yeah uh
can we have screencaps?
lol way to spoil it! jk but thats awesome, nice find!
There's also around another 26 items to be unlocked with the happy home challenges, not including these items. They're in the data mine set as boxes (which if you visit a house with the giant cake or candy house in without your SD card in your 3DS they appeear as the same boxes. ;D)
View attachment 153603
There's a load of different size items like this from the data mine files. But we need someone to remine the files now the update has been and I haven't seen anyone do it to find out what items will be in future competitions. s:
FTR all these amiibo items were in the data mine files from the start. The 3DS item is even used as the furniture icon on spriters-resource.
I'd really like those items for making a convention room or video game store. I really hope they don't lock them down to amiibos. :/
You know what's funny is a few days ago, before this spoiler was leaked, since I couldn't find anyone here that knew where I could get those shelf items on the bottom of the sprite sheet, I was going to message you on your tumblr and ask you if you knew who unlocked them; I didn't because I didn't know how to describe (since I can't send links in the ask part of your tumblr) what the item.
This is exciting to see; now to try to be patient and wait for some official news about the items.
When I put in the project number in the OP, it says "no projects found"...