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Eligible ✨💙Everyday tales from Royale-3 💙✨

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Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


"Laughter is the best medicine."
Jun 13, 2020
Throwback Tickets
Cool Heart Balloon
Friday the 13th Candy
Friday the 13th Candy
Friday the 13th Candy
Cool Heart Balloon
Blue Star Fragment
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Shooting Star
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Blue Star Fragment
-Day 1-
The Kingdom close to The Galaxy
"It was long ago that the island was formed. It was a land that stars will fall down to earth. Because of the stars' glow around the island, it gained the title 'Heaven on Earth'"


✨🌟 ---💙--- 🌟✨


I live in atop of the mountain, on the castle of gray and blue looking towards the city. I usually get up in the crack of dawn out of excitement in receiving delivery mail. My neighbors sometimes send me mail. But mostly, the mail comes from Nook Shopping. As usual, I opened up the order package. It's a couple of new benches for renovation.

Today, nothing that eventful happened (except when K.K. Slider stopped by the town plaza). But I found this gyroid fragment washed ashore. I've used to question why or how these came from. But as the months rolled by, I simply get over it. Soon, I buried the gyroid fragment. Hoping that it will grow into a complete one the next day. As the clock strikes six, I went to K.K. Slider's performance.

I told him that he can leave the song choice up to him. He played the song "K.K. Bashment". The song sounded too simple for my taste. Despite that, it's relaxing to listen to. I liked the way he sings but "K.K. Bossa" will still remain as my favorite.


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-Day 2-
Skies blue, tidy days

"The world was just a vast ocean back then. Until, an unusual phenomenon happened. Meteor showers arrived at the planet of sea. Some of which formed into a giant asteroid that would form the planet's land. The smoke from the meteor's flames formed the clouds. And the last shooting star carried life onto Earth."

It was Monday, I was about to do some changes to the rooms of my castle. But first, I must open the mail as a morning tradition. This time, Francine wanted to send me a lamp. I was anticipating something elegant looking:


But alas, it was nothing more than another trash to be dumped at Nook's Cranny in exchange for bells, phooey!
Also, should've it just be called a lava lamp instead of a rocket lamp?


Later, I changed into my lighter clothing and I went to the throne room to do some renovation. As soon as I prepare the furniture and some crafting materials. I've heard a muffled knocking.

*Knock knock* *Knock knock*

The knocking went louder and more frequent even reaching the throne room. Then, replacing the knocks is a familiar voice that resonates the living room.


It was Lolly, but accompanying her was a companion called bad timing. As much as I love you as a best friend. There was a time and a place for anything. But not now!



At first I went against welcoming the visitor, then my gut instinct tells me that I shouldn't leave a kind villager out on a cold. So I thought maybe I shouldn't worry too much about the time. And just give her a warm welcome. I breathed in before opening the door, and soon got over it.

She went inside, with her is a neatly wrapped present. Inside a present is a Conductor's cap. It was red in color, but it was useful for completing my catalog.



After a small chat, I let Lolly take an afternoon nap on my couch. She snuggled like a cat who found a warm shelter.

afternoon nap.png

The clock strikes four, with Lolly now wide awake after falling into deep sleep. She then got up and thank me for inviting her.



Later, I got over worrying about the time. Then I get back to my usual business in crafting and designing the throne room. I was nonetheless proud of the finished product. I ran out of stones so I might recoup the used materials. With the shovel in my hand. I did the task of hitting the stones. I struck a gold ore, but it didn't matter. In the end, what's important is that I've accomplished something no matter what the time of day is.

-Day 3-
Ocean of possibilities


"The star of life sank deep into the ocean. The star cracked open, revealing the three spirits. One spirit swam towards the sky, growing wings upon reaching the surface, thus forming the birds that soared. Another spirit leaped onto the newly-formed land, in a form of a seed, thus forming the plants and the land animals that roamed. The last spirit remained in the depths of the ocean, thus forming the marine creatures that swam underneath."

It was Tuesday. Just like any other day, nothing of importance happened except Kicks visiting my island. With nothing else to do, I decided to make progress in Critterpedia. I was looking at the sea creatures category, then I noticed something:


I've lacked 2 sea creatures. And one was too fast for my swimming speed, the other made me wait for summer. As much as I love the season where hydrangeas bloom, I despise having to encounter and getting bitten by mosquitos during later times. But since it's still January, I aimed for the lobster. Lobsters are very rare and can swim faster than human divers so I do need a plan on spotting and catching it. And the temperature of the surrounding water didn't help at all. But since lobsters appear only on winter seasons, it had left me with no other choice than to face the freezing waters.

Here goes nothing:



The freezing temperature at first felt like my body is freezing, as in being trapped in a freezer in a process of solidifying water to ice. Minutes later, my body adjusts to the cold water but still made me shiver a bit. Then I found a perfectly-shaped shell in the deep.


Then I saw a red otter in the distance. He had a curious expression, his eyes are gleaming at the sight of the shell I had. He asked me if he can have my shell. Knowing his sheer enthusiasm for such shells, I gave the shell to him. He then proceeded to ramble on his philosophy in life. To one, his analogies may sound ridiculous. To others, his philosophies are treated like a fable or a short poem. I am that of the latter because there's a fragment of truth being given by Pascal.




Pascal then thanks me and leaves. Then, I continued my search for the lobster. I've ran onto multiple scallops and crabs, but never a chance in encountering even a single lobster.




Returning to land, I emptied my inventory filled with sea creatures. I sold them to Nook's. On the way there, I carried the bag. I was soaking wet from swimming in the freezing waters so I shivered while I walked to the store. The fact that Nook's Cranny didn't have a designated heater on didn't help at all.


to the store.png

Later that night, I went back to the ocean. I'm determined to continue the search for the lobster, it seems like luck is on my side this time.



Finally, my sea creatures Critterpedia is almost complete, I just need one more to fill up the section. And for that, I have to battle mosquitos during the summer season. For now, I get to accomplish something. And that itself made my happy!

-Day 4-
Remembrance of Creation


" The land spirit is a rose. A single rose that grows in an unusual size, it grows larger than even the largest flowers. In the center of the rose lies a star which resembles a flame. The star bought warmth even in the coldest nights. The star created both animals and humans that roam. The star also brought fire to the world, making the world livelier."

It was Wednesday, which means it's Sherb's birthday. I was tired from all the swimming last night, so I didn't even bother buying a new present for him. Now with his birthday on the way, I hurried soon as I woke up. It was a hassle knowing that Nook's Cranny and Able Sisters is still closed during this time.

As a last ditch-effort, I rummaged through the storage to see which is perfect for Sherb. Most of the items I had weren't ideal for Sherb, so I settled on my spare dreamy rabbit plush. I wrapped the plush toy with blue wrapper, and I hastily wrote a note for Sherb. I dashed through the neighborhood. I gasped at every step trying to regain my breath. As soon as I stopped by his house. My dash came to a screeching halt like a runaway train regaining control and stopping right at its tracks.


I knocked at the door, and Sherb opened the door with excitement. Julian was there too having the time of his life. He smiled at the fact that I stopped by his house on his birthday.


After thanking me. He hesitated to ask me for a gift. Like a magpie with eyes focused on shiny jewels, he took an opportunity to target on the gift box I'm bringing. Then Sherb asked in a humble, yet needy manner:


With no other choice, I gave him a hastily-prepared present. Hoping that he would like it.


dreamy rabbit toy.png

Upon receiving the gift. Sherb had his anticipation turned from a smile of expectation to a chuckle, then turned into a giant snowball of booming laughter. He laughed saying:


After he said it, I thought to myself "maybe I should've send him a birthday letter". Later, Sherb and I had a chat to remedy the situation. Thankfully, he just laughed it off the whole time. He thought that I bought the exact same present itself is really funny. Later, it was time for me to go. Sherb wanted me to stay more for a chat but I declined the offer.


He thanked me again for visiting on his birthday. I left the house knowing that the task at hand was finished. Then for the rest of the day, I return to my castle for a warm meal and a time to relax with painting some pictures.
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-Day 5-
The Manifestation of Dreams and Wishes
"The sky spirit is a bird, a bird who seeks to spread its wings and brighten up the night sky. Its appearance is a brightly lit bird, almost resembling a shooting star. It carries dreams and wishes and shares it with other living things that dwell. It is a symbol of all hope and prosperity of the world. The bird also gave knowledge of the sounds and song to the world, making all living things live in harmony."

It was Thursday, the island will be greeted by the shower of stars as announced by Isabelle. Shooting stars are important to those who lived in Royale-3 as if they believe that the stars symbolizes a sign from beyond, a symbol of hope and wishes of many. Many believe that when the bell rings on the night of star showers, the island will be transported to a dreamlike state and that the islanders will have their wish come true.



Before the night rolls, I decided to check my mailbox. It was nearly full with the recent ones just haphazardly tossed onto the box. The recent mail came from yesterday, the envelope itself is covered with random stickers and poorly-placed glitter everywhere on the envelope. Inside of the envelope wasn't much better:



The letter is filled with smudges of ink and half of the spelling errors are present. The package that comes with it, is also sloppily made with an inadequately placed bow on the side. I put the letter aside afterwards.

Later, I went down to the seashore market to continue in catching sea creatures for selling. There, I bumped into Lolly . And she seems like she wants to say something:



"bestie" huh? It seems like fate has it. The fact that she considered me as her bestie is no surprise at all. I cherished her with all my heart, and her kindness for others and myself made me smile.


