Favorite breakfast foods?


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2021
Friday the 13th Candy
Corrupted Rainbow Candy
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Gastly Halloweaster Egg
Red Christmas Stocking
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Famous Mushroom
Tasty Cake
Matryoshka Doll
If you eat breakfast what are some of your favorite foods to eat for that meal?

Lately for me I've been really enjoying the Pillsbury grands biscuits w/ some butter and scrambled eggs. I love eggs and toast or biscuits w/ butter. Another of my favorite breakfasts is bagels w/ cream cheese. I enjoy a variety of bagels, blueberry, everything bagels, cinnamon raisin, etc. I tend to have fruit/veggie/protein smoothies pretty frequently too. And another top one for me is avocado toast, I just mash up part of an avocado and spread it on toast then put on some lime juice, salt, and sometimes red pepper flakes. :)
I don't usually eat breakfast but I have been more often since 2020. At home it is usually just a scrambled egg which I love, boiled egg, oatmeal, or some dry cereal. Nothing fancy. Sometimes I have turkey bacon I'll eat with my egg.
Now if we go to Ihop when we have a guest, I love getting either french toast or strawberry cheesecake pancakes.
Bagels are pretty good. I had those growing up. I liked the everything bagel and put cream cheese on it.
Usually I just eat eggs and beans with a couple tortillas. I do love French toast with bacon or sausage though! I'm always down to eat anything lol
i usually don't eat breakfast, and i don't consider any food to be just for breakfast anyway lol. that being said, i usually just eat cereal -- dry, since i don't like milk. unfortunately, the cereal i enjoy is expensive, and the difference between name-brand and off-brand is too noticeable for me to go with the cheaper options. i like crunchy nut, frosties, cheerios and multi-grain shapes, but in the past i've also enjoyed cookie crisp, coco pops, chocolate shreddies and some version of the golden nuggets. i also love lucky charms but they're expensive here since they're imported, and i consider them a treat as opposed to something for breakfast.
I don't eat breakfast, but I love breakfast foods and will eat them at other times during the day. Some of my favorites are:

- Bagels with cream cheese. My favorite bagels to keep at home are blueberry or cinnamon raisin, but Panera has a Cinnamon Crunch bagel that is a rare treat.
- French Toast with maple syrup
- Waffles with butter and maple syrup
- Cheese omelettes
I don't usually eat breakfast, but if I do it's usually cereal, if I go out though, I'm getting a Belgium waffle.
I try to make an effort of eating yogurt every day, so my usual breakfast is plain greek yogurt, which I mix with cornflakes and slices of sour apple. At first, I started doing this because I had something similar at a hotel and enjoyed the taste, but after noticing the positive effect on my gut bacteria, I decided it was something I should commit to. I also have a cup of coffee every morning, and on special occasions, I'll also enjoy a croissant!

I used to skip breakfast entirely, but now I look forward to it. ^^
My favorite breakfast is a toasted plain bagel with plain cream cheese! There's a bagel shop in my town that does amazing bagels -- perfectly crunchy outside with a fluffy but chewy inside. I dream about these bagels quite frequently (I actually posted about my bagel dream in a giveaway on this forum a while back, if you want to read!).

I used to make a quick fried rice for breakfast but nowadays I wake up too tired to cook. I now prefer toast + butter or bagel + cream cheese when I'm at home.
i pretty much avoid breakfast like the plague however, i do love breakfast foods (just not first thing in the morning). some of my favorite foods are oatmeal, toast with a touch of butter and jam, waffles, scrambled eggs 🤤 , and acai bowls.
I really don’t like breakfast foods. I’m not a huge fan of eggs, but for some reason, these breakfast bowls are really good. As someone who dislikes eggs, I will eat these eggs.

As for Starbucks drinks, I’ll go for a Mango Dragonfruit in the morning. I don’t like coffee nor will I ever like coffee.

