Giveaway FELICITY the peppy cat is moving!

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Senior Member
Nov 18, 2013
Tasty Cake
New Horizons Token
100% (27) +
Felicity the peppy cat is moving! Free to anyone who wants her :) BUT I DO HOPE SHE IS A DREAMIE and you don't want her just because.

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Huh, and here I thought a ton of people would want her. Will post on ACC if I don't get a reply soon.

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Will also be posting her on ACC.
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She was a big dreamie of mine
But then I had merry and I fell in love with her >:
She was a big dreamie of mine
But then I had merry and I fell in love with her >:

I can honestly say I have never heard of Merry. I actually like the cat villagers a lot more in New Leaf, I think because of the "character redesign". They look better taller XD

Ugh I don't want to post her on ACC
She is great, which is why I was so happy I had her in my campsite one day.
Okies, adding you! Again, thank you so much!

Edit: What is your town name & mayor name? :)

Ah, my town is Palaven and my mayor is Adin :D

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Thanks for picking up Felicity! :D I hope you enjoy her!
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