Feeling of Emptiness


86% Sane
May 25, 2015
I only wanted to post this because I want to see if someone has similar feelings.

So no matter how happy I am with my friends I always have an empty feeling in my heart. It sounds really cliche but in terms of relationships I also have this feeling? Does anyone else have it or am I already Insane.
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Sometimes I feel this deep empty feeling, it seems to eat away at my very soul, just so empty, vacuous... it seems to last forever...

Until I eat something.
I think everybody will go through these feelings at one stage of their life as they grow up. I don't know your age or anything, but I believe it happens to a lot of people. As you grow older you may or may not lose the feelings, but try to keep your head up.

If you feel like you'll need help, don't hesitate to find it because if it doesn't get better if might develop into something a little more serious. Assuming you feel it could be depression, or a recent loss. Try to do more things that make you happy, find what makes you feel good.
i only feel like this very rarely & it has to be on a school day, but regardless it still happens, so nah you arent insane
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Its one of the trademarks of Borderline, feeling emptiness. So yeah, I know that feeling all to well. I think in my case it comes from a combination of being invisible for my environment (as in they don`t know who I truly am), in combination with depression and leading a very underwhelming life.

In some ways, I`m even invisible from myself I think. I lost myself long ago due to necessity to adapt to my surroundings, once you stroll of that path to far, its impossible to find yourself back it seems for me.
I feel empty/apathetic a lot of the time, especially when my depression is hitting me harder than usual. Distracting myself from the empty feeling can help, like playing a game or watching a movie.
I don't feel this way at all ever really but I'm really sorry that you do. If you need to talk feel free to PM me.