Breakfast is my favorite meal! One of my favorites is veggie sausage, raspberry pancakes, fruit, hashbrowns, and biscuits! As a college student I find it so hard to get out of bed before classes to get food, so I normally stock up on breakfast items back at my dorm so I don't need to get up early to go to the dining hall!
ouuu i could eat breakfast for all meals and snacks :3 my favorites are pancakes, avocado toast (sourdough) with sliced strawberries, balsamic glaze, and a little salt or with tomato slices and a little salt are my favorite ways to make it, chocolate protein shake with oat milk and peanut butter, peanut butter toast/bagel, freshly juiced veggies (my favorite is spinach, green apple, lemon, celery), or if im not very hungry ill just eat a banana or grapefruit (or whatever fruit is available). if i run out of all the good food ill have some oatmeal or a protein bar

when i ate meat and dairy my favorites also included poached egg on sourdough toast with a little salt and pepper, plain bagels with plain cream cheese, cheese blintzes with a lemon/berry sauce (blackberry and raspberry jams are my favorite. just mix with some lemon juice), and toasted bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches/bagels ! still trying to find a good dairy-free cream cheese.. for now i just put peanut butter on my breakfast bagels
I used to not eat breakfast, but recently I realized that I not eating enough was (I think) a big contributor to my anxiety. When I eat more calories in the morning I feel like it helps a lot with work-related stress and generally makes me feel better, so I've started eating breakfast cereal in the morning. When I go out for breakfast or for special occasions, I like pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns, bacon, the whole nine yards lol.
I LOVE BREAKFAST SO MUCHIE. ITS MY FAVORITE MEAL. I never skip it! Everyone seems to skip it though???
I love Avocado Toast, Waffles/Pancakes, French Toast, Eggs, Grits, Cereal, Oatmeal, Toast with Peanut Butter and Banana slices, Yogurt with Strawberries and Blueberries, and so much more! I LOVE CHOOSING IT IN THE MORNING!! SO MANY OPTIONS. Its probably because I am allowed to choose my breakfast while every other meal is by my parents and brother. I do not understand why people dont love it! It fuels your morning!! I am definitely a morning person on that regard I love waking up early!! (I never force myself to stay up and I get sleepy so quickly...)
I used to not eat breakfast, but recently I realized that I not eating enough was (I think) a big contributor to my anxiety. When I eat more calories in the morning I feel like it helps a lot with work-related stress and generally makes me feel better, so I've started eating breakfast cereal in the morning. When I go out for breakfast or for special occasions, I like pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns, bacon, the whole nine yards lol.
I never thought about this. I should make personal notes on this. I have noticed sugar contributes to my anxiety so I cut where I can.
one of my favs is turkey bacon. i don't like regular "crispy" bacon, turkey bacon tastes better to me and i prefer the texture. i overall prefer savory over sweet- one of the reasons why i don't like eating breakfast is because cereal is just too much for my stomach in the morning, all that sugar makes me sick.
i've also started to like bagels more, so thats usually my breakfast if i eat breakfast.
I never thought about this. I should make personal notes on this. I have noticed sugar contributes to my anxiety so I cut where I can.
I never thought about it either until I bought a box of breakfast cereal and started eating it in the mornings, and I felt SO MUCH LESS anxiety in work meetings/just about work in general. Of course I still feel a bit of stress but nowhere near as much, and I couldn’t think of any other lifestyle changes I’d made recently so I’ve just kept doing it and it actually seems like it has helped me. I hadn’t thought about sugar contributing to it, but I might have to try cutting it out myself and see if that helps me even more!
Breakfast is pretty simple for me. I like to eat eggs, bacon, arepas and pancakes on special occasions. Bagels and cream cheese is probably my favourite meal, even though I sparingly eat it for meals. I really like the blueberry and apple cinnamon bagels. Blueberry cream cheese on blueberry bagels is simply heaven. One time I visited a bagel store and they had salmon cream cheese. I thought it was weird that fish would be in a cream cheese but it turned out pretty good. As for drinks, my favourite breakfast drink is hot chocolate. I prefer drinking coffee in the mornings than in any other time of day, so if I'm dead tired I might have coffee with my meal.
i don’t eat breakfast as eating in the morning makes me nauseous (especially if i was woken up and didn’t wake up on my own), but i’ll gladly eat breakfast foods any other time of the day — in fact, i’ve actually been having breakfast for dinner quite a lot lately.

my favourite “i just want my stomach to stop growling” breakfast food is cereal, usually multigrain cheerios or oatmeal, but if i’m actually hungry, my favourites are pancakes (either plain or with chocolate chips), hash browns, eggs (usually scrambled, but i also love them hard-boiled and sunny side up) and sausage. i also enjoy the sausage breakfast sandwiches from mcdonald’s and tim hortons, but i don’t have them very often.
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Let's see... I have lot of my favorite breakfast foods. Pancakes, overnight oats, oatmeal, French toast, breakfast burrito, and so on.