Now, I understand that lots of people here, UNFORTUNATELY, haven't the slightest idea of what flamenco is or what it's about. Here, you can read up on what flamenco really is.
_________________________________________________General Overview
Flamenco is a song, music and dance style which is rooted in the music of the migrant Roma People or Gitanos as a source of protest and life reconcilation in their life time persecution. Flamenco culture originated in Andalusia (Southern Spain), but has since become one of the icons of Spanish music and even Spanish culture in general due to the marketing of the Spanish Gypsy.
The word Flamenco comes from Hispano-Arabic fellah mengu, "Peasant without Land" or simply "Gypsy". Therefore, it does NOT mean flamingo, to all people that thought that; flamenco may mean flamingo in Spanish, but flamenco isn't a Spanish word!
A flamenco dancer, dressed in a traditional Spanish clothing.
Originally, flamenco consisted of unaccompanied singing (cante). Later the songs were accompanied by flamenco guitar (toque), rhythmic hand clapping ( palmas), rhythmic feet stomping (zapateado) and dance (baile). The toque and baile are also often found without the cante, although the song remains at the heart of the flamenco tradition. More recently other instruments like the caj
_________________________________________________General Overview
Flamenco is a song, music and dance style which is rooted in the music of the migrant Roma People or Gitanos as a source of protest and life reconcilation in their life time persecution. Flamenco culture originated in Andalusia (Southern Spain), but has since become one of the icons of Spanish music and even Spanish culture in general due to the marketing of the Spanish Gypsy.
The word Flamenco comes from Hispano-Arabic fellah mengu, "Peasant without Land" or simply "Gypsy". Therefore, it does NOT mean flamingo, to all people that thought that; flamenco may mean flamingo in Spanish, but flamenco isn't a Spanish word!

A flamenco dancer, dressed in a traditional Spanish clothing.
Originally, flamenco consisted of unaccompanied singing (cante). Later the songs were accompanied by flamenco guitar (toque), rhythmic hand clapping ( palmas), rhythmic feet stomping (zapateado) and dance (baile). The toque and baile are also often found without the cante, although the song remains at the heart of the flamenco tradition. More recently other instruments like the caj