• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

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Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Senior Member
Dec 15, 2020
Throwback Tickets
White Star Fragment
Pink Star Fragment
Purple Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
White Crescent Moon
Pink Crescent Moon
Purple Crescent Moon
Blue Crescent Moon
Green Crescent Moon

A journal to document the development and adventures on the ever-growing island of Flolagio



🌍 Northern Hemisphere 🌍 - 🍎Apples🍎 - 🌼Cosmos🌼

Once a deserted island with only a few residents and a small shop, Flolagio has grown to a bustling place with multiple amenities and numerous villagers that call the island home, with development allowing every area of the island to become widely accessible to all.


Overview of the current villagers on the island, while most are permanent residents who have lived on the island for a long time others are just enjoying a shorter stay and slice of island life before moving on, allowing Flolagio to frequently welcome new visitors.



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January 15th
Following a long spell away from Flolagio with the exception of certain TBT events which may still decorate the island it was time to finally return and catch up with my long neglected villagers and island life. Having been absent for too many months though, my home had unfortunately become infested by some unwelcome bugs that needed sorting out before I could happily carry on with my day.

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As soon as I'd solved my cockroach problem and was ready to head out and explore the island I was surprised by a knock at the door. Though the timing was as always less then convenient I welcomed Wolfgang into my home for a catch up, after all it had been a long time since we'd seen one another and it was good to find out how he was doing.


Rather awkwardly his visit turned out to be a scheduled meeting of our book club, meaning I had to sheepishly inform him that sadly I had been unable to read our latest novel as I had been too busy sleeping working throughout the last few months. Despite a regularly cranky attitude, Wolfgang took my admission well and happily spent the rest of the visit telling me about the book and all the recent happenings around the island.

Following this catch up I decided to rustle up a quick bite to eat before heading to the islands outdoor bistro for a refreshing glass of freshly made apple juice. Small chance I may've napped in the meantime hence my trip out occurring in the evening but what's half a day between friends.

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A walk around Flolagio during the evening allowed me to witness the surprise event of a meteor shower! Not wanting to miss this rare spectacle I took some time out of my busy day to wish upon a few stars with any luck this will lead to my villagers forgetting that I've ignored them for almost a year. I often find the area around the enchanted forest to be a peaceful area to catch the shooting stars and it did not disappoint on my visit.

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Once I'd made my wishes I continued my trip round the island, picking up some unwanted weeds and digging up the overgrown flowers, before catching up with a few villagers. I made a concerted effort to bring a gift to Ione when visiting as she is the newest resident on the island and as such is the only one who has so far not deemed me worthy of a photo. While she seemed quite happy with my thoughtful gift from my house storage I can't say I was too impressed with the present I received in return.

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Taking the polite option I graciously accepted the gift and thanked Ione before heading off to the plaza to catch one of K.K.'s rare Sunday concerts with some of my more appreciative villagers. Entertained by some great music in the company of close friends, I spent the rest of the evening dancing away to some off K.K.'s top hits before retiring back to my island home for the night to catch up on some much needed sleep.

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January 16th & 17th
Over the next couple of days I spent time ensuring I'd caught up with all my villagers, making them all aware that I had not deserted the island despite what they might've thought. I caught Diana taking a quiet moment out to enjoy reading a book in the orchard, making the most out of the peaceful atmosphere whilst there was no wood chopping or tree shaking occurring.

During my catch ups I discovered from Raymond that unfortunately Vivian was feeling under the weather so I rushed over to her home to deliver some medicine hopefully she hasn't been waiting months for this delivery. She very quickly perked up after her first dose and presented me with a gift to show me how grateful she was - it may be something that I'll never use and will sell straight away but it's the thought that counts!

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While talking to Bill he informed me of his desire to travel and move away from the island and though it is always hard to say goodbye to the villagers that I've grown close to, it is also a good opportunity to welcome new islanders so I decided to let him follow his dreams. I discovered on his last day that he was heading to the circus to become a strongman and had hopes of competing with me in a weightlifting contest which will never happen, I wished him luck on his travels and bid him farewell.

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During a chat with Sherb I had a sudden thought of how I could improve his day and give him the chance to relax so he could forget all about the day of work he once undertook!

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I gifted him some chocolate and encouraged him to visit my place of work before surprising him with his very own holiday home - he dreamt of a theme park which didn't seem very relaxing to me but you do you Sherb. Picking out a nice quiet spot on the island I got to work on his order and presented him with a pastel funfair that also included a cosy home to rest in with plenty of snacks because I know Sherb's real priorities.

