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Games You Regret Buying

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This entire generation is remakes. No wonder everyone is disappointed.

They just need to stop remaking and rereleasing games entirely for a while.

I don't mind the occasional remake or rerelease but a significant amount of recent games have been rereleases or remakes. Almost all my PS2 games have been 'remastered' within the last few years and the N64 library isn't far behind either...
They're not even actual remakes for the most part either, just lazy remasters that give largely the same results as an emulator.

The fact that they're 'remastering' games released not that long ago on last gen consoles has to be some sort of joke between developers...
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All 3 big brand consoles are pure remakes as far as the eye can see. Its weird to think the 3DS really does have the most unique library.
All 3 big brand consoles are pure remakes as far as the eye can see. Its weird to think the 3DS really does have the most unique library.

The 3DS has quite a few remakes itself. Both N64 Zelda games, Starfox 64, Pokemon ORAS, Xenoblade Chronicles (when it releases), Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. I'm not sure if I missed anything but that's it. 6 ain't that many really though compared to other consoles.

Still not as many remakes as the PS3 had in the past few years though. There were about 30 remakes for that at least.
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Harvest Moon: Save the homeland was really lame. I over-paid for it, too : P
and there are also some gbc games, but I bought them all for, like, $4 so it wasn't any big loss
Borderlands, and the 2nd one.

The first because I hated the control and camera so much

The 2nd because their save/progress system was utterly awful. Oh you want to save in the midst of a mission? Tough luck dude you gotta restart it all!
Borderlands is my favorite series so I guess this means we can't be friend anymore.
Borderlands is my favorite series so I guess this means we can't be friend anymore.

Yea, seriously. Borderlands is a good game. Borderlands 2 improved on it in every way and is an amazing game. Haven't played the last one but definitely one of my favorite series' of the last generation.
Borderlands pre-seq isn't as good as the others due to the crappy abilities of the characters.
lol feel free to create one I guess. I won't be participating in it much until I get through the pre-sequel though. :p
Oh man, I've got some...
3DS Games
?Paper Mario Sticker Star (Just plain sucked) mmmm...
?Mario Party Island Tour (Not that much fun)never tried...
?Fire Emblem Awakening (I just didn't like it at all) me neither
?Tomodachi Life (Got boring QUICK) meh...somtimes...
?Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon (Never got into it) I dunno
?Super Mario 3D Land (I sucked at it) me too, it's so...3d and different
?Pilotwings Resort (It's a bad game)don't get me started

DS Games
?Wipeout The Game (Uhhhg) ....
?Carnival Games (It was alright. Coulda saved money)
finished soo quick, not good pics/graphics/thingys

Never try on ds, dolphin life or victorious the game....they are cheap but TOTALLY not worth the ?17 total for pre-owned
The Order. :I

It's the most recent game I've bought and completely regretted it. 60 dollar movie with a total whopping of maybe an hour worth of actual gameplay. I've bought games and regretted it in the past but I can't remember which ones, been a long time.
Borderlands is my favorite series so I guess this means we can't be friend anymore.

Well for me it was waste of money since you had to play for straight hours on the 2nd because saving in the midst of something was pointless because you had to redo it, and the missions were quite long. I usually don't mind hack and slash/mission games but this was just wtf
Mario Gold World Tour for the 3DS. Stupid mechanics. Other Mario Golf games were actually FUN. This one just made it impossible for the sake of making it impossible! It was not up to chance or even skill! It was computer generated difficulty so Bowser would ALWAYS catch up with you no matter HOW WELL you were doing. So if you **** up at the last hole, you're finished. Even GTA V's golfing mechanics were better and they weren't the best because that wasn't the main focus of the game.
Mario Gold World Tour for the 3DS. Stupid mechanics. Other Mario Golf games were actually FUN. This one just made it impossible for the sake of making it impossible! It was not up to chance or even skill! It was computer generated difficulty so Bowser would ALWAYS catch up with you no matter HOW WELL you were doing. So if you **** up at the last hole, you're finished. Even GTA V's golfing mechanics were better and they weren't the best because that wasn't the main focus of the game.

I was so close to buying this game but there was just something about it that made me say no. I didn't like how it didn't have a real rpg or level up system like the GBA game had.

Also didn't like how there was no local same-system multiplayer. It would make perfect sense to have one 3DS and two players alternating shots but you can't even do that. To play locally each person has to have their own 3DS and game.

The last thing that kept me from buying it was the way they did online. They touted it as game where players all over the world would compete in real time tournaments. Yea for about a month and half before people get bored and leave. :mad: I knew the online wouldn't sustain for that long.

Not to mention the way they did tournaments, where people could replay it as much they wanted to. This lead to some ridiculously low and broken scores that killed whatever appeal the online would've offered to begin with.

Sorry you had bad experiences with this game. I wish Nintendo could have given us a decent Mario Golf game this generation. Maybe we'll get one on the Wii U. (fingers crossed)
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