ever lost a game with so much data on it?


Nobody Patches Me.
Apr 28, 2016
Red Rose
White Rose
Yellow Rose
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Silver Mailbox
Tasty Cake
i lost my pokemon alpha sapphire with 250 battle ready shinys on it and ive been looking for it for a year :[ i could have made so much tbt... anyone else have something close to this happen to them?
I was playing through Pokemon Emerald and I was just before fighting the Champion, and then my brother deleted all of my save data just so he could play for a few hours. I then had to start all over from scratch. I had already caught two shiny Pokemon from random encounters, too.
I recently found my PS2 memory card that had a 6000 hour save file for Final Fantasy X on it xD
A few years ago, my niece was having a birthday party. They invited family from both sides. I brought my DS and a small case of games with me because I usually just hide out in my other cousins bedroom and only come out for food. When it was time to eat, I left my stuff in my cousins room, basically putting my DS and the case of games in my purse and closed the door. Half an hour later, I came back into the room and reached into my purse to grab my DS...but it wasn't there, nor was my case of games. I leave the room and I look around seeing if maybe I bought it with me to get food but I couldn't see it anywhere. I basically wandered from room to room looking for it. And I saw this kid probably the same age as my niece trying to stick a bright green DS into someone's purse. I walk over to the kid and I'm like "Dude that's mine what the **** do you think you're doing?" The kid's mom claims its her son's. I go "Really? Open it up, if it is 'Animal Crossing Wild World' I'm pretty sure it's my game, which means it's my DS that someone took from my purse as well as my case of games." The mom attempts to open the DS but the kid freaks out and grabs it from her hands and takes off crying and saying "It's mine I found it!" The mom pulled the "Oh he's just a kid, you should just give it to him!" I respond with "Let's see that is a limited edition DS, the case has 16 games it and each game is roughly 40 dollars so, if you want me to give it to your kid you're paying me for it. I want 790 dollars right now." And held out my hand. The lady started yelling at me in Spanish and people are staring and whispering and I just keep staring at her with my hand out. When I wouldn't budge or cave in, she corralled her brat, grabbed my DS back and dug in her purse for my case and basically tossed it at me. I stood there to make sure all my games were in still in the case and my DS was still working. Unfortunately, the kid decided to yank out Animal Crossing Wild World out, and my save got corrupted.

At every birthday party for my niece, the woman would give me the stink eye and whisper to who ever shes with about me. And her kid is still a self entitled brat to this day.
A few years ago, my niece was having a birthday party. They invited family from both sides. I brought my DS and a small case of games with me because I usually just hide out in my other cousins bedroom and only come out for food. When it was time to eat, I left my stuff in my cousins room, basically putting my DS and the case of games in my purse and closed the door. Half an hour later, I came back into the room and reached into my purse to grab my DS...but it wasn't there, nor was my case of games. I leave the room and I look around seeing if maybe I bought it with me to get food but I couldn't see it anywhere. I basically wandered from room to room looking for it. And I saw this kid probably the same age as my niece trying to stick a bright green DS into someone's purse. I walk over to the kid and I'm like "Dude that's mine what the **** do you think you're doing?" The kid's mom claims its her son's. I go "Really? Open it up, if it is 'Animal Crossing Wild World' I'm pretty sure it's my game, which means it's my DS that someone took from my purse as well as my case of games." The mom attempts to open the DS but the kid freaks out and grabs it from her hands and takes off crying and saying "It's mine I found it!" The mom pulled the "Oh he's just a kid, you should just give it to him!" I respond with "Let's see that is a limited edition DS, the case has 16 games it and each game is roughly 40 dollars so, if you want me to give it to your kid you're paying me for it. I want 790 dollars right now." And held out my hand. The lady started yelling at me in Spanish and people are staring and whispering and I just keep staring at her with my hand out. When I wouldn't budge or cave in, she corralled her brat, grabbed my DS back and dug in her purse for my case and basically tossed it at me. I stood there to make sure all my games were in still in the case and my DS was still working. Unfortunately, the kid decided to yank out Animal Crossing Wild World out, and my save got corrupted.

