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Favorite Villager Conversations?


Frost Egg Collector
Mar 2, 2018
Sautéed Mushrooms
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Red Pikmin Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Lily
Purple Violet
White Pansy
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
What are some of your favorite things a villager has said to you? It can be from any game in the series.

I remember 2 of my villagers having this conversation in City Folk. I managed to find it online, so I'm able to share it here.

Alfonso "Hey hey, Wolfgang! I just came up with the best idea! We should have a party where we invite everyone we know and all eat stew! It'll be a stew party!"

Wolfgang "It's spring already, and you still want to have a stew party? Well... whatever. Let's live on the edge. Stew party it is!"

Alfonso "Yay! Then it's decided! Oh, I almost forgot! So, what kind of stew should we make? I'm thinking bean, or fish, or veggie, or lentil..."

Wolfgang "You know... If it's going to be stew, then how about mystery stew? Last time I made it, I put pound cake in there! And then someone else threw some fruit punch in. It tasted FOUL, but it sure was funny!"

Alfonso "Um... I think that's a little too adventurous for me."

Alfonso walked away saddened by this interaction. When I tried talking to him, he wanted nothing to do with me. This pure desecration of perfectly good food had shaken Alfonso to his very being, and he would never look at Wolfgang the same way again.
My favorite is when a villager pings just to tell you they appreciate their friendship with you, I'm not sure what exactly triggers it.

Also, not sure if anyone else has this sentiment, but I don't listen in on their conversations.
If it ends up in an argument then they usually make you pick a side, which I'd rather not!
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The best one I've seen:

Mint: Hey, I meant to apologize for calling you a two-faced toad the other day. I didn't mean it. You just caught me at a bad time, ahhhhh!

Curt: WHAT?! Well, then I'm sorry for spreading all those rumors that you eat trash.

Mint: You did WHAT?! Well, in all fairness, I guess I should come clean about launching that bottle rocket into your window last summer. (It was SO fun!)

Curt: YOU did that?! It singed the first 200 pages of my insult thesaurus! For three whole weeks, I couldn't find any synonyms for "doofus"! FINE! I didn't REALLY mean it when I told Phyllis you think she looks clownish.

Mint: So that's why she's always so rude to me! I thought it was just jealousy! Well, remember the other day when I said you looked really dashing? Sorry about that. It was a total lie. You looked like an old boot. Ooh, burn!
I've had a couple of interesting conversations with my villagers lately. Sylvia's moving statement really caught me off guard. I've had a couple of uchi villagers ping me to move, but this is the first time I've seen this text.

Dude, I heard the craziest thing from a friend in another town... They're actually having turf wars! TURF WARS! And I guess things are really heating up! I mean, what do they do? Sling turf at each other? You ever hear of anyone caring that much about turf in this town? I'm thinking we're too sheltered here! I wanna get a piece'a that awesome turf-slinging action while it last. So I'm outta here. I'm moving. I'm leaving this month on the 19th! You'll see me around slinging some turf for practice. But then I'm out.

Then, Mint surprised me with this really sweet sentiment the other day.

If I seemed familiar the first time you met me, it's probably because I used to do a little acting. Oh, they said I'd see my name in lights before long, but I gave it up for the quiet life here in Sakura. Well, I used to think it was fun to dress up and pretend to be someone else. But one day I realized that I'm happiest just being myself. Especially now that I have so many good friends in Sakura... Like you, Mrs. D! I know it's a little corny, but you guys are the best. I'm so happy... I don't think I could even act sad!

I love the conversations the villagers have with each other as well, but I don't often screen shot those, so I can't remember them all.
The best one I've seen:

Mint: Hey, I meant to apologize for calling you a two-faced toad the other day. I didn't mean it. You just caught me at a bad time, ahhhhh!

Curt: WHAT?! Well, then I'm sorry for spreading all those rumors that you eat trash.

Mint: You did WHAT?! Well, in all fairness, I guess I should come clean about launching that bottle rocket into your window last summer. (It was SO fun!)

Curt: YOU did that?! It singed the first 200 pages of my insult thesaurus! For three whole weeks, I couldn't find any synonyms for "doofus"! FINE! I didn't REALLY mean it when I told Phyllis you think she looks clownish.

Mint: So that's why she's always so rude to me! I thought it was just jealousy! Well, remember the other day when I said you looked really dashing? Sorry about that. It was a total lie. You looked like an old boot. Ooh, burn!

This made me chuckle!
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