Fung Shui


Retired Staff
Nov 4, 2008
Lump of Coal
Dark Candy
Blue Mote of Flame
Purple Feather
Pink Feather
Blue Feather
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Ancient Lantern
Dusty Scroll
Snow Globe
Does anybody know if fung shui works in the upstairs of your house? No completely pointless posts saying "No" please >_>
i'm pretty sure it does I don't see why it wouldn't. Why are you not getting a good amount of points?
Yetiman15 said:
i'm pretty sure it does I don't see why it wouldn't. Why are you not getting a good amount of points?
Nah, I just recently moved my fung shui furniture upstairs and I don't seem to be getting extra luck anymore. Could just be bad karma though, I suppose. Don't know what i've done for bad karma though xD
It should work. I believe the only part that dosen't get rated is the basement, but that was AC:GC. I don't see why they wouldn't though.....
Carly said:
When can you start putting furniture upstairs? What house expansion stage?
3rd Expansion, I belive

Fung Shiu works in WW I believe though, so it should work on CF
I really wish there were more rooms. I cant get the HRA scores I want without making a house I dont want. Same thing with the golden can...
i got 160,000 points for having like 7 lucky items and a full set (i only have a one story house lol)
Carly said:
When can you start putting furniture upstairs? What house expansion stage?
The forth... First, Second and Third are all ground floor expansions then the upstairs then the basement.