Freemium Games


Inexperienced Legend
Apr 2, 2016
Throwback Tickets
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
Winter Mittens
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
You've heard of them. Those games that are free initially, but cost a lot proceed. You know, like those games that start out free and easy, but are impossible to get past a certain level without getting an upgrade that costs like $25. And then there's games like the upcoming one Mini Mario & Friends amiibo Challenge. To unlock all the areas/characters, you need 11 amiibo. That doesn't seem like much initially, but the MSRP of a singular amiibo is $12.99. Again, doesn't seem like much initially, right? WRONG! Doing the math, not including tax, to unlock all the areas in this game, you need to spend $142.89. Around $150, for a free game to unlock all the areas. Now you can argue "But Ryan, you can go on eBay and Amazon and get them for cheaper." Well, yes you can. But still, it costs a lot of money, even getting the cheaper ones which you can find like $9.99 at cheapest from what I've seen. And it's not just that game either. Take Clash of Clans for example. Unless you farm, which takes a LONG time, you need to spend hundreds of dollars on gems to upgrade everything. And then there's DLC. To completely finish the game, you need to buy the DLC. To get all the trophies/Mii costumes/ characters/stages in Smash, you need to buy the DLC. To finish everything in games like Fire Emblem Awakening/Fates and Fantasy Life, you need to buy the DLC. Again, you can argue "But Ryan, DLC is optional. You don't need to get it." Yes, this is true.But for some people who want to completely finish the game,, the DLC is required, even if it is just a person's ethics. Now look, I personally don't mind freemium games as much as you may think, but they still wrack my nerves. I can play freemium games, but it's just so annoying when you try to go to a different area in a game and a pop-up says "You cannot access this area. Pay $25 to proceed." Like that just gets annoying after a while. If you took the time out of your day to read this, thank you. Have a good day.