Alright well im bored so i guess ill have a sort of live tutorial for this sig.
Cyber has asked me to make him a fox signature so lets start by choosing a render.
Here are our options.
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Alright lets start off by opening a new document 400x150.
Then open up your render and position it on top in a new layer.
Play around with the positions rotate, even flip if you have to.
Add a gradient background based on two colors from the fox picture.
I just stuck with black and white, seeing how it goes good with just about anything.
Now duplicate your render a few times.
Now on the first Layer with the first fox pic,(first render layer) set it to linear dodge and start a sort of pattern smudge, try to keep it looking good, if u dont like it undo and try again until you're happy.
Now make your next render vissible and do some more smudging, preferably with a different brush, set this one to vivid light.
Activate your next render layer and it should now look something like this.
Now i went back to the first layer we smudged and at the top went to Filter>distort>ripple
and now that layer should look like this.
Then i moved on to the next smudged layer and this time went to
Filter>Distort>Glass, and adjusted the settings to my liking.
After this Erase any smudging that looks bad, and activate all of your render layers, now ur last render at the top which should be untouched is gonna get some brightness and contrast adjustments, sometimes renders are just too faded, blurry and ugly, so adjust to ur liking.
Now for me, i picture fox in space burning up as hes about to enter the earths atmosphere when i see this, so lets scout for some nice earth pictures.
Found these, experiment, flip, rotate, position it to ur liking, try a few, dont just settle for the first one u try.
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Okay now that we made our pick.
Lets turn that picture into a signature shall we.
Start off by deleting the excess from the newly added earth picture.
In this case im deleting everything but the earth.
Now if u notice the earth is missing its atmosphere ish effect so lets add a gradient to give it what it needs. Also take this time to adjust the contrast of the earth layer. To ur liking.
Now were gona give it the fire ish effect, i found this cool picture i will be using for the fire effect.
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Okay now ive set the flames ontop of the picture, now its time to play with positioning.
Also set this layer to screen for the best results.
When erasing over this layer set ur flow to minimum about 10%(eraser flow at the top)
You want to be very very careful.
After you are done erasing what u don't like its time for some gradient maps.
I chose to add 2 black and white gradient maps, afterward i started deleting certain areas in the fire.
After the fire was done, i started deleting parts from fox, like his shoulder plate, knee pad etc, to make it stand out more.
Then i made a new layer above the fire effect layer, and added a deep red photo filter.
This helps give the fire some color, without it being too hard.
I added a few sparks from a previous render.
Then i opened up a C4d image, inverted the colors and added it to the signature to give it a sense of direction.
Afterward i opened up a bubbles c4d, added it to the signature and set it to linear dodge,i went ahead and worked on the background a bit and made it seem like the bubbles wer stars in the back.
Added a border.
Added a final c4d.
Then i went ahead and pressed
Two new layers should have popped up with ur current signature, select the first one, and hide the last one.
On the first layer go to filter>Blur>blur
Then hide this layer and unhide the top layer.
Select ur sharpening tool and were going to manually sharpen certain areas.
Then unhide the layer below it, and on ur top layer start erasing your background, it should become blurry
giving it depth.
Then just add text and COMPLETE!
Cyber has asked me to make him a fox signature so lets start by choosing a render.
Here are our options.
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Alright lets start off by opening a new document 400x150.
Then open up your render and position it on top in a new layer.
Play around with the positions rotate, even flip if you have to.
Add a gradient background based on two colors from the fox picture.
I just stuck with black and white, seeing how it goes good with just about anything.
Now duplicate your render a few times.
Now on the first Layer with the first fox pic,(first render layer) set it to linear dodge and start a sort of pattern smudge, try to keep it looking good, if u dont like it undo and try again until you're happy.
Now make your next render vissible and do some more smudging, preferably with a different brush, set this one to vivid light.
Activate your next render layer and it should now look something like this.
Now i went back to the first layer we smudged and at the top went to Filter>distort>ripple
and now that layer should look like this.
Then i moved on to the next smudged layer and this time went to
Filter>Distort>Glass, and adjusted the settings to my liking.
After this Erase any smudging that looks bad, and activate all of your render layers, now ur last render at the top which should be untouched is gonna get some brightness and contrast adjustments, sometimes renders are just too faded, blurry and ugly, so adjust to ur liking.
Now for me, i picture fox in space burning up as hes about to enter the earths atmosphere when i see this, so lets scout for some nice earth pictures.
Found these, experiment, flip, rotate, position it to ur liking, try a few, dont just settle for the first one u try.
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
Okay now that we made our pick.
Lets turn that picture into a signature shall we.
Start off by deleting the excess from the newly added earth picture.
In this case im deleting everything but the earth.
Now if u notice the earth is missing its atmosphere ish effect so lets add a gradient to give it what it needs. Also take this time to adjust the contrast of the earth layer. To ur liking.
Now were gona give it the fire ish effect, i found this cool picture i will be using for the fire effect.
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
Okay now ive set the flames ontop of the picture, now its time to play with positioning.
Also set this layer to screen for the best results.
When erasing over this layer set ur flow to minimum about 10%(eraser flow at the top)
You want to be very very careful.
After you are done erasing what u don't like its time for some gradient maps.
I chose to add 2 black and white gradient maps, afterward i started deleting certain areas in the fire.
After the fire was done, i started deleting parts from fox, like his shoulder plate, knee pad etc, to make it stand out more.
Then i made a new layer above the fire effect layer, and added a deep red photo filter.
This helps give the fire some color, without it being too hard.
I added a few sparks from a previous render.
Then i opened up a C4d image, inverted the colors and added it to the signature to give it a sense of direction.
Afterward i opened up a bubbles c4d, added it to the signature and set it to linear dodge,i went ahead and worked on the background a bit and made it seem like the bubbles wer stars in the back.
Added a border.
Added a final c4d.
Then i went ahead and pressed
Two new layers should have popped up with ur current signature, select the first one, and hide the last one.
On the first layer go to filter>Blur>blur
Then hide this layer and unhide the top layer.
Select ur sharpening tool and were going to manually sharpen certain areas.
Then unhide the layer below it, and on ur top layer start erasing your background, it should become blurry
giving it depth.
Then just add text and COMPLETE!