Giveaway Freya's 24 Hour MERENGUE Giveaway! (Winner Chosen, sami_spoon)


Pretty in Pink
Jul 5, 2013
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
100% (33) +
(Picture from Tumblr ^.^)​
I've decided to give Merengue away! I know a lot of people love her (for obvious reasons, she's adorable!) and so I decided that I'd make at least one person happy and send her off to a loving home! Below are some rules/regulations ^.^ Please read ALL of them before entering!

1) She must be a dreamie of yours. Now obviously people can lie and I can't do anything about it, but I can at least try. Be honest! If you're just entering to sell her off later, please don't bother. Let her go to someone who really wants her!
2) You must be able to pick her up after the contest closes (the end time will be listed below). I'll hold her for a maximum of three hours afterward, but I'd really like to send her off as soon as possible.
3) Only enter once! I will be looking through thoroughly to be sure that each person enters once. How do I enter, you ask? Just put at the top of your post "ENTER" (bolded, without the quotes). This helps me to see easily who is entering and who is just commenting. C: After that, you're free to chat in the thread all you want.
4) Don't PM me asking for her. Giveaway entries will only be valid when posted in this thread!

This giveaway will end at 2 PM EST on August 19th, which is roughly 24 hours from now. This give people of all time zones a chance to enter! After the time is up I will enter everyone into a random generator to find a winner. If the person who is chosen doesn't respond in three hours I'll randomly generate a new winner.

Good luck ^.^​
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I think I've actually talked to you before about really wanting Merengue in a PM but not sure since I talked to a lot of people about her! She's my main person I want for my town theme! She will never leave my town.
I think I've actually talked to you before about really wanting Merengue in a PM but not sure since I talked to a lot of people about her! She's my main person I want for my town theme! She will never leave my town.

I'm not sure :/ I actually just decided today that I wanted to give her away. Originally I was going to trade her for Marshal but he actually appeared in my campsite today. So, I decided to host a giveaway C:

PS are you entering? I can't tell :p If so, please use the entering format I stated in the original post. ^.^
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Thank you, sami ^.^ Comments like that make giveaways totally worth it <3
I would really like her, but I know a lot of you are literally DYING to get her. So, good luck everyone! ^^;
Thank you, sami ^.^ Comments like that make giveaways totally worth it <3

I'm not going to enter myself, but i must say Freya, it is so kind of you to do this! :D I look forward to having you on the giveaway team, i also have some new ideas for the thread, so P.M or Message me sometime ;D

You are honestly a wonderful person! And i came here also to wish everyone who enters the best of luck! :)

I'm going to be looking out for everyone's dreamies, but for now, i wish everyone all the best~
I'm not going to enter myself, but i must say Freya, it is so kind of you to do this! :D I look forward to having you on the giveaway team, i also have some new ideas for the thread, so P.M or Message me sometime ;D

You are honestly a wonderful person! And i came here also to wish everyone who enters the best of luck! :)

I'm going to be looking out for everyone's dreamies, but for now, i wish everyone all the best~

Thanks so much C: I'm super excited to join the team, and I should be buying my second game tomorrow! So pumped! Anyways I figured this is the least I could do. A lot of my dreamies were given to me for free by kind people, I guess I want to do the same for someone else!

PS the chibis in your siggie are so adorable I can't even handle it x.x
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