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Giveaway Garden Kit Giveaway! (Golden Can, Roses, Blue Roses, Carnations, etc!)


Senior Member
Jul 21, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Silver Super Mailbox
100% (82) +
This forum has been very good and helpful to me, so I have decided to give back! I really enjoy gardening in the game, and I want to give the chance to other people to love it as well!
That's why I'm giving away a Gardening Kit which includes the following:

Golden Water Can
Silver Shovel
Axes x2
Fertilizer x2
Gold Roses x4 (donated by Nattata-talie)
Blue Roses x2
Black Roses x2
Red Carnations x2
Purple Roses x2
Orange Pansies x2
Bamboo Shoots x5
Persimmon x1

Please do not enter if you already have any of these items. Give someone who doesn't a chance to get these.

All you have to do is give a one sentence explanation as to why you need these and how it'll help you. A plus would also be your favorite flower in the game and why!

Giveaway ends at 5:00 PM EST tomorrow on Sunday, August 11th!

Have fun! :)
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Omigoodness. Thanks so much for doing this! And, as for me, half the time I'm in my town, I am gardening and planting a bunch of flowers for getting a perfect town. Unfortunately, I don't have that right now. And, the Golden Can would help with watering, we all know how watering goes with a regular watering can. All I would really want is the Golden Can. And, I absolutely love Blue Roses. I love the color blue and the roses in New Leaf are stunning. Thanks again for doing this! Your generosity is greatly appreciated! :D
I would LOVE to win this because it is the perfect kit to start anyone off when it comes to hybrid flower growing! I have not been playing the game long enough to get these items yet but this would help me so much! My favorite flower is the Red Carnations because you receive them on fathers day which reminds me on how much I love my Papa... ^_^
omg this is amazing and would be so awesome ;; I want to make a beautiful community garden in my town but i dont really have any hybrids ;; I love the gardening aspect of this game but ive always been so bad at it, a golden can and these awesome flowers would help out so much. The hybrids would be awesome to breed more with, and do giveaways with (just like you!) because I would want to give back just like your are, i think its really cool :)

hmm my favourite flower... Well i guess it would be orange pansies, I love how they have a gradient and are full of colours from red, orange to yellow! These would really suit the garden outside my house because i have a red roof ^-^ But i dont have any yet ;;

thanks for doing this giveaway you are so nice ;;;;;
I would be so happy to win this because my town is in great need of organization and a bit more exotic flowers, like the ones you are selling and I have lots of flowers i water everyday and there are soooo many trees and the blue rose is my absolute favorite flower and with all of these i could really improve my towns environment and make me and my villagers more happy UwU.
I just restarted my town yesterday cause someone destroyed it :(
I'm starting again and I'm having bad luck in getting hybrids, this is a big help. Getting the Garden Kit would be so awesome. It'll help a lot, it will make my town more unique, beautiful and make my villagers somewhat happy! I also like gardening but I can't start properly cause of missing equipment (like an axe and a decent watering can) :D

I like Blue and Purple roses cause they're my favourite flower and colour!
Roses + Favourite colours = PERFECT ;)
Enter away, people! Here's your chance to get the ultimate Gardening Kit for free!

- - - Post Merge - - -

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I'm entering because my goal is to have the most kawaii town, like those crazy perfect and beautiful towns you can visit via Dream Suite. Right now I'm strugglin' with ill placed villagers *cough* Rodeo *cough* and lack of hybrids.
My favorite flower is definitely the orange rose. It was my first hybrid success, so it holds a special place! However, the pink rose holds a close second.
I would love to win this give away because I only have one of those items and as a gardening fanatic in New Leaf, it would really make me happy and would make my town more beautiful. :)

(She said one sentence! ;D )
okay, one sentence :3
i would absolutely love to have these flowers; they would make my small town perfection, by adding just a small bit of colour and vibrance - which is exactly what i have always wanted in my town, and this giveaway will hopefully help me realise that dream.
I probably won't win but worth a shot :p I envy those towns in which I visit in dream suite with beautiful gardens *-* people sell carnations for 100-200k which I don't have enough for :( I have a ton of flowers which I'm trying to get hybrids out of but hybrids need watering and it takes me ages to water all of my flowers because I have the normal can because some of my flowers were donated by a kind friend. I'm also trying to get a rainbow rose thing around my fountain (which doesn't exist yet because I'm too broke). If I get enough hybrids I can do a giveaway to help some people out who don't have a lot of bells like me because its really nice ^_^ I want the silver axe as well because I heard it produces special stumps ;o

I think the axes will be helpful as well as I'm trying to do a path and I planted all my trees random :( I also love how people do flowers all around their paths ^^

Good luck everyone :3

EDIT: Oops it double posted! I'm on my phone so I didn't realise it was so long... Uh oh
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Wow! What an amazing give away!

I feel that it would be amazing if I won this bundle because it would be my first gold roses, blue roses, purple roses, silver axe, and red carnations! My favorite flower in the game... Probably the black roses. Something mysterious about the way they look...
Nuuu I forgot to join...

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WEll its worth a shot I think that I should earn this because I want to remodel my town. I would like to use these beautiful flowers to make the town shine bright like a diamond XD. My favorite flower is Gold Rose because it has rarity to it and just looks great.
Has the winner been announced yet? :D I may have missed something

- sorry if im not being patient I'm just excited :p