Crazy cat dad
Got a few extra pieces of furniture and some seasonal diys taking up space
sloppy table
sloppy sofas
sloppy sofas
mermaid tiara
mermaid shoes (blue)
mermaid shoes (blue)
Bamboo doll
Bamboo-grove wall
Bamboo-shoot lamp
Cherry-blossom branches
Cherry-blossom clock
Cherry-blossom-trees wall
Cherry blossom umbrella
Glowing-moss headband
Glowing-moss jar
Glowing-moss rug
Outdoor picnic set
Pan flute
Ruined broken pillar
Sakura-wood flooring
Sakura-wood wall
Ski-slope wall
Snowflake wreath
Suspicious cauldron x2
Yellow bamboo mat
Bamboo-grove wall
Bamboo-shoot lamp
Cherry-blossom branches
Cherry-blossom clock
Cherry-blossom-trees wall
Cherry blossom umbrella
Glowing-moss headband
Glowing-moss jar
Glowing-moss rug
Outdoor picnic set
Pan flute
Ruined broken pillar
Sakura-wood flooring
Sakura-wood wall
Ski-slope wall
Snowflake wreath
Suspicious cauldron x2
Yellow bamboo mat
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