Fastets Ways For Bells?

Selling bugs, deep-sea creatures, duplicate fossils, fish and recipes are common ways that can net bells faster.

Also selling stuff you don't use can also help.
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I usually go with non-native fruit orchards and crop farms. They're (kind of) easy to acquire, grow relatively quickly, and sell for a lot per harvest. If possible, you can also save all your native fruit and sell it on someone else's island (assuming their native fruit is different from yours).
Banging rocks with the shovel. If you don't need to craft anything with stones, clay, or iron, it stacks up.

I believe the answer also relies on what state one's island is in. Is it a new island or the same island that one had has for years?

Does anyone have a living island? What I mean is that you have trees and bamboo, rocks, all types of flowers in all color variations, etc so that one can craft anything.
if you have the time growing blue roses and making wreaths out of them. each wreath makes 20,000 bells. ocean critters are pretty quick to make bells, but you have to grind them so it gets tedious.
Selling bell vouchers
I'm not sure about that. The time it takes to earn a bell voucher, and the cost of a bell voucher is extremely lackluster. I think Nintendo only put those there to trick new players into spending their miles early game throwing them off track from the stuff that matters, like Terraforming licensing, inventory management, etc. Deep see diving and fishing makes much more bells per minute.
If you see glowing spots, bury at least 3000 Bells in the spot to triple your Bells. 10000 is the best if you have it. Sure it takes three days before you get money back but it is worth the wait. Crops and pumpkins are also pretty lucrative when you sell to Timmy and Tommy if you grow at least ten of each crop and have at least ten pumpkin plants.
I did not know that one! Thanks!

Blue roses are definitely a good item to make bells with, even when sold on their own. And the best part is they will breed themselves and take over your island if you let them, so you'll never be in short supply with them once you get going.
If you happen to have a lot of poki for whatever reason you can exchange them for bells. Also mystery islands are good for earning bells. Usually you just see people villager hunting with nmts but you can use kappns mystery tours and the dodo airlines mystery islands to chop down trees, pick fruit, catch bugs and fish. Better than trashing your own island cause there is no consequence for depleting the resources on a mystery island lol
Blue roses are definitely a good item to make bells with, even when sold on their own. And the best part is they will breed themselves and take over your island if you let them, so you'll never be in short supply with them once you get going.
Where do you get blue roses
I earned the most money by fishing for rare fish and going to mystery islands to hunt for tarantulas/scorpions. I would wait to sell these to C.J./Flick or, if I needed the money fast, just sell to Nooks.