With a wide smile on my face and my heart lightened up, I accepted that nickname:


Later when the clock struck seven, the night sky was brightened with the shower of stars. Everyone watched the starry sky in awe as if there were fireworks in the sky. In fact, shooting stars are the nature's fireworks come to think of it.


It was like yesterday I remember. On the night of meteor showers, one had crash-landed onto Royale-3's shores. Yet, this "meteor" was a rocket instead. Inside was an alien who resembled me but his hair was white and he had antenna on his head. He greeted me with a friendly manner. I was surprised to see that he is kind and friendly and not scary-looking. Different from the aliens I saw in sci-fi movies, and more different that the rumored alien broadcast that happens on the island at 3 AM. He told me that his name is Orion, then he asked:

"Umm...Where is the resident services? Celeste told me that I could apply being a resident here. I'm looking forward to learning about Earth life and the place made me want to learn more!"

Orion then apologized about the crash landing on the island's shores.

"And I-I'm so sorry about the crash landing! The rocket ran out of gas once I was near Earth. I can help with cleaning the shores, I promise!"

Celeste and I agreed to help and guide Orion about the island. I told Orion:

"It's ok and thank you for your offer. But, there's no need for repayment. You can stay here as much as you want. Just call me if you need help or a guide to island life. By the way, my name's Yanrima, nice to meet you and I'm looking forward to being your neighbor!"

Then Celeste continued:

"She's our island representative, and I'm Celeste. Nice to meet you. I know Blathers and I know he looks forward to meeting a new neighbor!"

Then Orion continued with excited expression:

"R-really? If that's the case. Then I look forward to being with you and your villagers as neighbors once I get registered as an island resident!"

Orion dashed to resident services. Isabelle being friendly as usual, guided Orion in getting a house. Orion wanted the place where he crash landed. Isabelle then agreed to having his house built there. He tidied up the shore for his newly-built house. he then thanked me again for letting him be an island resident. He's happy that he gets to meet people of different planets. Even moreso, he is excited about living in the island. A year later, He lived a peaceful life in the island He studied about earth life and the planet's geography, and became best buddies with Marshal and Raymond.


After a brief moment of remembrance, I went to see Orion again. He smiled at me after looking at the night sky he said:

"Thank you for being so kind to me. I enjoy my time being here, and I wish you and your island another prosperous year!"

"You're always welcome and have a prosperous year too!"
Then we both agreed to seeing each other again. Later, I've encountered Celeste. She wanders on the park ruins. and was amazed by the top view of the park. Celeste asked if she wants to watch the shooting stars with me, I agreed.



We reached the top level of the plateau and both sit on the bench. Celeste looks at the one star that was brightly-lit. She said that the brightest of stars contained the biggest of wishes. Later, after watching the stars. Celeste told me that she's heading back. We both say our goodbyes after that. Then, I reached the bell ruins. I rang the bell and made a wish. The bell's sound resonates all over the island, reaching the starry night. I wished to the stars, I wished for another prosperous year in Royale-3.


After the bell rings, the island is now surrounded by a dreamlike scenery. The island's bodies of water now resemble an ocean of galaxy. When the water makes a ripple, it resembles a milky way. The stars now circle the island as the bell continuously rings.


May the island have another year or prosperity and the sweetest of dreams.​
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-Day 6-
A Gaze of Green Eyes


"Within the depths of the ocean, is a sea spirit. Its appearance is a stained glass squid adorned with gold. From its many glass shards that were shed from its body, the glass shards created many sea creatures. The squid gave knowledge of visual arts, curiosity, and beauty to the world. But one green shard fell into the depths of the ocean, rusting as the green shard sank deeper into the ocean. The rust that covers the green shard transformed into an ugly, evil being. A being that would curse the world by giving them the sense of hunger, which would form envy, spite, and greed.

The sea spirit had took notice of its existence and sense its evil aura. And the sky and land spirit also sensed its evil. The three spirits then come up with a plan to seal the dark rust."

As the sun rises in Royale-3, the island is now back to the usual blue sky. The stars that circle the island said goodbye to the beloved island, the stars whispered not to fret for they would come back every night.
It was Friday, Redd's appearance at the secret beach sent ripples onto the island's residents. Leaving an opening to those who spread rumors. One rumor was that Tom Nook is secretly friends with Redd behind the backs of everyone in the island, including Isabelle. The other rumor is that Redd would show his true form as a nine-tailed fox if one was to fall for his tricks. But with his shady appearance and his shady personality, I could see why these rumors and legends were made.




If the rumors of the shady deals are true. Then I'll have see it and investigate for myself. To fulfill my duty as an island rep, an artist, and a history buff. I knew what had to be done to sellers who do suspicious deals, especially with a fox who manage to outfox anyone with these inferior imitations of such artworks and relics. But he can't fool me with forgeries of art, not on my watch!


Knowing that the ship itself already gave a first impression. True to the rumors yet not as exaggerated as the said rumors. I've known about Redd's Treasure Trawler for years. With villagers sending me artworks to donate for the museum. I've inspected each and every artwork sent to me down to the finest of details:

I've heard about the reports the island's villagers that some fake artworks were "haunted". With some reported that the eyes moved at night in one fake artwork, while others reported that the artwork completely moves at night.

With that in mind, I went inside the ship. The ship's interior is old and cluttered. There were a couple of cargo littered everywhere without care and the painting supplies were also tossed to the side of the shelf, almost like it was hastily hidden from the unsuspecting customer. The presentation of products in front resemble Nook's Cranny shop presentation in a way. To the side, there was a roll of sticker tags and paper sign that says "SOLD" that have Redd's leaf on it. The ship itself is also dimly lit which didn't help convincing the store's impression at all.
Redd was anticipating my visit, his cunning expression says it all. The culmination of fooling villagers without a sense of vigilance and his convincing technique. Without remorse and shame, Redd greeted me with a smile. His smile had a hidden layer in parting a fool from its gold. But I'm not that much of a fool. Redd greeted me with open arms like he was a family member. But his tone isn't convincing enough. He greeted:

"It's been a while, cousin!"

Ok, first of all. I'm not your cousin! And second of all, you can't just call your random customers 'cousin' just because they happen to be interested in buying.


Then, I confronted Redd. He stared widely at me thinking that he is going to deceive another customer. I glared at him back with the coldness of my stare. Redd after looking at my stare, began to feel a shiver down his spine. He thinks of a comeback by thinking up of an offer to one of the paintings. Before he initiates the comeback, I shot down his opportunity on fooling me with another forgery. Like a slingshot of words aiming at a balloon of countermeasures. I said in a tone with a sense of authority:

stare off.png

"I heard that you're the one behind the haunted paintings incident. Perhaps you would confess your schemes, Mr. Redd?"

Thinking of a way out, Redd began to walk backwards as I walked towards him. He walked slowly, almost feeling like that he was caught red-handed. I'm sure he wasn't thinking of escaping me, right?

"Umm..This is not my intention, I-I'm just trying to sell what I have and getting in the auction! I never had any ulterior motives or anything! I thought were cousins!"

"Yeah..Very convincing..."

"H-hey what's with that cold look? I was telling the truth, that's all!"

"Oh, it seems like you're quivering from crying wolf! Perhaps you've heard of a fable about a boy who cried wolf? It seems like once that the villagers found out that he lied about the wolf, no one believed him anymore. I'm sure your customers will do the same once they found out that the paintings you sell are actually fake."

Redd then began to raise both of his arms as a sign of surrender instead.

"Fine, you've caught me at my tracks. I'll spill the beans about the forgeries. You've heard of Lyle, right? I've heard a rumor that Lyle is actually the one who orchestrated the forgeries. That is all that I know"

"If that is true, thank you for your information. I'll let you slide for now. But I'll be watching you whenever you arrive on this island"

"R-Really? I mean *ahem* I'll sell you furniture instead..."


Redd then offered me one of the rare furniture. Needless to say, I bought it for sending it to Tom Nook for investigation. Redd told me to come back with a flattering manner. After leaving the ship in annoyance. I brought the furniture with me, it was heavy. I became tired of carrying it until Marshal offered me help.

Marshal, being the former detective that moved to the island noticed something fishy about the furniture.

We stopped in the sidewalk and we looked closer at the tag:


Under the tag with Redd's logo is a tag with Nook's logo in it. That means it was actually Nook's Cranny item sold as an item sold at Redds shop. Marshal then told me that he will take care of the rest. Knowing that he will be on the case, I gave the furniture to him. Then Marshal said:

"I will be forwarding this item to Tom Nook, thank you again for your help!"

We both said goodbye and we part ways. Knowing that the case will be solved thanks to the detective skills of Marshal and my help in investigating the shop. I soon felt better for the rest of the day after the fact. After going through a rabbit hole of the forgeries, I decided to stick to my usual, mundane life of painting for now. Happy that I can get back to drawing and painting again.
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Through the Other's Eyes: Another Perspective


"The dark rust began to spread through the depths of the world. The world's creatures were affected with the gaze of hunger, thus granting them mortality and the sense of greed. To stop the spread of evil, the spirits devised a plan by creating a relic that can dispel all forms of rust and keeping the evil at bay. The relic is shaped like a paintbrush. A paintbrush which it can create any color in the world. For the brush was too powerful for any mortal affected by 'gaze of hunger' to wield, it was placed in the hands of its creators: the spirits. Until one cat with the purest of heart and the courageous of mind appeared before the spirits, sworn to protect the island. Because of his pure heart and loyalty, the spirits appointed the cat with the primordial paintbrush."



