Favorite Way to Make Money


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2008
Mine is fishing definently. While fruit makes lots of cash, its boring and continuous and boring.... lol
Me, I just save up my tree money. And sometimes I fish and get some good fish that I sell for a fair amount of bells.
Zakuro 4 Life said:
Everything except Bug-Catching. :D
yes me too. There are barely any bugs in winter...
However, in July on the coconut trees, I'd have to say differently...
It's kinda random, but has the ground changed color yet? I haven't been able to play, and I'm sick of snow.
I would say fruit but my past expiriences have told me differently: fruit picking is boring and fishing is exciting...
mine wood have to be turnips for a gamble wining big or loseing some but most enjoyable way is fishing for the cash..
faller1218 said:
It's kinda random, but has the ground changed color yet? I haven't been able to play, and I'm sick of snow.
The ground changes color on Feb. 25th. I know this because i time traveled.