that he never forgave your bad throwing, when that is what saved him from getting hurt?
Well I think if I did hit him, he would get a bruise or something, and I would get into deeper trouble...
Well I don't know, he just acts rude around me.
- Had my phone in my bag, it was off but it was still making some little beeping noise. I didn't even realize it was coming from me till the teacher told me to go outside.
- Had to pick my IPod up after some teacher nabbed it while I was eating lunch, yet, I'd have it out everyday before and after that and was totally fine in front of every other teacher.
- My school had uniforms and my undershirt (a white shirt with writing) could be seen under my polo, as the uniforms are very cheap.
- Repeatedly called to the office/pulled out of class by the principal, trying to convince me that I was "skipping class", but in reality, my homeroom teacher just kept missing me in attendance.

Glad I'm out of there, yuck.
@Cool Dude
Well, I guess you're right. Getting into deeper trouble and barely doing any damage would've been irritating, so I guess things worked out (sort of?) for the best.

YIKES at those. I'm glad you're out of that mess too. I had a sub once in elementary who was strict with tucking in our shirts. We thought she was a joke. In 11th grade Spanish class with a strict teacher, a classmate's phone buzzed (it was in vibrate mode) in the middle of the class and the entire class all suddenly caught a case of coughs and bad sneezes. Sometimes people aren't so bad.
(Not me, but my sisters.)
((She can be quite the troublemaker...))
(((Or she could be making some of these up)))

-Having just lost her phone, found it in the lost and found, and one of the teachers tried to convince her it wasn't hers.
-Accidentally kicked a kid while doing jumping jacks (I don't even...)
-Phone ring LOUDLY during science class, and kept ringing (unknown caller)
For a few things like going out to town during school hours and being "caught" by a policeman who didn't realise that last year students are allowed out when we don't have class (I.e. lunch time), throwing a shoe at the most annoying person at our primary school who would stalk me and my friends and be annoying and for fainting after getting a vaccine (I went to her office to wait for my mum to collect me from school)

Yeah that's about all I can recollect ^-^
A story of a bullied kid snapping and having a frenzy and almost beat the bully to death. It was scary yet liberating.
It seems a lot of our trouble comes from the same time period in our lives. That’s interesting

@Dormire is that me? I wouldn’t say I was bullied, he was just being annoying and I wasn’t in the mood, haha. But I do love your dramatic twist on it. What about you? Have anything to share with the class?
when i was in 7th grade this girl confronted me wanting to fight (i had her in my biology class and i had a crush on her ~boyfriend~ but i'd never spoken to her before... or her boyfriend)
i said no so she ended up getting into a fight with my friend instead and our whole group got pulled into the principal's office
Oh damn I have once before with my friends, I'm one who never gets told off too. But, there was thus guy we were friends with and we were all messing about on our way outside, we were pulling on his bag, then he fell over and we started laughing, then the headteacher was on her way outside and saw us laughing and sent us to her office, one of our other friends was laughing but didn't get told and the dude who fell over was laughing too! She told us to say sorry and that, but we didn't really do anything wrong lmao
Nah, I was such a goody-good during my schooling life. I never bunked or skipped class or broke any rules. I did have a nasty temper as a child so it's kinda surprising I didn't get into trouble haha. I got pulled into the principals office when one girl was causing a lot of trouble, like she was stealing peoples stuff, bullying them physically and verbally, and since I was a victim of her troubles I had to recount my story, but that's about it.

If any of you guys here still in school have never been in trouble, skip class or something, just do it. Be rebelleous, I kinda regret not doing anything like that in school :p
Hehehe, I'm glad I did not get into any trouble at all in high school years. Consequences are really harsh if you compare them to earlier school grades. But back in elementary though.... I was a very naughty child, especially in first grade. One day during lunch, I went berserk for no apparent reason. Then these two lunch supervisors caught me and told me to go to the office. I refused and one of them tried to pick me up to the office, it didn't last long. XD Eventually, I did go to the office and the principal had a few words with me. At one point, I escaped the office but the principal called out to me to return to the office and I did. She then locked the office door and began to teach me a lesson while being imprisoned in office. I tried leaving again by kicking the door many MANY times but to no avail. I gave up a few minutes later and apparently, I said "shut up" straight to my principal's face. Fast forward an hour later and I was picked up by my parents. Surprisingly, they did not get mad at me at all after all of what I did. In fact, my dad loved the part of what I straight up said to my principal. Of course, that was meant to be as a joke and not some sort of encouragement of spouting foul language towards others.

But hey, we all live and learn as well as learning from our mistakes. We were little children back then so we didn't really know what was good or bad. :)
Yeah a few years ago. I was returning back to the class but I saw my bff on the opposite side of the hallway. I started running cause I wanted to be earlier in my class than him, so did he. Unfortunately my principal saw us (idk how) and took us to his office. He gave us a warning and a detention of course.
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Yeah a few years ago. I was returning back to the class but I saw my bff on the opposite side of the hallway. I started running cause I wanted to be early in my class so did he. Unfortunately my principal saw us (idk how) and took us to his office. He gave us a warning and a detention of course.

That's hecka strict damnn
@MayorofMagix wow :eek: It's good that you didn't get in trouble though. It's fun having tales of troublemaking but it's also good to no be in trouble, haha.

@Shellzilla Oof, what kind of "lesson?" I could only imagine: a smol Shellz locked in a dim room that smells of old documents. The principal pacing around the room, nose high, lecturing poor Shellz who looked at the ground but had fists tightly clenched.
All the time in elementary school I would get called to the principal’s office. I was a real hothead and ended up attacking students and teachers at times because I thought things were too difficult. My parents and I didn’t know I was born with Aspergers (Mild Autism) though until I was 10 when I was diagnosed with it, so I didn’t know how to control it at the time. I was the epitome of the MHA episode “RAGE, YOU DAMN NERD!” xD

In public middle school, private high school, and now university though, none of the ones I went to really call you to the principal’s office or care that much. Only if you’re doing something explicitly wrong like smoking, passing out drugs, or bringing a weapon to school.
Yeah, I oncehad a teacher that was very strict about talking while she's what I call 'unessessary talking for hours', but she likes to call it 'teaching'. So the person right next to me coughed, but she thought I was wispering something. And POOF! I was in the principals office.