Hmm..What should I write for about my day in Saturday? Oh yeah..I remember now, I just stayed at my castle and slept the whole day. If there's nothing else to write about. Maybe I should write more about my island and my-

I-I forgot to introduce the rest of my villagers!

Worry not! Since I still have time (And I have to make use of this page.) I'm going to introduce more about my other villagers.
I'll start with whom I know the most:


(She's the one I remember the most. And she's my
most cherished villager since the New Leaf days.)

If it's about what she is like. That would mean that she likes
making speeches and writing works. She writes a lot.
And even got some of her writing works published
(under a pen name, of course).
She is close friends with Marshal and Raymond and sometimes,
considered to be the "voice of reason"
whenever the two would argue.
She is best friends with me (of course!)
And she reads and collects plants during her spare time.


(I admit, he's actually one of my favorite villagers to this day.)

A cat villager with a rather cool and quiet
personality with a mysterious background to boot.

That of course, is because he used to be a
secret agent washed ashore on a mystery island. With
most of his memories before the job were lost,
he would rather just keep most of his background a secret.
One thing to note is that he has rivalry with
Marshal, a former detective.

(Another thing to note, his true passion lies in fashion designing.
Of course, he sometimes likes secret agent stuff
just because of the cool outfits they wear
and the fact that he can do cool fighting scenes)


(cool and cuteness rolled into one villager)

Marshal used to be a detective in a bustling city. Solving crimes is what he does. He is good friends with Brewster and he liked breakfast, only because of the coffee. He likes dessert the most because he secretly has a sweet tooth.

Unlike Raymond, he prefers to set up and solve the case first before fighting crime. Because of Raymond's philosophy of "Fight first before asking" clashing with Marshal's philosophy of "Think before you act". Both Marshal and Raymond think that they weren't compatible with each other.

(His dream is to run a cafe, unlimited coffee to keep him all awake is the answer!)


(heart of gold, armor of gold)

The "last knight" of the island.
His family guarded the island for hundreds
of years. Being the last heir of the knights and tasked with guarding the great pencil, he trained himself to be worthy of being the pencil wielder. He spends most of his
free time reading various books, especially old ones.
He is close friends with Lolly and
share the same interest in literature and writing.


(The island's humble chef)

Merengue is the island's baker. She serves bread and pastries.
She runs a local bakery in Royale-3. And she finds happiness
in serving many customers in the island.
Even gaining some of the regulars like
Celeste, Lolly, and Marshal.
Overall, she enjoys the island life for it was the reason why she started a small bakery in the first place.

*phew!* That is all the villagers properly introduced for now. Until then, to the next journal entry!
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-Day 7-
The Light of Day

hero in the depths.png

"The cat then traveled to the dark depths. It was completely dark that no living being can ever see where they're heading. Because of the primordial brush's light, the cat was able to reach the destination. Within the dark depths lies a lair made of rusted gold. The evil being lies inside the throne chambers surrounded with chains. The evil being tries attacking the cat with the rusted chains, only for the multiple chains to be slashed by the brush with a single strike. The cat and the evil being then fight. But it was no ordinary fight, it was a fight that could determine the fate of the world."

It was Sunday, a special day for it is the celebration of the Lunar New Year. But it is also aligned with Francine's birthday by pure luck.

It was fate, like it was meant to happen.

for the year is now Year of the Rabbit. Because of this coincidence, it seems like Francine is having the luckiest day of her life.

Sunday is also when we're both not so busy with other things. That counts right?

On the clock reads 9 AM, so I woke up late from the long slumber. The dream I have is too good that I can't even wake up early this time. Good thing I remember to buy a present for Francine's birthday and I'm lucky that Able Sisters is open around that time. Can't let that Sherb's gift incident happen again:



As usual by Sunday, the Happy Home Academy noted me that they have rated my castle. No matter how I want to unsubscribe from it, they won't go away or give me a good reason why they would rate other villager's houses. It's not like everyone have a skill, let alone an eye for home designing or anything. After reading the letter, I decided to take a deep breath and sigh. I tossed the useless letter afterwards. Can't let the HHA letter alone ruin my day.


Isabelle also announced that there's a camper. As much as I want to see who's in there, I formed second thoughts in checking the camper inside. What if they're still asleep? What if it was someone like Ione or Marlo but my island is at full capacity of villagers? What if it's a camper who left the empty open snack bags and and potato chip crumbs littered on the campsite last time they camped there? So out of suspense, I decided to enter the tent:


The camper is...A pink tiger with purple stripes and blue makeup. She looked like Pink Panther, a bit (because she has purple stripes, remember that). But as it turns out, she's alright as a camper. Her tent is neatly organized. Even the sleeping bag is neatly prepared. I was amazed! Then, the pink tiger greeted me, with a polite yet casual sounding voice.



Then after a brief introduction. She thought about moving to my island. I take it back what I said about her looking like Pink Panther earlier. If anything, m-my island is at full capacity, sorry Claudia!


I dashed from the campsite, and onto Able Sisters, luckily, I saw a blue coat that screams 'Francine' in terms of style. Before heading to her house. I stopped by my castle to wrap the present. I wrapped the coat in a neat and tidy way. I even have a blue bow with decorations prepared. I took time to write in the tag. Later, I reached Francine's house. Inside the house was Marshal dancing, and Francine looking through the window happily for more guests. Upon seeing me, Francine is excited, very excited for my visit. I was happy too.


Francine then opens the door, I greeted her "Happy Birthday!" as an opening introduction to a conversation. She became composed and formal when she welcomed the guest. You could still see the excitement for me visiting on her birthday, especially the fact that I brought the birthday present that she's trying to hide behind the mask of formality and calmness:



After welcoming me, she became more casual in talking to me. Af if she opened a bottle containing her true feeling of happiness. I have anticipated that she is talking about the gift I have with me.



I'm proud of my gift to her this time, it was a coat that Francine would like. The coat itself is blue and it had a leopard print on the coat. The coat looked chic and perfect for Francine. I bought the coat at Able sisters before heading to her birthday so I was a step ahead this time. Now that I was more prepared, I gave her the gift.


She even complimented my gift wrapping presentation. I was flattered by her compliment.


After opening the gift, her eyes widen, looking at the sparkling, new coat. She can't believe her eyes, her dream coat is now in her hands. Francine squealed holding the animal-print coat and began thanking me.


After the gift giving, we started to get to know each other more. We chatted for a few hours and exchanged small talk about fashion and art. She is interested in my conversation. Francine also mentioned to me her younger sister, Chrissy. She said that the two were close siblings and that Chrissy lives on a remote island where cherry blossoms made frequent appearance. She also mentions that her and Chrissy exchanged letters with one another, but they usually do chatting over the computer nowadays because it was faster that way according to Francine. After an hourly conversation on getting to know her more. I decided that I would go. Francine is a bit sad that our conversation is brief.


Before reaching the door, I also greeted her a Happy Lunar New Year. Francine's mood lighten up again, she also greeted me a Happy Lunar New Year. We both are happy, knowing that we would see each other again when we're not so busy.


After the party, I went back to my cozy castle. I hastily went upstairs to my bedroom and changed into my house clothes.

at home.png

Then, I booted up and play the game on my Nintendo Switch. It was a game about taking care of animal villager's needs and building an island (just like what I'm playing now, I suppose). After that, I switched over to Mario Kart 8 and some Splatoon 3. I was so happy in both making Francine smile and getting to play my favorite Switch games inside the warm castle during winter days, waiting for spring to arrive.
-Day 8-
Warmth draws Closer


"The rust grows more powerful, converting those around it to follow its will. It had managed to weaken the hero by tempting him with false promise of power and fame. The hero tried hard to resist the urge to break his oath with the spirits and the world, he closes his eyes as he was in internal conflict with himself. The primordial paintbrush weakens. Its light has slowly faded. Then, the hero soon thinks of the spirit's words of wisdom. The spirit said to the hero:

'You must look into yourself and try to conquer your point of weakness, you must reflect. The rust will not influence you if you are brave enough to conquer your weakness.'

After remembering the words. The hero starts to think and close his eyes, thinking on what he should improve on if he were to be a hero. He started to reflect upon himself and what it means to be strong. Then, he thinks of his goals and his oath to protect the world. His resolve started showing. The hero after coming to a conclusion said:

'I understand those words now, I must not let fear go through my head. I can still fight even if I have flaws as a mortal! I'll accept myself for who I am!'

Then the hero thought of an unbreakable promise he made with the spirits:

'I've sworn to protect the world and free this world from the engulfing evil!'

The hero's resolve made the primordial paintbrush strong again. The light forms around the hero and his bravery and his resolve shines upon the darkness. The rust then counterattacks and tried to influence his mind to using the powers for selfish reasons but his resolve prevented it from happening."


It was Monday, everyone went back to their usual activities after the Lunar New Year celebration. The concert hall reopening preparation went smoothly as I expected. With new public benches I have ordered since Day 1 of this journal all arrived and set up in the concert hall.

Since the concert hall reopening happens later, I still have time to use up. So, I went to freshen up myself and dress up in a different outfit. Since I got bored with my previous outfit, I dressed up in one of my favorite outfits: a box-skirt uniform paired with dressy shoes. After dressing up, I went out of the castle and went down to the neighborhood.


I decided to stop by Raymond's house first. Inside the house, he had the workbench present, and he seems busy with crafting furniture:


Then I lightly tapped Raymond's back. He turned around to me with a surprised expression. I said hi and then apologized him for interrupting his work. Then, Raymond said hi back and welcomed me. He thinks we are in a TV sitcom or something:


Wait..That show sounds familiar. It's about a sitcom where the title states that for some reason, everyone loves this one man only. I've seen commercial breaks and heard discussions about that sitcom, but I never watched the show itself. I've watched a sitcom one time then I fell asleep, and that's why I'm out of the loop when it comes to TV shows.

