Fruit, Pretty Please


Senior Member
Jun 13, 2013
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
100% (51) +
Hi Friends,

Need Oranges, Pears, and Apples. I have Peaches and Cherries for a quick trade. If you need to shop Nook's Cranny is open and Mabel is chilling too.

SW: 3250-1867-2032

Cheers! :)
Hey! I've just added you. I can visit your town and bring you some apples if you like? :)
Thank you so much, Libby. Gate is open. Peaches and cherries are on the left of the airport. X
Hi there, I've added you ^_^ I have oranges, may I come grab some cherries?
Hi! I have apples, pears, cherries and oranges, as well as coconuts. Could I please trade for some peaches? It can be any of those you want/still need or maybe all of them! I can also give some TBT if you don't need them anymore. Peaches are the last fruit I need!
Hi there!

Yes, Pears for peaches please!

I am going to add you. The gate should be open!
Out of everything except for 5 peaches I am saving for Pears. Let you know when the trees grow.