Hi, this is my journal of sorts for my daughters island, of whom I am a resident. We bought her a switch for her birthday in August.
Me and her played new leaf together as well with her as the mayor. The majority of the expansion has been financed by me as kids don't understand the grind. She's happy doing small things and playing around in the pro design app. Early on I commandeered the North East cliffs of the island before we had any terraforming tools. As we have progressed I've been changing things here and there, but I'm trying to leave any open space left for my daughter to chop and change, of the understanding that I get the cliffs to the north. There is another resident on the island, my daughters school friend.
Anyway heres a map and a few shots I took this morning of my "conspiracy room" as my wife called it, after I had my west wing as a holding room with the notice boards and a few other things. Its evolved to what it is today with that theme in mind.
Having a look at the information at hand
Trying to make sense of the puzzle
Formulating a plan
Relaxing after taxing the brain
Ready to head out.
Anyway heres a map and a few shots I took this morning of my "conspiracy room" as my wife called it, after I had my west wing as a holding room with the notice boards and a few other things. Its evolved to what it is today with that theme in mind.
Having a look at the information at hand
Trying to make sense of the puzzle
Formulating a plan
Relaxing after taxing the brain
Ready to head out.