Trading Fang in boxes.

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Mayor of Ajloun
Oct 3, 2013
New Horizons Token
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Red Candy
100% (36) +

Ugh sigh. I've TT'd too far and Fang is in boxes....

Would prefer Shep, Stitches, Beau or Julian.

Just offer bells i guess, i'd prefer if he'd go to a forever home.
i need a wolf in my town. if i gave him a home would be for keeps how many bells you what?
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lol i have no idea what he's worth.. 400k.
I would offer a price but someone else said that Fang was moving on the 1st of December and I don't wanna make them void Fang.
I would offer a price but someone else said that Fang was moving on the 1st of December and I don't wanna make them void Fang.

might void him if i dont get a good offer. or i might find someone in a cycling thread who would hold him or s/t
im confused you just told me u would reather see him go to a home for life . im offering that and 400k. i can go to 500k but if it's about money i understand. But dont void him if u got someone thats willing to give him a good home .
might void him if i dont get a good offer. or i might find someone in a cycling thread who would hold him or s/t

Why would you void him?? You just said that you were going to wait for when ppl were on...

Are you just holding out for a better offer? If so, then do that, and be honest about it. Seems silly to threaten to void him when obviously someone here wants him.
Wasn't threatning to void.. and I AM waiting tomorrow since no one is on, sorry for confusion i guess..
I'll repost tomorrow
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