Back on the topic of crafting, he was crafting a bed. A rose bed in fact:



Then he explained that in a dream, he was in a place where huge roses were surrounding the garden. The roses were giant-sized; therefore, you can sleep in them. Raymond was there, sleeping on a giant rose. He saw butterflies surrounding the giant rose. Then he explained that the sight of a giant bee woke him up from that dream. After his explanation for the dream, he had. He gave me the DIY recipe. But I already learned that recipe. Seconds later, Raymond saw my notebook of DIY recipes had the rose bed recipe on it and caught on. He then suggested to me that I should give that extra DIY recipe to my friend. I nodded and we both waved goodbye to each other. I kept the extra recipe for the time being.
raymonds dream.png
Next, I stopped by Francine's house. Wondering if there's anything new happening in the island. Knowing the promise, we made yesterday; she is happy about it. I've asked her if there's anything new or unusual happening. She replied that she saw a familiar face.


Francine recounts on what happened when she saw Orion. She said that Orion was busy observing the insects landing in one of the flowers at the park but couldn't give any more details about the encounter. She didn't talk to them, just passing by and wonder from afar.


We said goodbye to each other. Next, I stopped by Marshal's house. I asked if there's anything new happening. Marshal replied by complimenting my current outfit.

(not the answer that I'm looking for but ok.)



He then talks about how classic fashion is classic, I agree. Although I see the reply as translation for "Nothing new happened today."

Me and Marshal later talked about which outfits we like the most and he recounted the times he used to buy some outfits from GracieGrace back when he worked at the city. He also remembers seeing and meeting Label (formerly known as Labelle) who used to work at GracieGrace.

I greeted him goodbye after a long chat. After chatting with my neighbors, I finally get to stop by the finished concert hall. It looks just as I designed. I was proud of what I've been working on for a few days. Although I don't have anything new happening on my island today. At least I get talk more with my neighbors and show you the new concert hall that I've worked on!


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When the Eyes Meet

glass shard.png

"The two began to battle. With the hero now focused, he moved swiftly avoiding the rust's attacks. Finding the right time to strike, he found a weak point of the rust. The weak point is the green glass shard that remains untouched within the rust. While the rust is busy attacking with chains, he slashed the chains within the single strike. With light overpowering the rust, the hero gather the light on those who prayed for his victory. Then within another slash, he reflect the light towards the glass shard. The glass shard then seals the evil rust for eternity."



Hi again. It's been a week since the start of writing this journal. Oh, how time flies!

For the time being, I'm going to introduce the other five of the villagers that live on this island before proceeding to days 9 and 10.
I've introduced the first 5 villagers so maybe I'll do the rest of the villagers on this page.

Once again, I'll start with the ones I know the most:


(The older sister and the member of the Bubblegum duo)

Francine used to work as an idol along with Chrissy with their only known hit being a collaboration with K.K. Slider. They have parted
ways as an idol group but they were still in touch as sisters.
While Chrissy now works as a fashion model for Label in her latest fashion line, Francine worked as an owner for an online crafts shop
that sells handmade jewelry.



(resident sheep counter)

Sherb's enigmatic personality and mannerisms
leave most of the villagers scratching their heads in wonder. Therefore, he's the only villager whose ability is to read the meaning of dreams. Sherb also likes the feel of wearing pajamas, almost wearing it everyday. His favorite pastime is usually sleeping for it was his only access to dreams.


(The sports enthusiast)

Roald was a huge fan of sports and dreams of becoming an
all-star athlete. He spends his free time practicing various kinds of sports including golfing. He is usually the earliest to wake up and the most frequent to appear during group stretching and morning aerobics programs. He even owned
a copy of the morning aerobics CD.

He once petitioned the island to have its own Sports Fair but the petition failed due to the lack of interest.


(A cup of tea with a spoonful of happiness)

Chai is Merengue's assistant chef.
She dreams of running her own cafe, but she knows that she has to gain an experience in working at an establishment.
She also studied in business classes and reads books about being successful. Despite the studious attitude, she likes
hearing about slife-of-life and talking about her past life experiences.


(Wandering islander)

Julian mysteriously moved from another island. He first appeared during the night after Fang moved out. He is a unicorn that many believed that he is actually from the sky or another planet, perhaps a survivor of a long gone civilization.

He usually spends time exploring the island's park because of the ruins.

He also spends time studying about the causes of dreams.
And he is good friends with Sherb, sharing about the meaning of dreams.

...And that is all off the villagers in Royale-3. Until then, see you in the next journal entry!
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-Day 9-
The Sun Shines once again

"The rust spoke its final words before being sealed away, saying that the evil will still dwell in a few and that the rust will come back one day. To ensure that the dark rust's return will be stopped, the spirits formed a powerful barrier around the green shard, sealing the evil being in the depths. Knowing that one day that the evil being might return in full force, the spirits then created a palace on the world as a place in which the spirits can connect with mortals, guard the seal, and to watch over the world."

It was Tuesday, Leif arrived on the island's shores. As usual, I was staying at my castle drawing and painting pictures. Looking for more things to do, I decided to head out. Before I reached the door, I've glanced at the window. The scenery is breathtaking, the view overlooking the city and the neighborhood felt like looking from the heavens.

top view of island 2.png

Later, I went out of the castle. As the everyday tradition, I've checked the mailbox. This time it's a letter from Knox:


And it's a letter about his reading experience with fishing magazines. He has gotten into the fishing hobby lately after the fishing tourney. Back then, he only participated the tourney because of a dare by Roald to see who's the fastest in catching the fishes. Obviously, Roald won because of his dexterity in holding the rod. But Roald and Knox didn't become enemies, just rivals thankfully. And Knox wasn't interested in winning in a dare by Roald anyway.

Continuing on, I have kept the letter for now. I went down to the town plaza, in the plaza center is a cart overloaded with seeds and starts. Leif was there, selling his wares. His smile and the shop itself radiates the nature of finding simple joys in life. It's like within the winter wonderland that this island has become, there was an embodiment of spring heralding the return of green leaves.


I went straight to the center of the plaza. There, I talked to Leif. He proclaims that it is a perfect day to buy flowers despite the current state of the island being covered in a blanket of snow. But spring is drawing closer so I considered it good timing.



Then, I saw the huge box filled with little pots that house a small wheat plant. I was a bit curious about the box so I asked Leif. He mentioned that it was little sprouts for planting wheat. Knowing that I have some planted in the yard, I decided to buy extra just in case.
After buying the box of wheat sprouts, I decided to head to the storage. The box is pretty light to hold this time unlike the furniture I bought from Redd.


Knowing the location of the storage, I decided to take a bit of a stroll in the museum courtyard since the storage is located in between the secondhand shops. The museum's history itself had existed for hundred years. It use to be one of the palaces that houses the sacred pencil and one of the places in which Knox's family used to train. It has converted to the museum ever since, in an agreement between Knox's grandfather and Blathers that the great pencil should be guarded until Knox has trained himself to be a successor knight as well as enriching the island with its recorded history.


And as for the storage cabinet in the pier, I went there to put the box inside. Since the storage cabinet is pretty spacious, it could hold up to as many items as possible as long as it is within the 3,200 capacity limit. I placed the box within the other seeds and starts at the plants cabinet. Then I sorted the seeds by type so that I wouldn't get confused. I felt accomplished after sorting the seeds and taking a stroll at the courtyard, it is nice change of pace after days of nothing to do and getting tired over the sight of winter. With spring on its merry way, there is joy in looking forward to it.
-Day 10-
Hopeful Days

paintbrush resting place.png

"The hero and his deeds were remembered for years to come. He became the symbol of hope and bravery. The primordial paintbrush is placed inside a sanctuary, a sanctuary that wasn't affected by time itself. If the dark rust regains its strength, then the brush will regain its power, once again."


It was Tuesday, I can't believe that it was the 10th day already. Oh, how time flies so fast!

As always, I got up early. I decided to visit the beach and have a morning picnic by the seaside. I have prepared some items to bring to the beach especially the beach mat, some towels, and a radio. I've prepared my bag last night and it's currently sitting by the doorstep.
The beach area already provided tents, so I didn't bring one anyway. Before I went out of the door, I've checked around for any beach items left. I've checked my bag, and it's seeming like everything's there. Well, time to head out!

carrying bag.png

Proceeding outside, there’s another letter as usual. The letter is about Francine describing her dream. The thing is aren’t you already a fashion designer? (Well, except the part where you design clothes and the celebrities fighting over part):


Putting the mail aside, I decided to head down to the east area of the island. The beach area at the east had a boardwalk and the magnificent view of the sea; the best part, you get to catch the sea breeze.

island sea.png

On the way to the beach, I’ve bumped into Saharah. From what I could tell by her feelings, she enjoys strolling down the beach.


After having a small chat with Saharah, I opened the bag and took out picnic blanket. Then, I took out the rest of the items from the bag. I neatly lay the picnic blanket against the grainy sand. Then, I prepared the beach towels and the pillows. I also took out the radio to play music among the crashing waves.


After preparing the setup, I brought out the food from the bag. The food inside is my breakfast and a piping hot milk tea inside the teapot. Sure, it was an unusual way to eat breakfast but at least I get to catch the view and the air of the sea.