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Whilst at work I decided to fulfil another villagers vacation home dreams, this time for a sheep I found loitering on the beach - Muffy - who longed for a renaissance manor. I took note of all her expectations and desires and created a place she'd always dreamt of unfortunately only for holidays though, will have to find your own dream home Muffy!



Following a busy day at the office I returned to the peace of Flolagio, opting for a quiet night in with a good book by the fire before settling down for my favourite pastime - a nice, long sleep!
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January 18th
With Bill moving out and a free spot opening up on the island I decided it was the perfect time to do some island travelling and find the next villager for my island! It can sometimes take a long time trying to find the perfect resident so I planned to just spend the day villager hunting, just had to listen to the morning announcements first...


A rather unexpected turn of events or expected if I spent more time talking to villagers, reading my mail or checking the noticeboard, so now as well as finding a new island member I also needed to find time for a birthday celebration. Deciding to get my priorities straight I grabbed some Nook Miles tickets and headed to the airport, this empty house plot wasn't going to sell itself and Sherb would still be partying into the evening!

I generally like to tell myself that I'm keeping an open mind when villager hunting and am willing to consider anyone but if I'm really honest I was only looking for Sasha or Shino today - there will be other days to be open to other villagers. After a quick catch up with the dodos and the usual long winded check in I begun my island hopping...


Erm... you're great Beau but you lived on my island for months - was it really that forgettable?!


Not who I'm looking for today but one day Puck you'll be invited to the island


My first lazy villager, nice to have a catch up even if he has not idea who I am
After visiting 20 islands with no luck I may've got distracted by the bed when I headed back to the house to grab some more Nook Miles tickets and unfortunately when I left the house again it had somehow turned to the evening. Focusing on the task at hand I planned to head straight to the airport when low and behold...


I spotted a pleasant but very unexpected visitor to the island, you wait ages for a meteor shower and then two come at once! Taking a quick detour to the campsite at the back of the island I had a long overdue catch up with Celeste and found a few moments to wish on some stars on the way.


On my travels I also decided to pop in on another elusive island resident who lives just next to the pumpkin patch, unfortunately I was unable to have a catch up as it seemed she had headed out for the evening and still managed to leave her shower running but I did find a moment to make myself comfy and take a rest by the fire.

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Remembering what I was really supposed to be doing I picked up my next batch of tickets and rushed off back to the dodos. Preparing for a long night of villager hunting I boarded the plane and looked forward to seeing who was waiting on the next island...

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Really? I spent so many previous villager hunts searching for you and now when I'm not looking you finally show up?! As tempting as it was to invite Portia I decided to hold out, even if it meant using 100 more tickets before finding who I really wanted...

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Wow! 22 tickets in and I actually find who I'm looking for, RNG was definitely feeling kind today or at least very sorry for me and my usual lack of quick success on these hunts.
Introducing myself to Shino, I very quickly invited her to come and live on the island - rather then been shocked by my forwardness as you might expect she instead jumped at the chance to move to Flolagio after been asked by someone she met less then a minute ago, what a result! Saying a quick goodbye I rushed back to the plane to get on my with my final visit of the day...

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Been out all day, honestly surprised there's any cake left
Making a quick detour back home to get changed and grab a quick gift yes it's from storage but I did gift him a holiday home yesterday! I then headed straight to the party and spent the rest of the evening celebrating and dancing the night away with Sherb and Wolfgang, a great end to a busy day!


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January 20th
After a successful villager hunt and fun evening celebrating Sherb's birthday I somehow managed to sleep through the following day! When the next morning rolled around I told myself it was time to get back out of the bed and back to enjoying the island, opting to start my day with a quiet walk along the beach to help wake myself up a bit more. While on my stroll I soon stumbled across an old acquaintance washed up on the shoreline and with a bit of nudging I managed to successfully rouse him from his sleep. Despite our interactions been few and far between it was nice to see he still remembered me maybe some of my old villagers could take note and true to form had once again lost his trusty communicator!


Always happy to help a friend in need I agreed to help find the missing phone in the sea, even though it was the middle of winter and the water was freezing! After a couple of unsuccessful dives I eventually found the communicator resting on the seabed and returned it to my very grateful pirate friend who proceeded to promise to send me some great treasure in the post. Though I had actually already found a treasure during my excursion - a visit from my great pal Pascal!


