Favorite ACNL bush type?

It's easier to say which ones I don't like - and those would have to be the sweet olive bushes. I can't help but think they're a little ugly, to be honest.

I like the blue hydrangeas and white azaleas and hollies best, I think. Maybe the red hibiscus as well. Everything else is okay but those would have to be the ones I like most.

If I could only use one type I think I would go with holly, since the winter looks so bleak. I would appreciate that pop of color.
Ditto. I used them on my island to make a miniature version of the labyrinth tour. Totally my favorite bush in the series! I even lined them around my house, but too bad they only bloom in summer...
For me it's Hydrangea bushes. I love hydrangeas irl too so I guess that's why, but I find that the leaves on the hydrangeas are a darker, cooler green which also makes me love them. I love the shape of the leaves on holly bushes too!
Holly I quite like, but hydrangea too because the bush colour is a nice green
For me it's Hydrangea bushes. I love hydrangeas irl too so I guess that's why, but I find that the leaves on the hydrangeas are a darker, cooler green which also makes me love them. I love the shape of the leaves on holly bushes too!

Same, I love hydrangeas. I hope they have purple and yellow and maybe in-betweeny hydrangeas in the next game. I want my town to look like this:

I like the holly and sweet olives, but have planted a whole bunch of bushes I don't really want to get rid of. When I first started playing, I bought a whole lot of hibiscus bush starts because they were the only ones available to me at the time.

But honestly I just like the bushes when they're not in bloom and they're varying shades of green.
i like pink azaleas. theyre so pretty when they bloom, and they fit in in my zen town.