I enjoy the beach area. With little to no crowd at the time of the day, I could enjoy breathing fresh air without worrying about the crowds during summer. I spent almost the entire early morning in the beach. I played the K.K. Stroll cassette on the radio while I drink the hot milk tea. I stared into the vast sea for the last few hours at the beach. After the beach breakfast, I pack up my stuff and leave.

On the way back to the castle, I stopped by Chai's house. She is inside cleaning her house for spring. While outside the house, I gently knock the door. Chai opened the door immediately, she looks like she wanted some company. I asked her about how's life, then she gave me the answer that she dreams of having a not-so-ordinary event happening in her life:


A rumor about movie star huh? If anything, couldn't we just talk about something interesting?

Movies and movie stars aren't my cup of tea after all..


I think Chai needs to come up with a more convincing rumor, don't you think?


With that in mind, I take it as a means that she wants to be friends with me. If that's the case, I'm happy to be your friend. I asked her if she could talk with me more, she agreed.

chai tea.png
And so, we talked about our lives for hours. Chai talks to me about her dream of owning a cafe. she also talks about Merengue as her employer in a bakery. She noted that Merengue is caring for her and she supports Chai and her dreams of running a cafe. She also talks about the time she had Brewster as the guest speaker in a business course one time. Chai then talks about her childhood watching cartoons and reading books.

Then, as usual we talked for hours and hours until the clock strikes nine in the morning. After an introduction and long conversation, both me and Chai said goodbye. I went back up to the castle and took a long nap. It is a fun day for I get to go to the beach and made a new friend on top of that. I was happy that i get to make a new friend and done something new on this island.
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The Island of Royale-3 (part 1)

"Fret not that we have parted ways,
Fret not when the sun loses its rays,
Fret not when the stars fade away,
For there is always tomorrow that the light will blaze,
as the world look above the sky with a longing gaze."


Hi readers! I'm Lolly. Today, I'll give you the tour of the historically-rich island that is Royale-3. This island's history spanned hundreds, if not thousands of years ago. From the creation myths of this island to the ancient ruins that brings visitors all around amazed at its beauty. The towering castles are also the highlight for the island so let's go on with the show, bonbon!


Here, we have the airport courtyard. Before the age of aviation, this area used to be the main pier before the main pier is moved to in the west area for the construction of the airport. Many traders years ago used to trade fruits and vegetables on the pier. The courtyard is also home to the Tranquility Gate in which it signifies peace within inside and outside of the island. The crescent lights are actually glowing asteroids that were handcrafted and carved out by craftsmen on this island. The starlights that surround the city side of the island are believed to have its magical properties that protects the island.



Next in our tour is the Town Square; this is where the residents gather hundred years ago for recreational activities and major events. The major events venue has moved to the Resident Services ever since its construction. But despite the current operation of resident services, the residents still made the Town Square the meeting place of choice nowadays. The residents appreciate the historical value of the Town Square.

The Town Square also holds two popular shopping destinations, namely Nook's Cranny and Able Sisters. The inclusion of these 2 shops increased the area's popularity when it comes to destination. Thus, making Town Square a one stop popular area for both visitors and residents alike.


Next up is the Museum. The museum used to be a palace that is owned by Knox's family who were nobles from seven hundred years ago until Knox's grandfather gave the palace ownership to Blathers as a place to serve as a museum. Before the conversion into the museum, the palace serves as a training ground for the knights.

The knights' purpose is to serve the island and its island representative or its 'princess'. Knox's family served the island representative, the island itself, and the island's villagers for generations.

The knights were trained to be the successors in wielding the legendary Great Pencil, but only the few have succeeded in gaining the Great Pencil's favor. Knox is the current successor after the ceremony held at the museum proved that Knox is worthy of gaining the Great Pencil's favor.
great pencil.png

The Great Pencil is just as mighty in strength as the Primordial Paintbrush, but both of them serve a different purpose. And the Great Pencil itself serves as the mortal equivalent to the Primordial paintbrush. The Great pencil originated from the time when the spirits extracted 1/4 of the primordial paintbrushes' power to convert it to the Great Pencil as a last gift to the mortals.

The museum's history also states that the primordial paintbrush was moved inside the museum since the original location was in ruins.


Because of the statues and the scenery, it has become the 2nd popular destination after the Town Square. Leading to the construction of
the seaside carnival and the museum park. Brewsters' opened his indoor cafe not to long after the palace is renovated to the museum.


The carnival is also home to the local artists and entertainers in Royale-3. It is also a locals' weekend destination for the rides and attractions. The most popular attraction in the carnival is the ferris wheel because of the island's view of the sea.


On the west side of the island lies the great pier and ferry terminal. It was constructed during the Aviation Era where the former pier is converted to the international airport. It now serves as a transportation stop from the ferry terminal to the palace ruins on the mountainous area.


In the great pier coast lies a port for imported goods and exported goods. This is where the locals trade most of the goods. The practice of trading still thrives today since 2,000 years ago. Now, it also serves as a hub for small performances as well as selling exported goods to the traders and sailors visiting the island.


On the northwest of the island lies the palace ruins. 2000 years ago, this is where the primordial paintbrush used to be placed. It was also used to be the palace for the spirits to watch over the island. The arches serve as a 'gate' to the heavens. But because of the great paint flood happening, the palace was believed to be beyond repair.

800 years later, the mysterious 'princess' descends onto the island's lands. With a single touch of the magic pen, the plants grow around the ruins of a once magnificent palace. 600 years later, it was preserved and guarded by Knox's family even till this day. Because of the rich history and the significance, the two blue candles by the inner entry to the area were placed inside the ruins in honor of the 'princess' and the spirits that saved the island. Even if the spirits are now considered 'fictional' by today's historians, the cultural heritage and the history of the ruins are still remembered by many, both visitors and residents.

The 'princess' returned 200 years ago from slumber with a gift to the residents and the island, a bell which signifies 'memories' and 'dreams'. The bell now enshrines in the ruins



Today, the ruins became the national park. With the bell decorated with blue roses to honor the island and the residents that lived in the island. To honor those in the island who 'dreamed' or 'reached the impossible'. the playground is recently added as a park's recreational place for families both locals and visitors. The park also provides a panoramic view of the island with the provided binoculars in each side.


That is all the island tour for now. Stay tuned for part 2 of the travelogue, This is Lolly and see you on the next part!
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The Island of Royale-3 (part 2)

"The blue roses surround

the island's grassy ground,

The kingdom reaches victory,
by a knight who is crowned"


Hello again readers. And welcome back to the Royale-3 Travelogue. Thank you again for staying tuned since the first part of the tour. Without further ado, let us continue with the island tour in which we feature the inner cities and landmarks of Royale-3. As always, let's go on with the show again, bonbon!


Let us start from where we left off in part 1. Within the mountainous place is a campsite in the mushroom forest. The unusual size of the mushrooms could be attributed from the ground that is affected by great paint flood. The aftermath of the paint flood made the ground fertile for both plants and fungi to reach sizes larger than the conventional trees and mushrooms.

Because of the large size of the plants and the fact that these plants aren't as dangerous as it seems, a campsite is built. Forest rangers of this campsite work hard to preserve and look after the forest. The forest rangers of this camp devote themselves to protect the forest and the island's natural areas. They routinely clean the forest. If ever you need assistance in the campsite, you can call on the forest rangers anytime.


Next up on the eastern plateau is the viewside village. It was considered the oldest city on the island. For the village's history dates back to after the great paint flood happened. During that period, The remaining survivors found a high elevated area that is also livable. The sea of paint cannot touch the top of the plateau thus making the plateau the new home for the survivors.

Centuries later, it was considered the spot for locals to view and dine at the cafes. And the second popular place to catch the mountain view, with the first being the national park.



And down on the eastern area is the grand beach area. During summer, many residents flock to the grand beach to swim or take a boat tour with Kapp'n. Some residents on the beach prefer to just relax and have picnic by the shores. In the boardwalk were stalls that sell beachside snacks, diving equipment, and souvenirs. There is also a stall that provides information about the beach and its services.

On the northeast of the shore is the concert hall; since that area is newly renovated, it is now open for visitors and residents to catch the latest concert and major musical performances.


Returning to the Town Square, we see the remaining area of the original pier. Since the age of trade, the shops in the pier were highly popular with traders and buyers. The pier is initially planned by Knoxmillian Karatinus II, one of the most notable head knights who had successfully ascended into kinghood.

old pier.png

His plans were praised by the 'princess' herself; because of her strong faith in his plans to flourish the island's culture, she appointed him as the 'king' and the representative for the mortals. His intelligence in business, governance, and trade relations also made him highly beloved by the islanders. Knoxmillian also is responsible for the flourishing age for the arts. He appreciates the beauty so much that he adopted some of the architecture style of the ancient era as shown in the airport courtyard.

Knoxmillian Karatinus II and the 'princess' constructed castles that could rival the architecture of the ancient era. Because of the sheer beauty that the castles hold, the structures were maintained by local craftsmen.


On the center of the island is the Rose Boulevard. During the Age of Trade days, this road is used to hold festivals and fairs. One festival has a stage play that would re-enact an old creation legend that was first recorded by scholars of the island. And the other festival had a parade in which the islanders would adorn themselves with blue flowers. This road used to be rough and the bricks were usually paved with mud. Centuries later, the island would entirely be constructed with a proper pavement began during the Age of Steam and fully completed at the start of Age of Aviation.


On the north lies the castle of the 'princess'. She currently resides within the castle walls, but she is friendly to all the islanders.

