First siggy. :D


my name is an bye
Feb 21, 2009
Winter Mittens
Yellow Candy
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Well here it is. CC? (Not really a siggy since it's so large but w/e)

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"> V.1


sakura said:
Well here it is. CC? (Not really a siggy since it's so large but w/e)

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
The left C4D looks too random and it takes away from the flow, or lack thereof.
Bacon Boy said:
sakura said:
Well here it is. CC? (Not really a siggy since it's so large but w/e)

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
The left C4D looks too random and it takes away from the flow, or lack thereof.
Okay. :) I'll work on that.
Well if that is really your first like you say it is, that is awesome for a first! Work on flow and depth for next time and just mess around with effects. Use tuts, they're a must of improving your skills.
I really like it! <small>(need to find out how to do those effects... X3)</small>

But text is slightly small... :/
Bacon Boy said:
sakura said:
Bacon Boy said:
I like your avi. We should be avi buddies. *steals yoko*
o3o Orlynao.
]Umm okay. x3 For which one?

@Garret: Whoops. Just saw your post. Here's the render I used.
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
Or did you want the c4ds?
So you got a render, then stuck it on a C4D?
Gnome said:
So you got a render, then stuck it on a C4D?
I used 2 C4d's, and then I added some effects and brushes.
Pretty good for a first, no flow or depth really. Text is wayyyyy to small, I can barely make it out. Love that sparkle C4D though. But yeah, 'tis not very good.

I think it's really good for your first. I just think the size is awkward and other than that just make more and gain more experience.
lilypad said:
I think it's really good for your first. I just think the size is awkward and other than that just make more and gain more experience.
I tried resizing it, looked horrible. I could redo the render, but it wouldn't have the effect.
Since it's your first it's not bad, but honestly i'd say it's about mediocre. Render's grainy, text is bad/too small, Not much flow or depth. 4.5/10. But keep tryin' you'll get better.
Thunderstruck said:
Since it's your first it's not bad, but honestly i'd say it's about mediocre. Render's grainy, text is bad/too small, Not much flow or depth. 4.5/10. But keep tryin' you'll get better.