Game Builder Garage


Jun 19, 2019
Has anyone picked up Game Builder Garage yet? I did, it's pretty cool, but Nintendo got stage fright again so you can't just search for new games to play. You have to have a person's builder code or the stage code to download someones project... But maybe they will fix that eventually, like Mario Maker 2. But I thought maybe we could all share our games on here. I didn't see an official thread for it yet tho.
At first, I wasn't too excited about it, but after seeing people's creations, I'm blown away! I didn't realize you could make such complex games with it. I might pick it up down the line if creators keep their momentum. I'd rather get WarioWare for mini games, though. I'm not interested in building.
That you have to go and find game codes outside of the game itself is off putting for me. I tend to put my phone down and ignore it whilst I'm on a game (or close and refrain from opening other things on my PC) because it's distracting and stops me from just enjoying the game. Having to find codes outside of the game is just going to encourage me to not play the game via becoming sidetracked with other things.

I understand to a degree why this might be the case. I feel it's an 'out' for having to deal with the inevitable amount of copyright infringing content that WILL be made with this software...But I would rather just deal with even a half baked in game search system.

The software itself looks cool and I'm sure a lot of fun things will be made with it, but I'm probably going to give a pass just knowing that I'll spend more time on my phone watching unrelated Youtube videos and browsing Dungeons and Dragons related things than actually playing the game.
It's one of those games that I will buy just to collect. The price is low enough that I don't mind buying it just to add to my collection. But, I don't really see myself having any interest in "playing it"...or "using" it...or whatever the proper terminology is. Lol. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised when I do eventually get it. Maybe it's pretty neat.
I got the game yesterday and from what I played, it’s really fun. Though I’m on Level 1 of the main story so I didn’t get far. Playing on a switch Lite, the blueprints are touch screen and it took me bit to realize. I don’t have a keyboard so lol.
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How is it compared to Mario maker?
I wouldn’t know cuz I never played Mario maker, but if I had to guess…You’d be building a actual game instead of a level? Right? Is that how Mario maker works, you build levels? Lol I don’t know.
I wouldn’t know cuz I never played Mario maker, but if I had to guess…You’d be building a actual game instead of a level? Right? Is that how Mario maker works, you build levels? Lol I don’t know.
Yeah, you build levels instead of a game.
I can't believe ... You guys are playing a game where you have to build a garage. Do you want to try it in real life? I've been doing this for the last two months, lol. Maybe that was my problem. I take it as a challenge, although I should take it as a game. By the way, does nobody want to make a carport-building game? I know guys that potential developers can turn to for design advice, haha In this case, I would first try to build a carport in the game to see how it fits around my house. Think, I REALLY NEED THIS GAME.
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