This castle is said to be descended from the sky after the Great Paint Flood. But in reality, The 'princess' herself planned the castle's construction along with the predecessor leader knight, Knoxmillian Karatinus I. He is one of the first Great Pencil wielder and his strength lies in military. Although his training and knowledge in strategies and knighthood were stellar. his biggest weakness is his lack of knowledge in being the mortal island representative. Leaving the 'princess' to be in charge with the islanders.


Lastly, we have a spacecraft impact site. Two years ago, a spacecraft from outer space went towards the island shores. With the gravity at force, the spacecraft's impact almost affected most of the southwestern shores. The impact created a crater which is currently located under the newly-built house. Thankfully this alien that owned the spacecraft is kind enough to let us take a photo of the house exterior and the former impact site. We won't disturb him and his current research of Earth's life and the nature of our planet though.


And there we have it! A history-rich island tour of Royale-3. I hope you get to visit our island sometime in your travels. This is Lolly and thank you for joining in our island tour, bonbon!


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-Side Story-
The Successor Knight

"Knox remembers the ceremony of The Great Pencil. Unsure where his future holds after the Great Pencil choose him, a familiar unicorn arrives in his story"



It all happened 3 years ago...
My name is Knox, I'm just here to share you a story. Although I lack much drawing skills unlike the princess, I'll just have to make it up with a couple photos and a story about how I come to this path of writing.
I remember the ceremony. I was surprised that the Great Pencil choose me, at the same time; I was unsurprised because I was the eldest out of the triplets. My family had a long lineage of knights, they have strict training because my family is considered "important" to the island's heritage.

It was a strange miracle that our family survived for generations. I was about to ask Raymond if he is related to that hero mentioned in that creation myth I read; but I might sound crazy thinking about it, let alone saying it. Subtracting the equation of any possible descendants of bygone generations. It seems like I'm the only left with a family tree that constantly grows. Every other neighbors currently living on the island are new to me. With some of the residents moved from a sprawling new city or a town that attracts new families. Orion's new technology intrigues me as much as other neighbor's know-how in technology. I was even shocked that also the 'princess' has fully adapted to technological advances.

I myself wasn't that much of a technological guy but my first exposure to such things is the second hand computer I bought from a thrift shop one time on my trip to Boondopolis (formerly Boondox). The inhabitants of the new city were nice and some of them offered me a tour of the city.

They even had a statue that of the mysterious human villager at the town hall, like he's some sort of a hero in legends. The inhabitants said that because of Tortimer's help and the appointing the new mayor of Boondopolis, the city has grown economically. One of the villagers also said that the new mayor reminds them of one of my great, great grandfathers mentioned in history books. I remember being shocked after one resident recognized me because of my namesake-Knox.

It was years ever since that visit and now, I hold all off the responsibilities because of the Great Pencil...

It was morning, I woke up early because of my duties as a leader knight. With so much expectations from Tom Nook as a leader knight piling on, I'm not sure whether I should on a personal goal to become a writer or continue on the lineage. My heart sank at the very thought to options of what my life would be.


I went out of the castle and passed by the museum. The raging blizzard touching upon the icy road didn't help. There, I bumped into a strange blue unicorn.


"Ah..My book, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry sir!"

"It's ok, I'll pick up the book for you"

Seconds in, and the unicorn is nervous about my very presence. It's like my prestige became both a blessing and a curse. I wanted to go for a down-to-earth first impression because I barely talked to other villagers before. My schedule is usually packed so I have no time to talk with other villagers. Since this unicorn applied for a job at the museum. It's my opportunity to talk with others more in a casual way.

"Umm... glad I could help you!"

I was initially nervous at my approach. The unicorn began to talk, with his book reunited once more:

"Thank you sir, I just recently applied for a job at the museum and it's my first day today! How are you faring well in your life, dear knight?"

"I will introduce myself first, my name is Knox. And I would like to talk with you! As for the second question, I'm doing well thank you!"

"Glad to hear you're doing fine, I'm Julian!"

We both shake hands as a form of introduction. Later, we walked together to the museum. Inside the museum, Blathers is sleeping.


"I think the museum curator is sleeping, we should head to the head office. That's where the employer is."

I followed Julian after stopping by Blathers, everything in the old palace changed so much after it was converted to a museum.

"The head office is behind the art museum, this way!"

We went to the art museum. Behind the small marble steps is a secret doorway to the office. We went upstairs and reached a wooden door. One door creaked as soon as Julian opens. In the head office were relics and unpolished fossils. In the center is the desk with papers and loads of books and documents. The museum chief Is a albatross with round spectacles. He sported a thick mustache and he spoke in an eloquent manner.

"Welcome apprentice. Oh, you have brought our esteemed knight leader with you?"

Julian then explained what happened outside the museum, the albatross was intrigued by his explanation on a small mishap and how I helped him.

"Oho, so he helped you with carrying the books? For a knight in such a high position, he sure is gold at heart. Dare I say?"

The museum head laugh it off, I was in the midst of confusion. Then Julian cleared the air out of the confusion. He explained that I was there so that I would get to know the villagers more. The albatross then caught wind of the situation:

"My my, what a choice of wisdom. To get to know one's neighbors and allies is a path of a great leading knight. To become a leader, you have to start by understanding your current surroundings."

Although what the head albatross said was true, I still felt confusion over the expectations set by others. Julian assured that the albatross meant well. I begin to trust Julian's instincts greatly. Yet, I felt like I should know others more and ask for any help in getting to know others more.

The museum head then lead us to the library, where Julian's work supposedly takes place. We settled down at the library. While Julian is busy sorting books, I picked up an old red book with my family's crest embedded on the cover. I dusted off the book and I opened through the pages. In each page lists the great achievements of my great grandfathers. Then I noticed one notable knight that I remember being mentioned by citizens of Boondopolis: Knoxmillian Karatinus II!

Like a lost piece of puzzle found, the clue to what my path would be is there right before my very eyes. Then I look closely onto the written words. His achievements were not in military; yet in arts, literature, and economy. With that fragment of knowledge, I get to know more on what my path would be. Then I proceed reading more into history and many other books throughout the hours until Julian's shift is done.

It was 6 PM, and it was time to head home. I accompany Julian again while walking home. We talked various topics and get to know each other more on our way home. Julian noticed my lighthearted expression. As a response, Julian smiled knowing that he helped me in some shape or form. We both stopped by my house. Julian felt like that he still has time to hang out in my house. I unlocked the door and we went inside by the living room. Julian thanked me for the sudden invite. While he politely sits on my sofa, I rushed to the kitchen to get the baked potato I prepared thanks to a recipe book. I rushed back to the living room with the tray in hand within seconds. Julian and I continued on with the conversation:

"You seem to be happy this time, did you find the answer?"

"Not really, but I've learnt something new when reading history books. One of my great grandfather's achievement in knighthood is literature."

"I'm happy that you've found a clue to your question, Knox. If you piece your memories, what you feel, what you've dreamed, and what you've learned together like a puzzle, maybe you'll find your answer or your true goal. Curiosity is a gift, be sure to use it wisely"

"Thank you for your support, Julian. But I have just one more question: Will they get disappointed if I put my heart towards arts and literature and not military?"

"Some of them will be disappointed, others will support your cause all the way through. To become a great person means finding balance between yourself and others. Knoxmillian II used to have those feelings of conflict until he discovered that he could be a knight in his own way and ending up breaking the mold of expectation that a knight only has military and physical strength.

A true knight is a knight that breaks the mold of self-doubt and expectations. If Knoxmillian II can achieve his personal goal of literature and using knowledge to become a great and revolutionary leader, you can achieve it too if you set your heart onto working hard for yourself. Wherever you go in life, the Great Pencil will support you no matter what.

The pen is mightier than a sword after all.."

"Thank you Julian for the words of encouragement! From now on, I'll write
my own path to the future!"

"You're welcome Knox, if you need anymore help of advice, don't be afraid to ask me for help or ask others for advice and help."

"I will, Julian!"

Julian and I waved goodbye and part ways. Knowing that newfound knowledge and advice, I took them both to heart.

With that advice in mind. I felt like I can put myself together and thread on a road less traveled. Ever since that fateful meeting, I visit Julian for conversation every now and then. We shared stories and exchanged what we've learned. We've became best friends for a few years now. I managed to accomplish writing works and stories because of Julian and the books I've found. And I could've thanked him a lot more.
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-Side Story-
Washed Ashore on a Mystery Island

Raymond's earliest memory was from the last mission of investigating the hideout, a mysterious figure saved his life by an invite to live on the kingdom's grounds. His memories of before were forgotten. washed away from his mind."



All I remember is my name, Raymond.

All I remember is a dream. A dream in which I was given a second chance in life. To live a peaceful life, a life of the mundane and the everyday. A miracle washed to the sands of a desert island. I was jogging my memory of what happened and I decided to write down what I remembered the most.


I remember...

My earliest memory before the desert island is what happened last time. I was given a mission. The mission to take down someone named "Lyle". All I remember is the voice in my head. The voice of the command. The objective at hand. The forgery case.
His voice resonates with my past. The last time I heard him is on the way to Lyle's hideout.

I remember...

The very moment I crash landed onto an abandoned island. The storm brewed near the seaplane. Gusts of wind began to force the door open. The seaplanes' door is unlocked at that time since we're near our target destination for the mission with the parachute and the plan, I was ready. I fell down through a exit hatch that was accidentally opened. The wind current at the time is very strong. And by a miracle, I was wearing a parachute to soften the fall.

