Buying Found! Bamboo Grass, and Festivale lamps!

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Soon, I will be resting in a field of flowers.
Apr 26, 2014
Apple (Fruit)
Peach (Fruit)
Cherry (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
Father's Day Carnation
Mother's Day Carnation
Red Cosmos
White Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
100% (336) +
Hello, I'm looking for
X1 Bamboo grass
X3 festivale lamps

I can off igb, gold, or nmts.
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Won't be home for about 4 hours, but figured I'd bump if someones interested later on...
Just to let you know, it's not possible to get the Carnations, Nupital Bell and Nupital Doorplates without hacking them in at the moment.

Tomorrow (May 1st) Carnations will be available through Nook Shopping. The Wedding items though become available starting June 1st.
Just to let you know, it's not possible to get the Carnations, Nupital Bell and Nupital Doorplates without hacking them in at the moment.

Tomorrow (May 1st) Carnations will be available through Nook Shopping. The Wedding items though become available starting June 1st.
Thank you for that. I had thought if you time traveled you could order them.
I think i can help you! I have rovers photo and some of the other things. No in game items needed unless you have copper simple panels
I think i can help you! I have rovers photo and some of the other things. No in game items needed unless you have copper simple panels
Well, I don't have them on hand.
But I can order some tomorrow. I already placed my 5 orders in today.
Well, I don't have them on hand.
But I can order some tomorrow. I already placed my 5 orders in today.
Thats ok! it's not required. If you dm a dodo code i can drop off everything ^^
Thats ok! it's not required. If you dm a dodo code i can drop off everything ^^
Thank you so much, I greatly appreciate. I have no problem ordering those panels for you.
And you said no in game, I can offer you some tbt if you'd like.
Thank you so much, I greatly appreciate. I have no problem ordering those panels for you.
And you said no in game, I can offer you some tbt if you'd like.
That's alright!
Hello, I'm looking for
X1 Bamboo grass
X3 festivale lamps

I can off igb, gold, or nmts.
Hi. I have one bamboo grass and 3 festivale lamps (plant version) in blue, rainbow, and purple. I also have some rainbow feathers if you want them in different colors.

Btw, were you able to get all 20 of the natural climbing walls that you were looking for the other day? I managed to catalog that color and can order more if you don't time travel.

You don't have to pay me for the items this time because you paid me a lot last time.:)
Hi. I have one bamboo grass and 3 festivale lamps (plant version) in blue, rainbow, and purple. I also have some rainbow feathers if you want them in different colors.

Btw, were you able to get all 20 of the natural climbing walls that you were looking for the other day? I managed to catalog that color and can order more if you don't time travel.

You don't have to pay me for the items this time because you paid me a lot last time.:)
Yes, I ended up getting the panels, thank you for asking.
I seriously have no problem paying you for these items as well. I promise it's not a big deal and I'm glad to pay.
Yes, I ended up getting the panels, thank you for asking.
I seriously have no problem paying you for these items as well. I promise it's not a big deal and I'm glad to pay.
Ok. I get off work at 9 pm PDT. Will you be available to trade at that time; or should we save it for tomorrow morning?
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