Hi! I wish there were a way to either stop the timer during the character's "I caught a..." celebration or turn off the celebration completely. Any ideas? All the celebration does is wasting time and gets really annoying.
Nope. Animal Crossing is, was, and always will be a game with as many dialogue boxes for every single interaction as humanly possible. Just mash as fast as you can through the dialogue. Like @bebebese said, fish bait really helps so you can just spam catches in a row instead of hunting for shadows.
yeah unfortunately there's nothing you can do about it. luckily I think I've gotten all the fishing tourney rewards so I only did one round to get the nook mile stamp - but I only managed to catch two fish in the whole 3 minutes x.x
I used the fishing tournament today to get my cast master achievement with 100 fish bait. If you stand by the water on a bit of beach that kind of sticks out into the water, you scatter your bait and the immediately cast, the fish that spawns will react to your cast each time. Saves you the hassle (and time) of lining up a perfect cast. I caught ~7-9 fish each 3-minute period. Timing for this was also good in the Northern Hemisphere because there aren’t many rare or difficult fish to catch in the ocean at the moment.
What I do is jam B as soon as I catch it so the second the celebration is over you can close the message and get back to fishing. It's really annoying, I think they should disable that during fishing rounds and have one big celebration of all the fish you caught when you go back to the plaza. You could easily catch 3 more fish per round if they cut out that dialog.