Favorite animes...

I like Ghost in the Shell, Fullmetal Alchemist and Cowboy Bebop (a lot....)

Yeah, mostly stuff on [AS].

cool, my favorite is either dbz or outlaw star...other ones i like are db, dbgt, one piece, shaman king (i used to like it, but the new episodes aren't that good), yuyu hakusho, and pilot candidate.
outlaw star,
rerouri kenshin (man, i cant spell, this one was my favorite!!!)
........hmm...i have taking somewhat of a liking to naruto.....
thats about it

shadow said:
outlaw star,
rerouri kenshin (man, i cant spell, this one was my favorite!!!)
........hmm...i have taking somewhat of a liking to naruto.....
thats about it

i think it's spelled rorouni kenshin, but i'm not totally sure.
they are animated television programs originating from Japan.
Anyways, the first season of Pokemon wasn't that bad, so noone make fun of it. Feel free to laugh at season 2 to whatever they're at now. I remember my first episode of pokemon-the one where ash caught krabby and he met bill and saw a dragonite at the lighthouse. Also, no jokes about digimon season 1 either.
I watch Inuyasha,Naruto,Gundam Seed,.hck//sign,Witch Hunter Robin and sometimes dragonball GT.
I dunno, I hate anime, though, I did once see one episode of Kenshin and I liked it. But seriosly here in Canada we have basicly NO anime, I wanna see that Naruto show it looked good, Untill I heard Naruto's voice <small><small><small>what a nerd linger</small></small></small>
I was surpise with Naruto boice as well I thought it be a deeper voice but I was wrong. I prefer Sasuke more anyways.
Smash King said:
I was surpise with Naruto boice as well I thought it be a deeper voice but I was wrong. I prefer Sasuke more anyways.
yeah I thought it'd be alot deeper, but it sounds like a 3 year old on helium
I don't really watch anime, but my sister loves it! I read manga though.

Inuyasha is decent...

I did like Digimon Season 4 .... DON'T LAUGH AT MEE!

I don't really watch it often... but I'm kind of nueteral. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't.
Triforce3force said:
I don't really watch anime, but my sister loves it! I read manga though.

Inuyasha is decent...

I did like Digimon Season 4 .... DON'T LAUGH AT MEE!

I don't really watch it often... but I'm kind of nueteral. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't.
... oh... and this isn't really an anime... it isn't... but... <big><big><big><big><big>TEEN TITANS ROCKS!!</big></big></big>
MasterDSX said:
Um... Is Teen Titens or Digimon (LOL) Anime
Digimon yes, Teen Titans, well lets see...It was made by DC comics...not japanese, on to the next, awwww screw it, Its an american made show with WAY overused anime tid-bits