Radical Dreamer
I need this bun in all my gamessss. If you have her, please let me know! I'll be looking for her myself, of course but any help is amazing!!! ; v ; I want her as original as possible please!!!
I have her in my town, idk when she'll move out but when she does I can sell her to you ^-^
i have francine amiibo card and i can get her for you, will take me just 15 minutes to prep her.
let me know any offer in tbt~
; v ; Ah? I mean she'd have to be in your town and leaving, right? From what I understand, I can't just adopt her if you scan her in unfortunately.
Sorry I'm still learning when it comes to the cards!
I can scan her into my town then force her out using another amiibo card! when I hit max 10 it asks me who I want to kick out, unless they have changed it since I've last played lol
Well shoot, that's interesting to know!! ; v ; OKAY this would be great, I'm really bad at pricing though bc I don't know what's fair and what isn't. > v <;;;
ah thats fine~ let me just figure this out first lol. if anyone else offers feel free to go with them! i need to update my system and stuff first then try to box her.