So I just got a 3DS a few weeks ago and during that time I noticed that the top screen was acting up. So I went to my local game store and exchanged it. They told me that I had two choices :
1. Exchange my old 3DS for a completely new one (but lose all data because they don't do system transfers)
2. Let them send my 3DS to Nintendo but wait for approximately 6 weeks or more.
Both choices were just as bad so I ended up choosing the first.
Now all my friend rosters have been deleted including all my swapnote messages, videos, music, eshop games, (I still had $8 in there == bye bye eight dollars)
Anyway enough about my life story, if you could please add my new friend code then that would be awesome!! I'll add you guys back as soon as possible. Thanks
1. Exchange my old 3DS for a completely new one (but lose all data because they don't do system transfers)
2. Let them send my 3DS to Nintendo but wait for approximately 6 weeks or more.
Both choices were just as bad so I ended up choosing the first.
Now all my friend rosters have been deleted including all my swapnote messages, videos, music, eshop games, (I still had $8 in there == bye bye eight dollars)
Anyway enough about my life story, if you could please add my new friend code then that would be awesome!! I'll add you guys back as soon as possible. Thanks