Anyone want to come to Renmark?
Well... here's the info:
Name: Rover
Town: Renmark
Friend Code:1720-9775-4521
Need help cleaning... can someone help?
If you do I give you nice funiture.
Anyway, here is the rules:
1.You can pick up flowers... just don't kill them.
2.Don't go far unless I trust you.
3.Don't swear.
4.Don't steal.
5.If you dig up a fossil you can keep it.
Last but not least...Number 6
6.I don't have wiispeak, so use the keyboard.
Seeya! (Kumafever)
I added you so please add me!
Then we can get started!
What time should we play?
I won't be here at 8:30am-4:00pm
So... the best time should be 5:00pm-8:00pm
Enjoy the fun!
P.S Tell your friends this aswell.