Once I'd warmed up following my quick swim I headed towards the airport, deciding to make a trip to Harv's Island to visit the vendors that resided there. After checking up on what was for sale and getting some furniture customised I opted to end my visit with a quick reading from Katrina. Unfortunately this proved to be a mistake as she questioned my skills as a crafter before informing me of some bad luck coming my way regarding my belongings! Thanking her for her advice, I made a quick dash back to the seaplane to return home.


When I landed safely back on Flolagio it suddenly dawned on me that I'd failed to visit Shino since she'd made the move to the island. Deciding to correct this I made the short walk over to her house and was relieved to notice the lights on, saving me the effort of searching all round the island. Giving a quick knock, I entered the house and was pleased to see that Shino was clearly settling in well, having unpacked she was now rustling up a lovely meal. We got chatting and Shino excitedly told me of her desires for a party, though it sounded like a lot of fun I opted for a quiet evening in and said my goodbyes, returning to the comfort of my house for an early night.

February 1st
Nothing wrong here, nope, I definitely did not take a nice long rest and miss another week exploring the island and interacting with my villagers. If I am been honest though I feel like a few days *may* have passed since I last spoke to anyone else on the island which I'm sure must just be down to busy schedules rather then too much sleep, though to put the other residents minds at ease I decided to spend the day catching up with everyone. Fortunately I was able to make a quick start with this when a knock on the door alerted me to a visitor and I happily welcomed Ione into my home. Rather predictably she gifted me a single peach and began exploring the main room of my house before challenging me to a card game. Overall the visit didn't last long but Ione seemed to enjoy her trip and most importantly didn't seem to notice my lack of interaction recently!

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Following Ione's departure I got to work finding my remaining villagers around the island to see what I'd missed recently and while I'll tell all the residents that there are no favourites, first of was a chat with my best neighbour Fauna. As expected she was disappointed to have not seen me recently but she soon cheered up and excitedly told me about a book she'd just finished which sounded like a good read and potential choice for the next book club meeting!

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After my catch up with Fauna I continued on my trip and surprisingly managed to find everyone else with little difficulty, either mingling around the main square or hanging out in their homes. It was during these subsequent chats that I was reminded about the many talents held by my fellow villagers - from Raymonds dancing that I had to tell everyone about to singing sensation Rosie, the island is practically full of celebrities!

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Speaking of famous faces I soon came across another one lurking near the airport, travelling sales camel Saharah, and despite my disappointment with most previous purchases I still found myself agreeing to buy a new wallpaper and some flooring. Obviously I felt that luck was on my side when I shelled out more precious bells and was once again let down by what I received, though I knew I'd still fall for the sales talk next time too.

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Once I'd visited all my villagers I caught Ione for another chat and the chance to hand over a gift in the hopes of receiving her coveted photo. For some reason my gift was not deemed worthy enough for a picture despite been a whole punnet of peaches yes one might have been the one previously gifted to me but who's really checking, so I made a mental note to pick out a slightly more thoughtful present tomorrow.


Finally to finish of my day I got a few residents together in the plaza for some group stretching, a great session that was enjoyed by all!

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February 4th
Following a couple of busy days, where I was unable to spend time just enjoying the island, I decided to make the most of a relaxing Saturday. Wrapping up warm and heading off into the snow, I started on a stroll around Flolagio to chat with villagers and visit the shops. During my walk I stumbled across a lost pouch on the floor and after a bit of investigation I was able to successfully reunite it with Raymond, he was overjoyed that it had been found and returned to him despite walking straight past it himself.

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On my travels I noticed the lights on in Ione's house and decided to take the opportunity to hand over a gift, today it was going to be a Young Royal Shirt I'd lovingly picked out in the hopes she'd appreciate it more than the fruit. After carefully hand wrapping the present, I headed over to my destination and to my absolute dismay found she already owned the exact same top!


Covering my disappointment by feigning interest in her latest DIY project, I then made the trip home to see what else I could dig out of storage. After a bit of rummaging I came across another top that I decided would be a suitable alternative and returned to Ione's home, handing over the gift, I was quietly optimistic as her face lit up in happiness that today could be the day I finally received her photo. In her gratitude she quickly thrust a gift into my own arms and I was delighted to receive...a Cycling Shirt?! Tomorrow I'm sticking to the good old fruit.


