Pokémon favorite Ultra Beast/UB?

Favorite UB?

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Talk to me, superstar. What do you want?
Dec 24, 2014
Holiday Candy Cane 2024
Gingerbread House
Crystal Reindeer
Blue Crescent Moon
Pink Crescent Moon
Galaxy Swirl
Orange Crescent Moon
Green Crescent Moon
Holiday Candy Cane 2022
Red Holiday Candle
Matryoshka Doll
Red Christmas Stocking
i didn't play USUM so i only remember the original UBs, unless they all were in the OG sumo then uhhhh... oops.

my personal fave is xurkitree. noodly friend. mans likes to groove and i love him for that.

what's your favorite UB?
Naganadel since it's part Dragon type, and can take care of Fairy types with Poison attacks! :D
Great typing? Poison/Dragon. Yes!
Great design? Obviously yes
It's one of the very few UB designs that I actually like and one of the very few James Turner designs that I like.
Blacephalon is definitely my favorite Ultra Beast. I like clown aesthetics in general, so this otherworldly clown creature that uses its head as a bomb and then regenerates it is cool. The design is really pleasant and colorful, it has the great Ghost/Fire typing, and I like its stats. Just solid.
Xurkitree from a personal preference standpoint but Blacephalon from a design standpoint I think. The clown/head bomb aesthetic got me giggling, reminds me of Buggy D.Clown
Naganadel is my favorite, as I love the dragon types. It’s actually pretty cool looking and has a really awesome color for its shiny form. 😀
Naganadel is my favorite because it has an awesome design and I like its typing. I also like Pheromosa because of how elegant it looks.
Xurkitree from a personal preference standpoint but Blacephalon from a design standpoint I think. The clown/head bomb aesthetic got me giggling, reminds me of Buggy D.Clown

i love xurxitree's design for that reason. it's so goofy.

I chose Blacephalon because it always looked like a funny colorful clown atleast to me lol I love it!! I also really really love Celesteela but Blacephalon best.
Mine is definitely Nihilego. I love the name, the jellyfish appearance, and the parasitism. Poipole is second favourite because it's so darn cute! 😍
Great typing? Poison/Dragon. Yes!
Great design? Obviously yes
It's one of the very few UB designs that I actually like and one of the very few James Turner designs that I like.
I feel so sad for my boy Kartana, my papercut samurai. After thinking about it, I like his animations more and I love Steel types. Naganadel's design is literally perfection, but my heart says Kartana ❤️
Poipole. I even soft reset to get a shiny of him in Ultra Moon. Soft resetting is my least fave way to shiny hunt but it was the only way for Poipole.
I voted for Nihilego because not only do I think it has a cool design, but I also really enjoyed its role in the story for Sun and Moon and its toxic (pun intended!) relationship with Lusamine. It was interesting how she was so obsessed with it to the point she would dress Lillie in its likeness, a small yet highly noteworthy detail. In general, I really like the idea of the Ultra Beasts. They're otherworldly entities that are supposed to represent "alien life-forms" "extraterrestrials" in the Pokémon world, which is why their designs and powers are very out there, even for Pokémon standards. The Ultra Beasts, the characters, island trials/challenge and the overall plot is what makes Sun/Moon really damn good entries in the series.

I don't like how they retconned several elements to the plot in USUM, which is why I skipped those entries. That and they were "supposedly" going to be sequels when really, that wasn't the case...but I do like the attention Necrozma received, as it goes with every "third" title (Suicune/Rayquaza/Giratina etc.)
Mine’s Pheromosa! I love how funky its design is with all the exaggerated shapes, and how it looks like a fashion sketch! Poipole comes in second place, I like how it has the “cute mythical” vibe like mew, celebi, etc. (even though it’s not a mythical itself).