Buying Foreign Fruits, Foreign Flowers


Senior Member
Mar 29, 2020
100% (37) +
Hello everyone! Currently I'm really just looking to collect everything and get my hybrid breeding properly started, so I would therefore like to buy all the fruits and flowers I don't have yet

Fruit-wise, I am still in need of Apples, Oranges and Cherries
I can offer Peaches and Pears in return if you don't have them yet. Otherwise, I would like to buy a 10-stack of each for 10k per fruit!

For flowers, I'm still in need of Mums, Lilies, Roses and Pansies
As I am hybrid-breeding myself, I would like the standard colors only, meaning I'd like to buy a 5-stack of yellow, red and white flowers respectively. Whether you currently have them in stock and would let me buy the seeds, or you want to give me already blooming ones from your island is up to you, I'd still like to give you one Nook Miles Ticket for your troubles :) (or IGB if that's what you prefer)

I hope those are alright pricings and people would still bother to give me these things, I feel like everybody has all the best flowers already and I'm so far behind even though I TT more than enough lmao

Thanks for reading!

I could offer you all the fruits you still need, Roses as well as Mums and Pansies!
If you have Cosmos flowers, I'd love to trade for them. But money and nook miles are also always apprechiated. :)