Following my lack of success gaining Ione's photo, I decided to take a little break away from the island and headed down to the boat dock. After a quick chat with Kapp'n I boarded the boat and was treated to some great or not so great music as we began sailing across the sea to our destination. Todays surprise island turned out to be a fall island littered with acorns and a lonely message bottle that held a DIY I already knew, and while there wasn't too much to collect from it I still enjoyed the brief change in season I got to experience.


Once I'd returned to my own snowy island I decided to warm up with some coffee at Brewster's Cafe. As I was enjoying my drink I got chatting to a fellow visitor, Resetti, and learnt about his previous work that he seemed to take great pride in, though to be honest I was suspicious that he could *potentially* have some anger issues.

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Feeling content after my coffee and opting to leave Resetti telling Brewster all his stories of startling poor, unsuspecting people, I made the short trip over to the plaza to finish my day with a song from K.K.. With all the snow today I wasn't too surprised to find that there weren't many attendees but was pleased to see Shino waiting there for her first concert or at least the first one I was around for and happily spent the rest of the evening hanging out with my newest villager and enjoying some chart topping songs by K.K.

February 5th
Turnip day. It's been a long time since I've purchased any turnips and tried my hand at the stalk market so I'd decided that today would be a great day to change that, unfortunately though by the time I left my house I quickly remembered that Daisy Mae and I keep completely different schedules and thus I'd once again missed the turnip boat! Instead, I decided to catch up with some villagers and explore a few sights around the island.

When I reached the plaza I found Vivian out on a walk, stopping for a chat I was very quickly invited round to visit her house, an offer I gladly accepted. While there, Vivian took the chance to tell me about her favourite furnishings as well as suggesting a quick game of higher or lower, which I won, before also gifting me a record of her new top song on my way out.

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Once I'd left Vivian's house I made the short walk through the fruit orchard to the museum to take a look round some of the exhibits, always enjoy popping in when I have some spare time as I often don't have the opportunity to visit. It turned out that today was a popular day to come and see the fishes in the aquarium as I ran into both Wolfgang and Shino, the latter telling me what a great place it would be for a date and I made a mental note to see if anyone around the island had caught her eye.


Following my visit to the museum I grabbed some fruit and wood from the orchard and made a trip to find Ione for another attempt at receiving her photo. Unfortunately the gift I received in return was once again a disappointment, though I do also have more fruit left over from my earlier wood chopping so perhaps a different fruit tomorrow will be better received.

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Finishing off my walk, and before heading back home to complete some chores for the day, I stopped by the small arts and crafts nook along the beach. Situated along the quieter side of the island, I often find this is the perfect place to take some time for myself and complete some relaxing activities, opting today for a bit of clay sculpting whilst enjoying the peaceful views out to sea.

February 9th
After a few days away it was time to check in on the island and see how my villagers were doing, and most importantly try again for Ione's photo. Admittedly, by the time I left my island home it was actually quite late so I ended up having to do a bit of time sorcery so I could catch up with everyone at a more appropriate hour of day.

Just as I was about to leave my house I was stopped by a visit from Vivian, grateful to be invited in she handed me a gift, unsurprisingly another peach, and asked me to play a game of higher or lower must be a favourite of hers. Unfortunately chance was not on my side today so I was unable to win anything but we had a great time anyway and finished of the visit by sitting by the fire and watching some telly, I like to think Vivian enjoyed the show even if she didn't look too impressed!

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Once Vivian had left I headed out for my quick trip round the island and stumbled across two small snowballs outside my front door. On most occasions when I find these I walk straight past them but today I decided that I'd attempt to build the perfect snow person seen as it would be one of my last chances for the season. Rolling them around my front garden for a bit I felt quite confident as I pushed the head onto a very large body but, as usual, I was met by disappointment. Rather then feeling grateful about my hard work, the Snowboy instead admonished my efforts something about a small head so I left him complaining to himself and cheered myself up by listening to a rendition of K.K. Disco by Raymond at the small outdoor reading nook.


Following this I made a quick visit to Nook's Cranny to grab some wrapping paper and made the walk over to Ione's house. Unfortunately, trying to hand over a gift today proved harder then expected as every time I entered into her home Ione decided to take a seat. After a few trips in and out and quick chats, where I decided that Ione could be a great addition to the book club, I finally managed to hand over todays present on my 4th attempt! Sadly the cherries obviously weren't as appreciated as I'd expected, though at least I now know that a book could potentially be the perfect gift.


