Free Pokemon


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2005
Yellow Candy
I'm giving up all Pokemon to you, the people, because I decided that my Pokemon are too weak. I'll get the same ones all over again, but train them better, because I skipped some that I shouldn't have. I mean most are 30, and y'know, should be 35 or something by now.

:( Anyway... here is the list.

Male Psyduck - Lv. 23
Female Quagsire - Lv. 25
Female Murkrow - Lv. 21
Japaneese Male Croagunk - lv. 9
Female Happiny - Lv. 9
Female Wooper - Lv. 24
Female Starly - Lv. 3

~ My Team Pokemon ~ (aka. My strongest)

Female Buneary - Lv. 31
Male Noctowl - Lv. 30
Male Misdreavus - Lv. 30
Male Octillery - Lv. 31
Male Torterra - Lv. 35

(Some may have the Arecus Plates attached and misc. items)

They are weak in my eyes so... choose.

Oh yeah YOU MAY ONLY HAVE 1 PER MEMBER EACH DAY. And I probably will only do it today since Im eager to start a new team.

I know these are not the best, but hey, its something.

Please post FC, too, or PM.
I'm on a few other forums and they were all the best grabbed at 5:00 PM.

Torterra, Buneary, Misdreavus and Octillery. Then I got off and deleted them... :\

This can be locked. :s