Foreign Flowers?


Photogenic Egg
Mar 10, 2020
SO people have been saying that each person can only get their native flower, plus the two types Timmy and Tommy sell, even from island tours, unless they trade.
But I've gotten a fourth from an island tour and I've never traded. Now I have cosmos (Native), pansies, windflowers and hyacinths.
Does this mean it's just rare to get other types?
I'm not really sure what this means either.
I have cosmos as my natives as well, have purchased windflowers and hyacinths from Nook's.
I received roses from a friend, and then I found tulips and hybrid cosmos on an island.
I can't remember where I got the panseys from, but it wasn't another town. An island, I guess.
I haven't been having any trouble at all finding other flowers. :confused:
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My native flower is pansies and Nook's Cranny sells pansies, tulips and windflowers. I've only encountered pansies and tulips on my island tours.
Nook's Cranny sells lilies (my native), windflowers, and pansies. I've so far only seen lilies and windflowers (only 1-2 times) on tours. But I haven't visited very many islands yet. I'm waiting until I get far enough that villagers start showing up at my islands again, and then I'll probably start spamming visiting them.
i guess it’s still possible to obtain them by ourselves, it’s just a rarer occurrence
Mine only sells windflowers, tulips, hyacinths, cosmos. Thats it. I also only get hyacinth, cosmo, and tulips on island tours. No lilies, roses, or mums in store or island tours. I have yet to see anyone confirm they have them all available in store or on island tours. I do think it's restricted player by player to promote trading. Its dumb imo. Trading for hybrids makes sense, but people not being allowed to have basic flower color seeds in their store feels like an odd choice.
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I haven't seen all of them either, but people were saying it was only possible to get 3 types without trading, island tours or no, but I've gotten 4. 3 I can buy in store and one that I've only gotten on an island tour.
For some reason I had 2 windflowers in my sea of cosmos. I figured they were called windflowers because they spread from the wind haha I didn’t plant them
I haven't seen all of them either, but people were saying it was only possible to get 3 types without trading, island tours or no, but I've gotten 4. 3 I can buy in store and one that I've only gotten on an island tour.

I previously thought it was only 3 too, but after finding wind flowers in my store I think it's 4.. Idk, I hope it's just bad luck finding the others.
So far I have only encounter 4 types. Lilies being my native flower are always available in Nook's Cranny. Tulips show up 9 times out of 10 on island tours and also has been available in Nook's Cranny since I've unlocked it. Pansies are also in stock, but for two days, red and yellow Hyacinths have showed up at the store in place of the pansies.

It's not locked to only 3 for sure, but it might be extremely rare.
Hyacinths are my native flowers.
Nooks sells hyacinths, pansies, and tulips.
After I acquired windflowers through trade, Nooks now sells windflowers occasionally! Haven't seen any others.

Islands only give me hyacinths and tulips.

No idea how it works
Native flower for me is cosmos islands only have pansies or cosmos shop sells tulips pansies and cosmos and I think very rarely it might sell wind flowers as I acquired red and I think orange. I think Tom nook gave me yellow hyacinths in the tutorial section as I got them without trading. After over a dozen island trips I had to trade to get the missing flowers even the hybrid islands may be locked depending on what flowers your save allows you to access though it’s possible an update may change this at some point.