The mission ended against my favor. A sinking feeling called "failure". But gave up that feeling later. All I need to do is survive. There's no use thinking too much about it when stranded on a desert island.

First objective is to open up my bag to see if there's anything useful. Second objective is to find sources of food.


I remember when...

I eat raw fruits and other plants for my makeshift meal. Only to lose the sense of rational thought from now on. Then, I was lost in a dream. And I regain my rationality the next morning. It was like a film constantly looping that one scene. I tried to compose myself and use this as on opportunity to reflect and use my wits to survive. There's more food potential I could eat out there that's not just raw fruits. I have to do searching more. And that's also where I've learned how to craft basic tools like a wooden axe, shovel, and a fishing rod.


Then, I saw bottles with a note inside. Therefore, these bottles show up at the shore every morning. Inside each bottle is a letter and a recipe. I see a glimmer of hope in surviving in the next few months. Maybe years thanks to the crafting table.

But there's one notable DIY recipe I remember. And that DIY recipe open the floodgates of opportunity when it comes to surviving:


I remember that...

I began to cook with fruits found on an island. I made progress in widening my choices for food and not live off eating sea bass entirely. I've also discovered seaweed and an octopus while diving for potential ingredients. I've made seaweed soup and fried octopus.


I've also discovered crafting more with wood and various stones found around the island. I made a tree stump to a crafting table.
My shadow of initial feeling about the mission fades away. With each accomplishments in crafting. I began to see a faint light at the end of an otherwise dark tunnel.

I also remember that...

I made a shelter when I arrived on a desert island. And the fire I've kindled both for heating food and keeping cold nights warm. All I see everyday are the vast ocean.The sight of a campfire and the brightly lit lantern of the tent lighting up a completely dark island made me relax and let my mind drift to the calming state. The crackling of the fire and the boiling pot on top made the island cozy. The aroma of the food I've cooked began to spread around the island. Almost making the island less of an uncharted land and more like a place to camp and enjoy the wonders of nature.

"The soup's almost finished, time to eat and enjoy the warmth of the campfire" I thought to myself.


I remember vividly that...

When I see clouds passing by, I begin to feel happiness and a small glimpse of hope. then, I saw an seaplane heading close to the direction where I'm at.


I remember now...

That a gray tabby cat that faintly looks like me saved my life. She was accompanied with her friend. Her invite warmed my heart, she gave me a second chance. A chance to turn my life around. A chance to find myself once more. A chance to start changing for the better.

I remember the most is...

That the airport and the sight of a town on an island felt like coming back home. I barely remember where my real town is..But all I remember is that Royale-3 became my new home. I asked if I could find a home. Luckily the cat's friend showed me to Resident Services. I went inside and the familiar scent of papers and the hum of electronics filled my mind once again. A raccoon and a yellow dog reached out to me. They saw that I needed a place to call home. I asked if I still need to pay with bells.

Luckily, the raccoon is kind enough come up with the solution to cover up the costs of my new house. He offered me a part time job at Able Sisters. Which jogs my earliest memory of wanting to apply for a secret agent job because of the clothing they wear. The image of fighting crime while looking cool with a suit never left my mind. Later, I applied for a part-time job at Able Sisters. Mabel helped me in getting used to my new side job.


My part-time job is to be a salesman and to be an assistant of both Mabel and Sabel sorting out clothing by tops, dresses, skirts, pants, and socks. Now, I go there everyday to help out Able Sisters in return of their offer in helping me pay off the house costs and to save some bells for my future. Today, I went inside resident services to thank the raccoon and the yellow dog for providing me a place to live. Later, I visit both the gray cat and her friend's houses respectively. I went to her friend first and thanked her. Then, she told me her name and I took note of it.

Her friend's name is Yanrima.

Next, I stopped by the house where the gray cat lives. I gently knocked on the door. She opened the door and greeted me with a warm smile. I wanted to be friends with her so we both exchanged names and share our experiences.

Then the second name I noted: The gray cat's name is Lolly.

Ever since, the island of Royale-3 became the place where I can start over and make new memories. I still lived in this island knowing that I can achieve a normal life living there. In fact, it became my new home.
Raccoon- Tom Nook
Yellow dog- Isabelle

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-Side Story-
Sherb and the Five-Course Meal

"A dream that Sherb experiences while he is sleeping, where he eats a five-course meal prepared by mysterious chefs. A set meal that one could dream obtaining especially villagers who eat snacks and sleep often."



I have a dream last night that I was given a feast. I was sitting at the edge of a long table. The table is neatly prepared with empty plates and folded table napkins. Then, I was shocked that I was in the sky. It's the best dream I ever have!

After I looked around the place, I saw five chefs arriving at the dining table. each of the chefs hold multiple trays with five course dishes. With that image in my mind, I was thinking about eating another midnight snack. The five chefs bow at me and returned outside so that they could line up and serve me the five-course meal one by one. I placed the table napkin tucked at the collar of my pajamas so that my pajamas wouldn't get dirty from the food I eat.


As I prepared my plate, the first chef arrives. The chef brought a fairly big plate that is covered. That means it's the signal that the five course meal begins!

first course.png

The first meal is an appetizer. The appetizers served to me is the dish called Golden Crisp Star Fries. The potato was cut into neatly carved star shapes, tossed with the finest of salt, and fried until the fries is golden brown. The fries is served with ketchup on the side. The other appetizer is Multi-Green Salad. This salad is filled with every type of leaf green vegetables. Then tossed with the salad dressing that ties all leaf vegetables together.

The first course certainly looks mouth-watering so I proceed to finish both dishes within the single sweep. When I'm done with the first course, the chef takes away the empty plates.

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The second meal is the soup. The second chef arrives, the chef only brought one dish. The dish is called an Orange Festival Soup. The soup is filled with all types of orange colored vegetables and fruits, including pumpkin and carrot. The fruits and vegetables in the soup had the aroma in which the sweet and savory flavors united into one dish. The taste of the soup itself isn't compatible. But, the overload of the pumpkin taste nullifies the clash of flavors.

I finish the soup but I have to accompany it with water this time to wash down the overwhelming taste off the soup. When the bowl is empty, the chef takes away the empty bowl.

third course.png

The third meal is the prime part of the course, the main course. The third chef arrives. The chef has brought three dishes. The three dishes are: Slow-cooked Sea Bass with Baked Potato, Ultra Meaty Spaghetti, and Mega Lobster Meal. The Slow-Cooked Sea Bass is a dish that is baked for 3 hours and topped with the finest herbs for the enhanced flavor of the cooked fish. The Ultra Meaty Spaghetti has finely cooked pasta topped with Bolognese sauce and on the very top sits an extra heap of ground beef. The spaghetti is sprinkled with a garnish of parmesan Cheese and basil. And the last main dish is the Mega-lobster meal. The lobster dish is made from the biggest lobster they could ever find. The lobster is cooked then topped with butter and herbs.

I wolfed down on the spaghetti first then proceeding to feast on the sea bass and the lobster. After I finished eating the main dish, the third chef takes away three empty plates.

fourth course.png

The fourth meal is a refresher. Therefore, it is considered the course in which they serve beverages to go with the previous course. This time, the fourth course is a drink before the fifth and final course. The fourth course is just a glass of Apple Juice. The juice is freshly squeezed from the red apples that boast the sweetness over other apples. I was surprised to see an ordinary drink at first. But knowing how delicious apple juice could be, I drank the whole glass of the juice.

After finishing the drink, the fourth chef took away the empty glass.

final course.png

And the last meal is of course, is dessert. The fifth and final chef brought out the serving cart. On top of it is a large plate. The chef brought the huge plate to the center of the table. The plate contained the biggest cake I've ever seen. The dessert is a Five-Layered Triple Chocolate Cake. The coat icing is made of white chocolate, the cake itself is made with milk chocolate, and the icing that holds the cake layers together is made of dark chocolate.

At first I was hesitated to finish the whole cake. But since this is a dream, I proceeded to eat the whole cake slice by slice anyway. I just had a bar of chocolate after I ate dinner so it's pretty fitting. After I finished the whole cake, I clamored for the meal. As soon as I asked for a midnight snack course, the dream came to an abrupt end by the sudden daylight in the window.


I looked around the bed and it is already morning. When you have a nice dream in your deep sleep, time flies faster. It is a memorable dream so I thought I would write it here to share it with everyone!

Hope you enjoy my side of the story!
from, Sherb
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The Tale ends, The Curtain Calls


"The stars covered the sky once again. The story ends with sweet dreams and deep slumber, for there will always be a next time to gather around for more stories from this island. For now, the book closes and the curtain falls on the stage that houses many tales."


It is Sunday again. The stars return to fill the dark sky with glittering lights. I went down from my castle to look up the night sky once again. I remember the last time since the shooting star happened. This time, Celeste wasn't there to see the stars.

The moon is also in perfect spherical shape. Like a large round crystal that boasts its brilliance over the crystal fragments.

The shooting star shines through the planet's sky, blazing from the vast space to descend onto the shores of the kingdom.


It's been years since this island began, nothing much has changed this time. Except for the past few days where Marshal announced that Redd is captured and has to serve community service as his punishment for the time being. Other times; some villagers found their dreams as a sign that we'll get to our goals some day despite the setbacks, Knox recently had his book published and it sold million copies. Raymond made sewing a hobby thanks to the Able Sisters, he dreams of becoming the next trendsetter like Gracie one day. Lastly, Lolly decided to help Knox in being an editor for his books since Lolly knows about computers and managing writing projects.

