FLICK is here! Sell your bugs :) (CLOSED) (Flick can't sell to other islanders)

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a rodney plonker
Mar 10, 2020
100% (6) +
Sell your bugs for 2x the usual price!


I'll be afk for a few hours working, my gates will close at 1-2pm GMT. Please post in this thread if you've visited! Thanks.

Northern Hemisphere. I don't have Able Sisters yet, but buy anything you like from Nooks.
I have cherries in my town so take some if you need, but please leave some for me as I might need to move trees later.... :)

Would be grateful if anyone could bring roses, mums or cosmos but it's not necessary.

Flick can't sell to other islanders, thanks for telling me! :)
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Howdy! I just visited but I didn't have any luck -- I wasn't able to sell to him unfortunately :(
Howdy! I just visited but I didn't have any luck -- I wasn't able to sell to him unfortunately :(

Oh no! I've never done this before, so they don't accept trades from other islanders? Waah! Thanks for letting me know. I'll stay open a bit longer to see if everyone else can't sell.. that would be a shame. Did he tell you why?
I had the same experience at a friends. People from other islands, as for now, it seems, can't sell to Flick.
i tried to sell to flick on my friend's island, i think he won't sell to people from other islands unfortunately!
Ah that's a shame. Thanks for letting me know! I'll be closing my gates then!
Yeah! I wish he did -- but I do appreciate you opening your island up anyway :3 Thanks!
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