• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Fujimori and Gracey 5/18-5/19/19


Sleepy Bear
Aug 17, 2018
Throwback Tickets
Ancient Candle
Voodoo Doll
Pumpkin Cupcake
I officially started Gracey this weekend! I'm still thinking about how I'm going to balance running 2 towns, especially while my husband and I are working on our house so we can eventually put it up for sale. But I wanted my second town because I had my idea and I'm going to do it!

I was able to fix my drunken mishap with the zen light by Mayor Kimi's house. It should be there this afternoon. I have to start thinking of other places to put PWPs. I feel like I have a lot of them in my town, but they're all crowded around certain areas. There's a big swathe of open spaces in the upper-middle regions of my town that need to be filled with stuff. Isabelle says my jerk villagers think my town is underdeveloped. :(

I have been putting off building my alts' houses, mostly because It's going to be a pain in the butt. I think it's gonna be around 300k bells each for them and, while I can afford it, I like seeing that number in my savings account grow. I'm gonna be sad taking nearly a million bells out of it. But it has to be done eventually. Might as well get it done now.

I fiiiiiinally got Shampoodle to unlock the eye color machine. Everyone's eyes are the way I want them. Mayor Kimi's eyes are green (she looks like me now!) and Hoichi's eyes are grey (the closest I could get to making him look like the blind monk I modeled him after). I had originally wanted Chiharu's eyes to be brown, but they looked weird when I changed them. So they're back to blue. I think they suit her aesthetic more, anyway. Kagome's eyes were going to stay black, but I changed them to brown on a whim, and I like them much better now.

I have been steadfastly ignoring the island. And you know what? I totally don't feel bad about it! :p I'll go when I have more of my town completed and can actually feel like I'm accomplishing something instead of doing a chore.

I'm going to have to start buying clothes with my alts now. A few of them need mannequins in their homes for what i'm planning, and it really stinks that you can't trade them. Mayor Kimi has like 4 and I don't think she needs any of them. What a waste!

I also forgot to play the Stalk Market this week. I lost a good bit of money because I didn't play as much this week and kept forgetting to check for turnip prices. And then I didn't buy any this week because I overslept. Gonna have to do better next week. But this coming weekend I work both Saturday and Sunday, and I just KNOW my husband is going to want to do more work on the house, so I'm not sure.

That's about all I've got to update you on Fujimori. I didn't play as much because I was busy all weekend and I wanted to set up Gracey.

Edit:Oh! I forgot to mention that I did dream and visit a town!

I went to Dresden (6A00-000F-64F5). It was a well done horror themed town set at night time. You got to wear the clothes of a student in a school. I believe the story is that one of your classmates was bullied so hard that she went insane and killed a bunch of people and then herself. It was a very well-done and well-decorated town. I don't THINK it was hacked either. Sometimes it is hard to tell if it isn't obvious, but there were a few things that made me think it was. Of course, I thought the same about Vista and it turns out it wasn't, so what do I know? Lol. Go visit it if that's your thing!

Set the town up! My native fruit is oranges. I've got Mayor William and the three alts' houses all plotted out so I don't have to worry about squeezing them in when villagers decide to move in. Plus, they'll all have Able Sisters QR machine unlocked at the same time so I won't have to wait around.

What's gonna really suck is that since it was a brand new game, I didn't have a town to sell to Tom Nook. I also don't have PWPs already unlocked, so I'm starting from SCRATCH. I thought I was going to play this town day by day like I do with Fujimori, but now I'm not so sure. I want to skip around so I can earn more money faster by farming fossils, but I'm still flip-flopping on it. Maybe I will buy some bells from someone on the forum so I can have a backlog of stuff and feel more secure about playing day by day.

Anyway, here are my current villagers:
  1. Vic
  2. Pate
  3. Gala
  4. Marcel
  5. Moose
  6. and it looks like Robin will move in today.

Unfortunately, none of these are villagers that I want, lol. I think I'm gonna go for a monochrome black and white theme for my villagers. Here's who I'm thinking of:
  • Mathilda
  • Rolf
  • Rodeo
  • Rhonda
  • Diana
  • Muffy
  • Lucky
  • Gloria
  • Kiki
  • Bella

I suppose I will make a post looking for some of them. Hopefully I can get someone good tonight.

Aside from general money-making and house laying-out, I haven't actually done much in the town. It took a while to get everything set up. I feel like I'm going to struggle a little more building this one, so please encourage for me and root for me!!

That's all for now. Sorry it isn't very exciting. Things are getting hectic at work AND at home, so finding time or energy to play is going to be rough, but I'm going to try! It keeps me sane!