At every birthday party for my niece, the woman would give me the stink eye and whisper to who ever shes with about me. And her kid is still a self entitled brat to this day.

wow. thats the wierdest story i have ever heard.
Lost my heart gold version for at least 4 years and it had my original team and like 6 of my favorite shinies I obtained legitimately. Finally found it though <3
I lost my pokemon x with my starter pokemon that was all they way in ruby. He was my first pokemon too....

RIP MY FIRE CHICKEN AND ALL MY OTHER RUBY POKEMON. (andthetototesnothackedonesfromblackcough)
My sister restarted my Pokemon Diamond file when I was in the endgame and so close to getting an Eevee from that one girl who gives out Eevees. [in_the_end.mp3]

I forgot to transfer my Diancie to my Alpha Sapphire game before restarting Pokemon X. RIP Diancie.
The only game data I ever lost was my Chao Garden data on SA2, but it wasn't a big deal lmao.
That save was horrible anyway.
A few years ago, my niece was having a birthday party. They invited family from both sides. I brought my DS and a small case of games with me because I usually just hide out in my other cousins bedroom and only come out for food. When it was time to eat, I left my stuff in my cousins room, basically putting my DS and the case of games in my purse and closed the door. Half an hour later, I came back into the room and reached into my purse to grab my DS...but it wasn't there, nor was my case of games. I leave the room and I look around seeing if maybe I bought it with me to get food but I couldn't see it anywhere. I basically wandered from room to room looking for it. And I saw this kid probably the same age as my niece trying to stick a bright green DS into someone's purse. I walk over to the kid and I'm like "Dude that's mine what the **** do you think you're doing?" The kid's mom claims its her son's. I go "Really? Open it up, if it is 'Animal Crossing Wild World' I'm pretty sure it's my game, which means it's my DS that someone took from my purse as well as my case of games." The mom attempts to open the DS but the kid freaks out and grabs it from her hands and takes off crying and saying "It's mine I found it!" The mom pulled the "Oh he's just a kid, you should just give it to him!" I respond with "Let's see that is a limited edition DS, the case has 16 games it and each game is roughly 40 dollars so, if you want me to give it to your kid you're paying me for it. I want 790 dollars right now." And held out my hand. The lady started yelling at me in Spanish and people are staring and whispering and I just keep staring at her with my hand out. When I wouldn't budge or cave in, she corralled her brat, grabbed my DS back and dug in her purse for my case and basically tossed it at me. I stood there to make sure all my games were in still in the case and my DS was still working. Unfortunately, the kid decided to yank out Animal Crossing Wild World out, and my save got corrupted.

At every birthday party for my niece, the woman would give me the stink eye and whisper to who ever shes with about me. And her kid is still a self entitled brat to this day.

**** i'm already angry just reading this
why can't parents pay a little more attention to their little brats and stop being manipulative *****es
Years ago I had AC: Wild World and it was the only thing I ever played, I loved it so much! I had completed the museum, gotten a bunch of villagers I liked and my house was huge and fancily decorated. But of course, all good things must come to an end, and that fateful day was when my bratty cousins came over to visit, I would be fine with this as my sister could entertain them, but they saw my DS and of course, they wanted to play on it. My parents threatened to take it off me if I didn't let them have a go on so I had no choice. My cousins were toddlers, so they couldn't even read and they were going on my game. When those agonising minutes (they spent a full hour on the thing but I wasn't allowed to watch them as I was being "rude") were over I finally got my DS back, only to find they had somehow hit the option to delete my town and must have just kept hitting the d pad and a. I was absolutely devastated but my parents instead sent me to my room for being dramatic, meanwhile my cousins were then allowed my DS for the rest of the day while I was sent away in disgrace. *Shudders* Bad memories...
Oh, I have a LOT of games that I've lost.

First was a few WiiU games: Splatoon Mario Kart 8, Mari Party 10, AC City Folk, Pokken Tournament (we got that one on the day it came out), and a couple other games I can't remember. Thankfully my mom bought me Splatoon again from the E-Shop as a late birthday gift, and the only game we had left before that was Xenoblade. Then I lost the cartridge to my LOZ:OOT game for my 3DS, but I think it's it's in the same category as the other ones.

