Fred: The Movie

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I was devastated enough with the announcing of the Fairly Odd Parents movie......
> Directed by Clay Weiner

Excuse me for a minute, but AHAHAHA

So anyway it's not going to effect you anyway and many of the audience will like it.
I remember finding out about this like 1 month ago. I thought it was going to be cool, until I read it was going to be on Nickelodeon.
I would usually rage at this and call it crap and such but I just realized saying "I don't want to watch it" is a calmer, simpler way to go.
See, this is why I don't want to watch TV anymore -- much of what is aired these days is nothing but trash.
Why do you people care?
He makes money from acting like a fggt.
I would act like a stupid 6 year old fggt on TV for that much cash.
Just don't watch it.
And don't be jealous. :L
John Cena as Fred's dad? And I thought the movie couldn't possibly get any worse...
Tom said:

;-; Yogi Bear was fine as a classic.
And the problem is, Dan doesn't sound like Yogi in that voice. Justin sounds like Boo Boo, but it's Yogi Bear. I don't really see this movie's plot going anywhere, because there was no real plot to the series.
Bacon Boy said:
Tom said:

;-; Yogi Bear was fine as a classic.
And the problem is, Dan doesn't sound like Yogi in that voice. Justin sounds like Boo Boo, but it's Yogi Bear. I don't really see this movie's plot going anywhere, because there was no real plot to the series.
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>the game</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">something is going to endanger jellystone park at/after it's xx year anniversary, and yogi bear, after being outcast from the park, will come to rescue the park, saving the day.

the last scene will show him nomming pic a nic baskets with perfect weather, as the camera zooms out from the pic a nic, and focuses more on the clear sky/mountains, then credits roll. or, there will be pic a nic nomming, yogi makes some smart-ass remark about said pic a nic baskets/being smarter than the average bear, and the screen will go black, with credits rolling after someone saying something.</div>

I really want to say that this movie is going to tarnish the reputation yogi bear had/has.. but I don't really recall any of the hannah-barbara cartoons being outstanding, just cartoons. nostalgia goggles, they do something.
FarrenTheRobot said:
Why do you people care?
He makes money from acting like a fggt.
I would act like a stupid 6 year old fggt on TV for that much cash.
Just don't watch it.
And don't be jealous. :L
Doesn't have to try hard
Gets money anyway

Which makes people jealous because:
They have to work hard
They don't get that much money

He doesn't deserve any money, but gets it anyway. And besides, it's annoying, so if you watch it, it's basically getting punched in the face a bunch of times for $9.
And, he gets attention.

Doesn't that just severely piss you off?
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