~Exchanging FC's!~


Senior Member
Nov 15, 2008
Hey guys. I want to let everyone on the bell tree have at least 1 friend that he can go over whenever he wants to... so here, ill exchange FC's, and then ill let you guys to come overt to my town, and then you will exchange FC's with people you dont know. Do this with everyone that comes to your town, or that you go to, so you can have many gates open at one time

So post here to exchange FC's. and then when 2 people that didnt exchange FC's come to my town, they can add eachother to their list

So post here to exchange FC's!
well he got off and his gates aren't open so add me aaron and i see horus is reading this forum so add me too.
ok well add me aaron and open your gates. and add some people to come to your town cause i gotta get off the computer anyway.
I'm looking for people to come to my town with fruit other than Cherries. Take some cherries and leave some of your towns fruit. I'd like to get an orchard of all 5 fruits going.
Gates Open, let me know if you are coming i'll add ya