As for me, I just relax at the castle knowing that I get to rest easy as the time of this writing. Once that regain my motivation for writing, I write another, maybe share another side story sent by my villagers to add to this journal. Someday.


The page is turned, the curtain call begins. We have reached the end of a tale. A tale that tells every side of the story.



.........And there! That's the end of the island journal for now! Anyways, I could go back to drawing as of-


Oh! Raymond, is there a problem?

Umm...You look busy, sorry for the interruption!


It's ok Raymond, you're always welcome to visit me!

Thank you, Yanrima. I want to invite you to watch the shooting stars at the park later tonight but you've look like you're busy.

It's alright, it's great timing. I've just finished writing the island journal. Thank you for submitting your story to my island journal, Raymond. I appreciate the story you sent me!


Oh, I just hope my story will land me to having my own movie with me as the leading role!

Well.. I'm sure that some readers like the side stories you've sent to me, but yours is the most interesting to me after all!


I think Sherb and Knox had pretty good stories too. I think I've read them..


Speaking of the invitation, do you plan on bringing Lolly to watch the stars with us?


I tried inviting her but she seems super busy making final edits for Knox's new book. When I saw her house a while ago, it is locked. So that means she must be in the museum assisting Knox.


Oh, I see! Maybe next time we'll invite her when she's not busy.


How's your fashion design hobby going for you?

I've looked at my old designs and I see the very first coat design I made. It looks like a mish mash of monochrome fabrics and the stitches look visible and sloppily made. I couldn't believe this kind of pattern made me think it's cool back then!



Oh, I have an idea! How about we talk some more while watching the stars at the park!


That's a great idea!


OK! We'll go outside to the park together!


I agree to that idea!

Well, what are we waiting for! Let's go outside!


Sure. Thank you for accompanying me!

The outside air is chilly, don't you agree?

It's cold, but our jackets will keep us warm.

Fair enough. By the way, have you been to the area of the park?

A couple of times, I usually stopped by the park for the view.

I agree. The park does have picturesque views.


Oh, The stars look pretty in this area. The place is more beautiful than I expected!

Yeah, the shooting stars look pretty. Thank you for inviting me to see the stars, Raymond!

You're welcome, Yanrima! I hope you enjoy watching shooting stars with me!

I did. I hope you enjoy it too!


Thank you for reading!
"...Is this the end...Or are there more sides to uncover in this story?"

-Side Story-
Night Side: Broken Schemes

"A look through other's perspective. An everyday tale from the villagers that inhabit the island. For each one of them have their own side of the story to tell. A puzzle piece that would put the whole picture together."

(Part 2 of 'A Gaze of Green Eyes')


My name is Marshal, but I am here to recount what happened after seeing a peculiar furniture last time I saw her bringing the suspected item that would bring light to the haunted paintings case. Although I retired from being a detective, I can't help but notice what Redd's been doing behind the curtains. Therefore, I need to settle this before it goes out of hand.


The time was noon. I brought the said furniture to Tom Nook for further investigation. For the record, the item is heavy to carry so I asked for Nook Inc.'s assistants for help. I went ahead guiding the assistants in bringing the subject item to the head office. They did a good job in carefully carrying all throughout. After they put down the item in the head office, I thank them for carrying the heavy item. With that out of the way, I told Tom Nook what exactly happened:


"Ah, Marshal. Is there anything the matter, yes, yes?"

"Yes actually, I have brought the furniture with your tag behind Redd's tag that is suspected to be a resold item at Redd's."

"I saw the item when our Island Representative has brought it from Redd's. Therefore, she sent the item to me for further investigation. This would be the key to solving a long case involving Redd."

"If that's the case, then I confirmed it. But as of now, we are not sure if the item is ours considering the damage control that the item currently has. Let me have a closer look at the item and inspect it. We need more evidence to back up the operation in busting the ongoing forgery schemes."

Then, Tom Nook proceeded to get closer to the item at hand. Tom Nook and I began to analyze the furniture item and whether there was more evidence of the item actually originated from Nook's Cranny. As we look closer, we noted the sight of fox paws, paint stains, and a tag that said "Redd's Exclusive" although the tag was crudely made.


Then, the other side of the furniture I saw a nearly scratched-off tag that said "50% OFF-Nook's Cranny" in bold writing.


"I see, I see...So Redd was the one who resold the item in his shop? No wonder it looks familiar."

"Yes, I thought that would be the case, since he has a large inventory of missing items behind the ship."

"So, it’s been a while and he's at it again.
He never changes from the first time we have an argument after the betrayal he did years ago, isn't it?"

"Wait, you've known this Redd guy? Why didn't you tell me then!"

"Unfortunately, yes. He used to work with me until that certain part of the incident torn us apart and leave our cooperation to ruin. I was betrayed by Redd behind my back after what he did. The thing is, he stole my work for the presentation and took full credit for it. After that, I just couldn't trust anyone anymore. I'm so sorry that I have to bring this up to you."

"It's ok Tom Nook. At least we now know the details about Redd. All my life as a detective, I've studied many cases involving someone with ulterior motives. hope I can help you in some way or another."

"Thank you for your offer, Marshal, there's no use crying over spilled milk any longer. For now, we must find Redd and end the stolen items once and for all!"


Tom Nook then sits at the couch with a look that we could have a conversation about the Redd and the item at hand. Knowing that he wants me to sit with him, I proceeded to sit next to him. Tom Nook then tells me further details about Redd's whereabouts:

"Redd is hidden somewhere in Harv's Island. Harv told me that he is an "Antique seller" and that he let Redd in."

A sudden jolt of the idea in my brain made me jump. The realization of the location which the other villagers can't access. The island in which small shops were built, it all adds up! Then I took a photo of the tag and proceeded to leave the office.

"That's it! Harv's Island. Thank you for your information, Tom Nook. I'll take my leave for now. We'll see each other again, don't worry!"

"You're welcome, Marshal. Be careful out there!"

"I will, Tom Nook!"

After leaving the office, I went straight to the airport. There, I saw Orville. I demanded him to take me to Harv's Island. He reluctantly agreed to take me there. When I got out of the plane, I set foot on the island. It is a quiet island with a log cabin there. beside the log cabin is a large area where the shops were placed. There, I've asked about the details involving Redd. They all provided a different answer, but they have that one thing in common regarding Redd: His personality is seen as strange and unsettling.


Taking that to heart, I've asked Harv about his impression about Redd. There, I've shown him the picture of the overlay tag in question.

Harv then notices the faint similarities yet, opposites between Nook and Redd. He asked:


"This is Redd huh? I knew there's something fishy with him. I'll set him straight right away!"

"It's ok, I'll handle the rest. Thanks for your help Harv!"

I replied thankfully. Then, Harv showed me the storage shed. The shed itself was leading to the secret room where Redd kept his stolen goods. I busted the door open. Inside the hiding room is a fox wearing a beret, the hiding room itself is as dark as the interior of his ship. Redd turned to the see me. His expression looked dim as he felt like he is caught red-handed.


“You should’ve set foot here, Marshal!”


With the yell at the end. He initiated a fight. He began to surround himself in a cloud of smoke. The smoke is thick, I can barely breathe in this atmosphere. The lack of windows and an opening around the hiding room doesn’t help at all.

As I try to squint through the smoke, I sense a surprise attack. Out of the smoke came leaves directly aiming towards me.

The leaves were shaped into blades that function the same as throwing daggers or shuriken. I assume this is Redd’s defense mechanism when he gets caught by a trap.

With strong reflexes, I narrowly dodge the leaf blades.


“I see, I see. No matter if I were forced to a fight. I should do the same.”

Redd, in response made leaf blades that acted as a homing weapon. I tried leaping through each room corner only for the leaf blades to continue the pursuit. Seeing the small opening, I tried to block the blade with my palm. The leaf blades reverted to a regular leaf.

Redd continuously creates leaf blades to the point that it surrounds the room.

*Huff huff*

I was a bit tired. But there’s no use complaining about the endurance. All that matters now is that Redd is captured.

I dashed around the room. As soon as the leaves started to mislead themselves, I took an opportunity to aim for the giant statue. I've whipped out my old pen and aimed my eyes on the statue while dodging. I've hopped on top of the wooden box and onto his bed. The bed felt like the trampoline so I used it as a jumping area from point A to point B.

i jumped myself directly to the table top, knocking over the cans of paint which slightly topples the ceramic pot and the statue. With my old pen and a clear aim at sight, I threw it directly on the statue's side point.

Redd ran straight to the statue to prevent it from falling and breaking into pieces.


With little reaction time for Redd to reach me after going for the statue's balance, Redd suddenly realized his strength isn't enough to save the statue.

But he realized it too late, his guard is down. And the statue falls over Redd, immobilizing his body onto the now heavy rubble which is formerly the greatly sculpted statue.

The statue is now broken beyond recognition, a price to pay for stopping the crime.

I was tired, so I sat down on the folding chair and tried to contact the island's guards.


The guards arrived shortly after with an ongoing investigation about a large operation to stop Lyle's network of illegal auction of stolen artworks.

Redd is now taken to the island's resident services for interrogation and shortly seen under probation. Tom Nook was there, looking grimly at a former friend that lied and betrayed him behind Tom's back.

Redd confessed that Lyle is still on the move and that he is somewhere hiding in nearby islands or hidden in one of those uncharted islands. For now, we have caught one of Lyle's henchmen and we sent him to public community service as punishment.

Despite all of that, I'm still at a lookout for clues on Lyle's whereabouts. Therefore, we need more clues to stop the endless cases for forgeries and stolen artworks.
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