Trading Francine is in boxes! LF: Fuschia, Renee, Phoebe, or Hazel + bells


Nov 17, 2013
100% (1) +
Francine is in boxes! I need her gone tonight (in just a few hours)!
The trade I was offered was a bust so I am trying to find an offer for her. I kept her in boxes an extra day but the person who was taking her couldn't TT her offer out in time.

I am looking for Fuchsia, Renee, or Phoebe!
Most interested in Fuchsia or Renee! I can add bells to my offer!

I will also accept Hazel + bells!
And will look at offers of bells only!

She absolutely needs to go out tonight in the next bit. The reason is because I have to start TTing to get someone else out soon!
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Oh darn? Am I guessing that you don't TT villagers out then?
I really can't hold her any longer I've already held her for another day for the bum trade that went no where.

I have to TT Diana out for my friend asap or I would try to hold her longer.
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I don't have a specific number in mind I'm just taking offers since I'm mostly looking for villager offers but I will look at bell offers

Forgot to say current offer was 5 million over on ACNL forum
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On ACNL comm forum there was an offer of 5 million there (this is cross posted to acnl comm faqs...and tumblr)...but in all honesty I am preferring a villager trade to bells.
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Aww D: Well good luck with your villager trade! I hope you find who you are looking for :D
Grrr I really want her but Fuchsia's one stubborn deer -___-

Since I really need her out many slots do you have? If you have one open how about you come over and go ahead and get Fran and then you can keep trying to get Fuchsia to get you a move date and then you can let me know then I can come get her later? Doesn't have to be today or whatnot just whenever you can get her out?

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Please add this code:
Kaida in Midoriko: 3566-2311-6547
I have one slot left, cause Genji decided to move in today c:
Alright, I'll keep working at it, then contact you as soon as she decides to move
its not showing youve added me...please add the one I listed not the one in my sidebar (I have two towns)
I figured it might not as my gates were open before you added my other code.

I reopened try now!

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gates open again! Sorry about her sleeping the first time! ^^;