Basically, awhile ago my 'friend' decided to take all our games without us knowing so she could buy drugs. When we found out it was too late, and we can't even get the games back because my mom says that the store might think we'd be lying about losing the games. Plus we're poor again, all thanks to my 'friend' stealing ALL my money which we used to pay off bills and such. Then she tried to steal my mom's jewelry, but we caught her and found the jewelry in her bag which she hid in my room. Not to mention she hid drugs in our house as well, and I got a restraining order out on her because she tried to get into our house multiple times. This all happened during summer, and now my 'friend' is in jail because other people have a case against her as well....I'd say she royally fudged up when she decided to steal from me.

Still glad she never touched my 3DS or my games, but that's because I had those things with me all the time. Now the only time I don't have all my 3DS stuff with me is when I take a shower...I always say I can't be too careful, plus I'm a very paranoid kind of person with that kind of stuff. And my mom and bro still have their games too, and I'm glad I let my bro hold onto my Alice Madness Returns game or that would be gone too.

Then there was one incident when I was a kid. I had Emerald, and it was completely my game so my brother was told to never touch it without my permission. But one day. my brother decided to just trade the game to one of his friends for some stupid thing that I can't even remember what it was anymore. I remember that day...I was so angry, I started flying punches at him and he threw a dinosaur toy at me which sliced open my right elbow. Still have the scar to prove it, but it's really faded away now. I never let him live it down to this day, even after he forgot he did that. Guess this is why I get the Pokemon game he always wants, while he instead gets the other version. kekeke~

Oh, and then there was the time that I had Wild World...that game ended up falling down a heating duct in one of our old houses, and I was so upset over it that I even tried to stick my hand in the thing to hopefully pull the game out. But it was winter, and my mom stopped me before I did that because I would've basically cooked my arm.

- - - Post Merge - - -

A few years ago, my niece was having a birthday party. They invited family from both sides. I brought my DS and a small case of games with me because I usually just hide out in my other cousins bedroom and only come out for food. When it was time to eat, I left my stuff in my cousins room, basically putting my DS and the case of games in my purse and closed the door. Half an hour later, I came back into the room and reached into my purse to grab my DS...but it wasn't there, nor was my case of games. I leave the room and I look around seeing if maybe I bought it with me to get food but I couldn't see it anywhere. I basically wandered from room to room looking for it. And I saw this kid probably the same age as my niece trying to stick a bright green DS into someone's purse. I walk over to the kid and I'm like "Dude that's mine what the **** do you think you're doing?" The kid's mom claims its her son's. I go "Really? Open it up, if it is 'Animal Crossing Wild World' I'm pretty sure it's my game, which means it's my DS that someone took from my purse as well as my case of games." The mom attempts to open the DS but the kid freaks out and grabs it from her hands and takes off crying and saying "It's mine I found it!" The mom pulled the "Oh he's just a kid, you should just give it to him!" I respond with "Let's see that is a limited edition DS, the case has 16 games it and each game is roughly 40 dollars so, if you want me to give it to your kid you're paying me for it. I want 790 dollars right now." And held out my hand. The lady started yelling at me in Spanish and people are staring and whispering and I just keep staring at her with my hand out. When I wouldn't budge or cave in, she corralled her brat, grabbed my DS back and dug in her purse for my case and basically tossed it at me. I stood there to make sure all my games were in still in the case and my DS was still working. Unfortunately, the kid decided to yank out Animal Crossing Wild World out, and my save got corrupted.

At every birthday party for my niece, the woman would give me the stink eye and whisper to who ever shes with about me. And her kid is still a self entitled brat to this day.

I would've done the same. That lady needs to get off her high horse and treating her son like a special snowflake, it's actually quite sad that they have to grow up that way. And good on you for getting your stuff back~!
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One battle away from beating Kingdom Hearts 3D :( I cannot for the life of me find it! I'm 99% sure I lost it at my old school, which is now abandoned (and has been for three years.) I haven't gotten around to buying it again haha