Fresh Start~


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2011
Hello there...

Where do I begin, I'm not exactly a new member (signed up two years ago, I believe), but I can't really say I've done much since then, so feel free to consider me so. I arrived back on this ground after stumbling onto a topic after using a Google search and then decided to sign in. I had noticed that I had a fair amount of bells in my e-wallet so decided to buy myself a username change, distinguish myself as a new person.

With the release of New Leaf having passed, I decided to use this as a chance to finally become active on the forum.

Anyway, personal stuff...I'm Snivy, been playing Animal Crossing for 7-8 years now, started with AC:GC and have progressed my way through the series, been playing New Leaf for just over a month and I am enjoying the change in direction the series has taken.

Hope to see you all around~

PS: In no way, shape or form did the above user purposefully attempt to avoid the obvious "New Leaf" joke when stating his return.

Hopefully because I am still frequently playing New Leaf, I should have a fair bit to talk about.
Welcome back to TBT.Not much changed I guess.Well I wasn't around when you made your account so I dunno if anything changed XD
It doesn't look like much has changed, but I guess you can't really fix something which isn't broken.

Anyway, thanks for the welcome.