Trading like 500 nook miles ticket is okay, but royal crowns are not okay, I dont get it x)
"Please be aware that we are prohibiting the sales of Royal Crowns and Crowns until further notice. We will also be warning anyone offering exorbitant amounts of bells for any transaction, and repeat offenders will be faced with a suspension. Please see this thread for more information."
Omg totally agree especially when it comes to bidding on villagers and people come out with 200+ nook miles tickets. I really do hope they balance it out in the future. I just feel it’s unfair to many users that don’t time travel.
Yeah if they really wanted to be fair with everyone like they are saying, those trades should be forbidden too. Those amounts are ridiculous.
- The warning header itself.
Also @Lusheta, it's because duping glitch. Royal Crowns and Crowns (and other rare furnitures) were dupable in ver 1.1.0. However, Nook Miles Tickets aren't dupable and the ones being used by others are probably bought from different kinds of people (like through bells and villager trading) and not exactly duped. So...yeah...unfair but people make ways, for some reason.
Yeah even if you can't dupe tickets, its impossible to have that many tickets so early on the game. That amount of tickets are from people who sell them for real money by hacking or cheating. You just have to go take a look on Etsy to see that. Duping Glitch or not its the same in the end if we look at the reasons why they are forbidding royal crowns trades.
Yeah even if you can't dupe tickets, its impossible to have that many tickets so early on the game. That amount of tickets are from people who sell them for real money by hacking or cheating. You just have to go take a look on Etsy to see that. Duping Glitch or not its the same in the end if we look at the reasons why they are forbidding royal crowns trades.
I mean, I could just time travel and use my Amiibos and sell Marshal, Ankha, Lucky etc. for NMT and rack up 500 fast (If I keep on summoning them as they move out for profit since NH has no cycling/voids anymore. )