Fun guy incoming, well I hope so :D


~That cool guy~
Aug 12, 2013
Hi yal, I have played Animal Crossing on GCN, DS, (Very little Wii) and now once again obsessed with the 3DS version <3

I am the Mayor of Whim and I like to have fun with my game.
Hello and welcome! I too just recently made an account here but I feel like welcoming others.

It's always nice to hear that others are also obsessed with the game :p. If you need help, fruit, or anything let me know.
Welcome! cx Other than New Leaf/Jump Out, which is your favourite AC version? :)
Hello and welcome to the forums :) hope you enjoy your time on here and yeah, AC can get pretty addicting x3 if you want to chat, some me a message any time and/or if you wanna visit or vice versa. Have fun and see ya around~
I would have to say my favorite version, besides New Leaf, would be the original. So many fond memories of visiting my cousins' towns as well as my brother's via going to their house with my memory card. I spent so much time on that version, so many towns I went through cause I payed off my loan over and over again xD
Welcome to TBT (The Bell Tree) :D
Enjoy your stay and welcome to your newest addiction!