

Some Assembly Required
Jun 23, 2011
Hey everyone! I just joined here (duh), and everything seems really cool so far :D

Ive played the GC and Wii versions, and I cant wait for the 3ds version.

And come back to chat. Sockhead misses you. A lot.
Hi I'm the local pedophile/horrible game dev. Do what Liv said and get in IRC more, we need people in there.
Welcome! I'm one of the few old members that plays ACCF still. PM me if you need anything or wifi sometime!
Welcome aboard! It takes effort to join the Forums,this place has more guests online than members.
It seems you’ve joined the Tree of Bells
Where all are kind and no demon dwells
We are truly glad that you have joined
I assure your happiness shall not be purloined
There’s lots to do at this Bell Tree
Unique members and interesting topics, to some degree
Whether you like the Museum, Brewster’s or HQ,
Animal Crossing Forums, the Basement, there’s lots to do
So come on! Let’s go, take my hand and we’ll explore
Actually, don’t touch me. But there’s the entrance door!
Welcome to the Bell Tree. Let me know if you need anything. I'm always happy to accept City Folk invites.