Favorite villager names?


~A wild Latias appeared!~
Sep 23, 2015
Voodoo Doll
Voodoo Doll
Pumpkin Cupcake
Voodoo Doll
Voodoo Doll
Whats your favorite villager names? This applies throughout all the ac games. I'd have to say ketchup or Nosegay (sorry xD Just sound hilarious)
Just went to look through the character list and hmmm, that's tough.

I have a soft-spot for the very dopey villagers, particularly the ducks- I'm with you on Ketchup, she's adorable and I wish she'd been in other games. :C I also really love Freckles and Derwin. Hippeux makes me laugh, too. Of names I just find pretty I guess Molly, Lolly, Lily, Victoria... I'm partial to girls names.
Chevre, Merry, Pashmina, Pekoe, Portia, Tia & Wolfgang are some of my favourite names.
Teddy, Bambina (spanish name for Diana), Gatom?n (Spanish name for Kid Cat!! it literally means Catman) , Molly, Jacques...
I like Belle, of course. LOL

Seriously, I like these names: Biskit, Chico, Claudia, Cookie, Cupcake, Daisy, Flurry, Fruity, Iggly, Jitters, Lolly, Maddie, Marina, Merry, Nibbles, Olive, Peaches, Peanut, Pippy, Sprinkle, Wendy and Willow
Apollo, Cookie, Drift, Emerald, and Wolfgang. I don't necessarily like all of these villagers, I just adore the names! And they all suit each villager very well. Especially Wolfgang and Apollo.
Pompom and Apollo are my favourite villager names :blush:. I last favourite, however, is Nosegay because that anteater has a nose that is attracted to boys. *shiver*
Lolly, lol. Figures I would like her name but it also reminds me of lollipops and lollipops are good.