Favorite AC?


Not an actual piece of furniture.
Site Owner
Nov 7, 2004
Heartstamp Mushroom Lamp
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Pink Hybrid Rose
White Rose
Red Rose
Love Ball
Pink Candy
Heart Glow Wand
Pink Feather
We've had this poll when ACWW was released, but that was over a year ago. What game do you like better? Explain in a post. :gyroidsmile:
I like them equally heres why:

AC for the GCN was on a big tv with a regular controller :lol: while ACWW is on a handheld

but I like ACWW becuase you can get hair cuts and wear masks hats and even play wifi

I think the graphics are really good on ACWW too

I liked how you could use the E reader cards, go to the tropical island, and play the old NES games on AC for the GCN

I dunno i love them both lol!! but I really like the whole wifi thing but you can't really judge the whole game just becuase of that
I had a lot more fun on the gamecube version, just something about it being visible by multiple people. I was able to play with friends easier, even though it was only single player, I still had an easier time playing "multi" I don't really like the wifi on ACWW... it takes forever to communicate. : (

ACWW had some cool improvements, but all in all I found it to be a lot less of a game than the Gamecube version.
We've had this poll when ACWW was released, but that was over a year ago. What game do you like better? Explain in a post. :gyroidsmile:
Well ACWW is the best on gamecube cos of a lot of things.

i will updata the post when i can think why <_<

let me think now

I like the GCN verson better. fFor one thing, it wasn't a competition. Now adays, everyone wants to have the coolest house, to show off to their friends. Another, actual holidays. Now, we have stupid holidays, like...YAY Day." WTH is that?! xD