On my way back home I ran into an impromptu work out session in the plaza so I took the opportunity to spend some time with my villagers by joining in, finishing of my day with a bit of stretching in front of the town hall just a bit out of sync with everyone else.

February 11th
Another day, another attempt at receiving Ione's photo, and after yesterdays chat I was feeling quite optimistic that I'd got the perfect gift this time. Heading out my house I again stumbled across two small snowballs and, feeling my confidence grow, decided to once again attempt the perfect Snowboy. A bit of rolling around later and voila - a success! I was met by great pride and enthusiasm for my efforts, a much more grateful ball of snow compared to yesterday, so maybe luck is on my side today?

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Walking around my island, I managed to catch up with a few of my villagers. Unfazed by the cold winter weather, Rosie and Diana were both taking the opportunity to just relax and enjoy the scenery around the island. Raymond, on the other hand, appeared to be reading about the flowers and excitingly informed me of a potential spectacular sight this evening - will have to make sure I keep an eye out when attending K.K.'s concert this evening!

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Following my chat with Raymond, I spotted Ione in the plaza and headed over to hand her todays gift. It appeared to be well received as her face lit up when she unwrapped the present and she seemed overly enthusiastic as she made plans for where to place her new book stands in her home. After such a great response I was feeling even more optimistic as Ione passed me a gift in return and I happily accepted...a baseball uniform?! It appears that all Ione wants to give me is a new wardrobe. Opting to try my luck for something better, I made the walk over to the museum to find Shino and gift her a new plant for her home which she seemed to be enamoured with, even exclaiming how much she loved the colour, before handing me nothing in return! Apparently some of my villagers are very hard to please.


Taking some time for myself following the present disappointment, I spent the rest of the afternoon resting back at home before making another quick trip out in the evening. Heading to the outdoor pool area at the back of the island, where it was peaceful and quiet, I spent a few minutes just enjoying the beautiful sight in the sky, my first view of the northern lights in months.
Afterwards I made the trip back to the plaza for my usual Saturday evening pastime, enjoying another great concert, along with Fauna and Shino, under the spectacular sky.

February 12th
Note to self; set an alarm if I want turnips, as once again I have left my home too late in the day to catch the turnip bus. It's that or try and get Daisy Mae to work longer which might actually be easier then getting up on time. Instead of stalking the island for potential future turnip profits, I headed to the campsite as Isabelle had informed me of a visitor today. Entering the tent, I introduced myself to Ace and quickly learnt all about his hobbies, only took a quick chat for me to realise that I did not have what it takes to be his rival.


Leaving the campsite, I made the quick walk over to the fruit orchard to pick up todays presents found one of the recipients too before beginning the gift giving. On a rather surprising turn of events, Ione gave me something other than another piece of clothing so maybe this means I'm getting closer to a photo? Shino appeared over the moon about her oranges despite one hitting her on the head and actually have me something in return today, obviously with her been so new to the island it wasn't anything as exciting as a photo but every bit of fruit helps!


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Whilst talking to Shino I spotted a lost item just along the path, questioning her about it led to me quickly discovering that it belonged to Ione. Perhaps this is my lucky day? Returning to Ione's home, I reunited her with her lost bag and full of gratitude for my hard work, she handed me a gift in return. Unfortunately it turned out that my wardrobe currently did not have enough random clothes so Ione had taken it upon herself to again try fixing this.


Opting to take a break from my ever-growing wardrobe and the cold weather of Flolagio, I headed to the airport to reach sunnier climates. It's been a while since I've found time for work Nico was even kind enough to point it out so today seemed like a great opportunity to fix that and grant another villager their dream holiday home. As always, I made a quick run round the beach to listen to all the current requests and settled on designing the perfect place for Punchy. Despite implying on the beach that he wanted a cosy home he still presented me with some rather strange requests cardboard boxes but I always aim to please with these holiday homes so I designed a place where he could enjoy his usual cat activities while also having an area for rest and relaxation, a home Punchy appeared delighted with.


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Following my success at work, I decided to take a break for a few hours to complete some tasks and maybe take a little nap, before taking a small evening stroll around the island. This turned out to be great timing as there was another beautiful show in the night sky tonight, heading to the cliff behind the town hall I was able to appreciate the shooting stars from the flower garden and even managed to make some wishes hopefully this will be good enough for Ione's photo.

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