Features I'd like to see in AC switch


Senior Member
Aug 15, 2018
Red Rose
White Rose
White Tulip
Red Rose
White Rose
Hi guys! I just discovered the Blog Tree, and I think it's a very cool feature! And as you may've guessed, this is my first entry! So in this post I'll be describing how I would like AC Switch to look like (This is just my opinion, and I completely understand if you disagree with something.)

-15 villagers instead of 10

I have a big list of villagers I really like, so it would be very nice if I could have all of them in my town! Or at least a big part of the list.

-More custom design slots

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one struggling with this in NL, when you can have a very limited amount of custom designs. It's very annoying that you need multiple characters if you want to have multiple paths in your town!

-Having dress up parties with your villagers!

I think this is a very fun thing to add into the next game: Dress up parties!
A random villager pings you, and tells you how cool/fun dress up parties are. Then the villager starts thinking, and says 'Wait... Maybe we can have one!'
If you agree, the villager asks you to lead the way to their house. Once you're there, 4 other villagers will show up. There will be 3 judges, and 3 models. Now the actual game starts. There will be a theme (for example: western) and you'll get 1 minute to put a good outfit together. The clothes will be programmed to give you a higher score for how well they match the theme, if that makes sense.
After you're done, the judges will rate your outfit (like I said, on how well your clothes match the theme) and you'll get your score. If you're playing with villagers, their outfit will be randomized. Who gets the highest score, wins the game. The villagers will ping you more often with this when someone is visiting your town, so you can play with real people.

-Option to prevent flowers from Breeding

Sometimes you just don't want your flowers to breed, because it may mess things up. I know you can just remove the flowers, but this would be great for lazy people like me. This should be optional though.

This is all I could think of right now.
Thanks for reading this!