Pokémon Favorite Pokemon Go things


Senior Member
Jun 27, 2016
Red Candy
I don't think I've seen a thread like this, and I wanna talk about pokemon go!!! What are your favorite things in the game? From favorite pokemon caught/ favorite teams/ favorite gym location/pokestop location!!
favorite pokemon caught: machamp, in safeway lol
favorite team: mystic duh
favorite gym location: ok but the gym system is hella busted unless you got lightning reflexes and high cp pokemon you basically get beaten. idk i lose every single time and i just don't completely understand gym battles overall. :p
favorite pokestop location: all

it crashes a hell of a lot though, but sometimes it runs very smoothly. it is kind of a bummer to be catching a pokemon or just walking around close to a good pokemon and it crashes on you, and then it doesn't come back up until 30 minutes later.
i lovelovelove hatching eggs. its my fave.

Mystic is the best team obviously.

My favorite Pokestop so far is the Warner Bros. Water Tower.

Dont have a favorite gym, or a favorite pokemon yet.
I luv the fact that I have a stop at my work! I also luv that me and the kids have gone on day long hunts. It's been fun!!! My fab so far that Ive caught has been Eevee. I've got a bunch of her so I've gotten to evolve her twice now.
The stories about how it's been bringing people together. As with many things, people will also use this for bad and take advantage of others, but it's nice to see that despite that, people are finding a lot of good things because of this game.
Having lovely conversations about it with people who notice your screen that play, too.

And also when a harder-to-find pokemon pops up before the game can even tell you one is nearby !