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Favorite town/character names


Bunny Fanatic
Sep 8, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Timmy Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
Obviously everyone has their preferences for creating towns and mayor names, whether it be your actual name, real locations, completely original and made up or taken from your favorite media (video games, film, books, etc.).

So what does everyone prefer? I like using locations from my favorite books/films/shows. My hubby made up Bunifrey for me (bunny + Gallifrey), so it's actually my favorite. Balamb just because I couldn't come up with anything better for my first town, and since I'm currently re-reading one of my favorite books, my newest town is Gemedet.
When acnl first came out my friends and family all decided we'd do sweet themed town names. We decided we'd all pick our favourite sweet thing and name our town after that so we had:
Pavlova for me, Taffyton for my boyfriend, Hobnob for another friend, Daimton for my dad, Humbug for my mum and Dollyton (as in dolly mix or whatever it's called) for my grandma.
It was a lot of fun, I'd do the same thing again for the next animal crossing :)
Shannon was my first NL town name. I don't personally think it really fit with my town at all but the name itself holds a special place in my heart, so I went with it.

Endicott was a much better name and went well with the town, I'll definitely use the name again, maybe for a character this time. The name is from a song that not only is really catchy but is about a perfect "man," so it would be fitting to name my town Endicott bc it's the ideal place for villagers ;3 ;3

Then there's Aurelie, which goes along with Shannon bc they're both cats I'm really close with, hehe.

I want my next town, whether it'll be for NL or another game, to be something themed. I'm actually thinking of starting a new town called Mamamoo, based on the Kpop group <3

Well, I would base my town names off of movies/shows that I liked, but freakin' character limit ruins that. So, I tend to make them up or take them from random things. They aren't always original...like right now it's Playland, which is probs overused, but whatever. My character's name is Axis, because I got tired of Acid (not the drug, lawl) as a name, and I like the letter X.

It was Jolranch, because of Jolly ranchers. It was going to be Freefall, because of Mountain Man by Crash Kings.

I'm a mess.
My favorite town names currently are Paris, Galifrey like you mentioned, Snowdust, Frost, Spiriton and some others. For mayor names I like classic stuff like Jack, Nathan, Paul and for different ones I like Snowman and Bro. Those are just my opinion.
Both of my towns are named after Pendelton Ward shows xD Ooo from Adventure time, and Glendale from Bravest Warriors. And I like to use a mixture of real names, and silly made up ones. Like my mayor in Glendale has my name while my secondary is Miii (me).
In tend to use fictional names of locations or places from books or films or TV shows that I have good knowledge of such as star wars or harry potter or doctor who or pokemon. I tried using fictional name generators but their all too similar sounding and strange
I always name my character after me! So they always have some variant of my name (first or middle).

Town names are SO HARD for me. I either name my town after my home cite, or in this case, I named it after my University.